What's The First Thing You'll Do When You Get Half-Life 2?

no not really ... but welcome to the forums ... good luck fitting in :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Ownzed said:
I'm going to stare at the box with a huge glow in my eyes for about 5 minutes then finally pop in the game and enjoy it with all I have! :)
you could just save some time by staring at the box while its installing, right?
i think i will install it and run the intro over and over untill my pants are encrusted with semen. then do what Hunter S. Thompson suggests doing before reading Fear and loathing...

" take one of those 1.5 ft. long syringes (like the ones they use for inseminating cows) fill the bastard with tequila and inject it directly into the stomach via the naval, the resulting effect will be a 4 hour long stupor long enough to read the entire book cover to cover"

i will probably have to do this a few times untill i finish the game.
hopefully this way i wont remember most of it and can play it for the first time OVER AND OVER AND OVER!! :rolling:
Close, lock-no, WELD the door shut, scream at anyone who knocks, kill the cat if he tries to come in, play the intro until the image of g-man is inprinted on my eyelids and then keep playing till my eyebolls bleed.
I'll be straight forward here... I'll play it... If it comes out on a day when I have school, I will take the day off school!
rammstein said:
I'll be straight forward here... I'll play it... If it comes out on a day when I have school, I will take the day off school!
me too.
bizzy420 YOU DA MAN!!
pretty much going to do the same.
only difference is I will be waiting to finish DLing through steam as opposed to opening package,installing etc
I'll play it the minute it is released. Even if that means getting up in the middle of the night. After that it's the usual goosebumps on my arse while playing a magnificent game
ZeroCoolX said:
I personally will sit in a small room...and cry for about an hour...an hour of pure and utter joy

and then go play until i pass out from hunger/thirst...

Post Your Thoughts

I'll play it like any other game...
i got it all planned out....

(1) tell all my friends :cool:
(2) take a shower, make self fresh (in preperation for a long period of gaming) :O
(3) get a 6 pack of mountain dew, barq's root beer and pepsi :thumbs:
(4) install (stare at box in meantime :cheese: )
(5) defrag hard drive (for extra performance) :p
(6) spend 10 minutes setting perfect video settings for maximum FPS :|
(7) play until 4am or so (I can't pull all-nighter, i have morning classes :sleep: )

EDIT : as for what im gonna do just BEFORE i buy the game, I reference you all to this link ==> http://nytmarezz.sytes.net/index_detail.php?id=49
Hoping it gets released on one of my days off and spend ALL day playing it :D w00t!
I'm going to wait until I can get HL:S, and then play both of them in a row, without stopping, except for bathroombreaks, munchies, and caffine pills. I will go to the store, buy one of each copy, and hermetically seal them in lexan, and bury them in my backyard, inside a 4 ton safe, in my bomb shelter, so that when the world comes to an end, i'll still be playing.
I will install it, load it, then commit suicide by slicing off my genitals and stuffing them down my own throat - BECAUSE MY LAPTOP CAN'T RUN IT!

bizzy420 said:
1: install
2: get stoned
5: get stoned

Drugs are bad, by-the-way.
guinny said:

Hell yeah! Thank you Zero :thumbs:
Put the dvd in the player, start the installation process, walk downstairs, make an Italian omelette , eat the omelette watching the install process, wash my hands and play the game for a hour. Then have dinner with my girlfriend.
Clavius said:
Put the dvd in the player, start the installation process, walk downstairs, make an Italian omelette , eat the omelette watching the install process, wash my hands and play the game for a hour. Then have dinner with my girlfriend.

That is a good way to play it, Are you Italian?
rammstein said:
That is a good way to play it, Are you Italian?
No I'm dutch actually, but i've worked in Italy for half a year and fell in love with the Italian Cuisine.
Because I'm a robot, I'll scan the disc with laser-beams in my 'eyeballs' and write it to my 10 trillion terabyte hard-drive. I will then register through the primative steam executable with my antenna and execute hl2.exe the moment it becomes available.

*Power cells depleted. Communication terminated.*
I´ll probably wait until I have a lot of free time (like maybe the weekend), then sit and read the manual and get familiar with the idea of finally owning Half-Life 2, and then I´ll start playing.
I'll launch Steam, activate my locked copy, and start playing. And stop when I have to goto bed :(
Personally, the first thing I'm going to do is either open the box or click 'Unlock Half-Life 2'. Depends how I get it.
phone in sick..

lock the doors and windows..

chuck the cats and dogs out..

throw my creditcard at my mrs and open the front door for her!
turn off my mobile..

take the phone off the hook after ordering a PIZZA!

then i will play burnout 3 for a few hours on x-box live.

(just kiddin about burnout)

i then suspect i will end up browsing the net and ordering a new motherboard, a big monster prosessor, new graphics card har har! :bounce:
install game.
take mdma.
run around city 17 trying to hug everybody.
ill download off steam, then scream like a schoolgirl being raped until my legs fall off

*ahem* Sorry about that peeps, just been having issues with Nortin Internet Security :p.

Since I'll be getting it via Steam I expect that I'll be sleeping when it's released, as is usually the case. I say again, worldwide releases should use UTC. The fact that it is the same as GMT is merely consequential! :devil: