What's the G-Man's rank?

Jun 30, 2003
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Just wondering. Is he like a CEO or is his position is like a janitor compared to the Administrator?
i always imagined him kinda like the smoking man from the xfiles. there are others that are of equal rank, yet he has much power to pull strings because hes smarter than the rest.

His rank is the same as mine.
Tredoslop said:
I thought the admin was a different person?

The admin is a different person. There is no reference to the G-man in the introduction letter.

As for his position, I would venture that he's a go between. A liason.
Dead-Inside said:
omg... 16.83 acc. No wonder you're "1337". You suck.

lol. bust

I always thought of the G-Man as the administrator..but I'm apparently beside myself with incorrect answers!
Tredoslop said:
Just wondering. Is he like a CEO or is his position is like a janitor compared to the Administrator?

What makes you think that G-man is working for Breen? And what makes you think that he has a rank of some kind?
I say he has carte blanche (always wanted to use that in a sentence) as far as Black Mesa is/was concerned. Charged with whatever task the administrator gave him he could do whatever he wanted to get it done.
jonbob said:
I say he has carte blanche (always wanted to use that in a sentence) as far as Black Mesa is/was concerned. Charged with whatever task the administrator gave him he could do whatever he wanted to get it done.
Yeah, I reckon that, although he does have his employers and orders, he doesn't take sh*t from anyone. He doesn't seem the subservient type.
I've always thought of the G-man, in all his capacities, as the Cancerman of Half-Life.
the G-man is one of the gods of xen..........underworld god i think............... :cheers:
What does the Administrator in HL2(Dr. Breen) has to do with the Administrator in Black Mesa?
We have been told by Gabe that they are the same person I believe. Well G-man did order the bombing on black mesa so he must have some power, but the true question is How did Breen go from Black mesa admin to Hitler 2.0
He seems like one of those guys that don't even have a rank because they are too powerful and aren't involved or anything. I think he had no interest in the experiment at Black Mesa, just an interest in you, and he didn't even belong to the facility, he's from somewhere else...
He's probably just one of those mystery chatacters that were put in just for the sake of having a mystery character. They probably just tossed him in the game and made up why he was there later.

his position probably was made up later, but i agree that he is probably a go-between kinda guy, but mysterious like the cigarette-smoking man on the x files.
I have a theory that I should spoilerize. And I will probably not discuss this further myself, since I hate spoilers and will not read them. I'll leave it up to you.

I think that the G-man is Gordon himself, but an older Gordon. Shave his beard, make him older, comb his hair back, lose the glasses... violá! G-man! The eyes are, as I can see, identical.

Anyway, just a theory.
I think he is one of gordons split personalitys. gordon makes up the g-man to make his life more interesting, alyx is made up too becuase he is a womenless mute who has pyscho depression problems and bi-polar disease.
I don't think he's from earth actually, or, he could be, but let me explain. He is beyond the Government, and beyond Area 51. He could be part of an organization, or just an individual that has a role or a job to do, but we don't know what that is, all we know is that he's interested in Gordon Freeman and is using him as some kind of tool for his plan, but what plan is that? We will find out. I kind of see him as a "protector of the univerese" kind of guy, I don't think he's evil. I think he's using Gordon to rid of the aliens or something of that sort.
If most of you would actually go to the rumor and speculation, you would learn that Breen was the so called admin of BMRF, and somehow got hold of C17.
As for the G-man, I honestly dont think he has much do with being an alien, or a future gordon himself. Its the Hl1 pics you should really consider when making that kind of theory. The g-man, i beleive, is actually human, he is from the some secret "U.S" government organization, like the smoking man from x-files, and yes i did watch that show. G-man is nothing but gordons puppet master, along with a few other choice selected people, ex. black ops, ordered nuke of BMRF.
Im tired, dead, no more from me on this matter, just we'll just have to wait for HL2 for any more clues on G-man, honestly i think we'll learn who he is and what the hell is actually going on in HL3!
I think there are G-men... (what is the matrix?)
they are ruled by a higher rank yes.

hmm. ..



I Loled.. forgot that one..
I always thought he was nothing more than a messenger. Just some guy that was trained to do simple tasks and then leave. Look at the way he speaks... I think he sounds like a translator.

At the end of Half-Life, he talks about his "employers" being interested in Gordon's abilities. I think it would be more interesting if the G-Man was no greater than Gordon, Barney, and the rest. Just a pawn in a big game of chess...

Think about what the G-man is seen doing all throughout Half-Life and even the expansions. He is seen talking to scientists and other personel (delivering messages or giving orders?). He appears for a short period to survey the situation, and then a portal opens and he leaves.

That raises another of the many questions surrounding the G-Man conspiracy -can he open portals, or are they summoned from a higher power.

G-Man the Powerful, or G-Man the Pawn? (I really want to find out now!!)
Good theory, but we're missing something... Who's employing him? The government? A higher group? Possibly (and this is all speculation) a group that knew of the aliens before, came into conflict with them, and needed them wiped out at black mesa? Who knows...
it woudl be funny if instead of gman telling you what to do he ends up needing you services and asking you politely to do the job.
punjabpolice said:
it woudl be funny if instead of gman telling you what to do he ends up needing you services and asking you politely to do the job.

you dirty, dirty man! i dont think gman swings that way
omg ronin posted.

ya i hate to compare the xfiles guy to gman, it just doesnt have the same feel in my opinon anyway, gman seems more corporate.
Who knows, with the advanced models and facial textures we might actually get to see him look worried, or, worry about something, maybe fear? I think a "messenger" best suits what he really is now that it's mentioned. I really want to know the first task he's going to give you...
Mr.Awesome said:
his position probably was made up later, but i agree that he is probably a go-between kinda guy, but mysterious like the cigarette-smoking man on the x files.
Yep. The Cancer-man.
I mean to say he's corporate and all, but his mysteriousness is equal or superior to that of the cig-smokin man on the x files. Or at least that's what i think.
This is a waraning, anyone else says G-man is the administrator, and I will beat you with a hearing. THE ADMIN IS BREEN