What's the longest time you've left your com on?

I leave mine on for days/weeks at a time, mainly because I'm always downloading something, compiling something or rendering something. It also serves as a heater for my room, which is always far too cold (it performs well). I work on it all day, so I setup certain antivirus/spyware programs to do their maintenance during the night. The longest I’ve left it on in one go would be about six weeks or so.
Under a day, too noisy, wastes electricity. I've never met anyone who keeps theres on for long periods of times, the start-up time for this computer is hardly anything (compared to my other computer, which I'd keep on if it didnt get slower the longer it was on) so I dont see a benefit of keeping it on all the time. Unless your downloading a huge file.
I never turn it off, but I usually restart a few times a day, I just leave a screensaver on it.
Joims said:
:naughty: you can turn your webcam of you know
Speaking of... ;-)
Who wants free Ikerous porn :O
<- Nothing more exiciting than watching me sit here.
Ikerous said:
Speaking of... ;-)
Who wants free Ikerous porn :O
<- Nothing more exiciting than watching me sit here.

So THIS is the famous Ikerous! :D

Sexeh! :D
Ikerous said:
I'm being watched ^_^
Thats both neat.. and creepy..

Yes, but I've been watching you since long before this. Look out your window more often....

People, unless you have a power generator or your goverment is rationing electricity, turn your comp off.
I'm leaving it overnight from time to time when dling something. Mostly I turn it off for the night though. There's no purpose of having it on when it's not doing anything apart from making noise.
I turn it off every night. The only time I leave it on is I wanna download something big overnight.
Turn mine off everynight longet ive left it on is prolly 48hrs there abouts.
Once mine was on for two months straight. Even I don't know why.
I leave it on over night on weekends because I am either downloading something, or listening to internet radio while I sleep. (I can't sleep when it's silent)

I've had my computer on max a week once. The longest time during the school year is about 3 days. (Friday Saturday Sunday) I turn it off every night during the school week.
It's been about a month since my last shutdown, and that's only because something got borked. :|
JunkieXL said:
It's been about a month since my last shutdown, and that's only because something got borked. :|

People like you need their electricity rationed by the goverment.

(no offence but you are wasting your country's resources)
wow you people let the PC on all that time?
15357 said:
People like you need their electricity rationed by the goverment.

(no offence but you are wasting your country's resources)

How do you know he doesn't need the PC for his own purposes? I for one leave my PC on all the time now, simply because during the day I'm on it non-stop working, and during the night it runs through it's matinence routine while rendering, compiling or downloading something. I would do that during the day, but I'd spend more time tinkering with defrag/antivirus/spyware programs while juggling a render, some sort of massive compile and tons of little downloads than I would doing work.
qckbeam said:
How do you know he doesn't need the PC for his own purposes? I for one leave my PC on all the time now, simply because during the day I'm on it non-stop working, and during the night it runs through it's matinence routine while rendering, compiling or downloading something. I would do that during the day, but I'd spend more time tinkering with defrag/antivirus/spyware programs while juggling a render, some sort of massive compile and tons of little downloads than I would doing work.

i meant if he was just having it on for no reason..

not dling or defraging.
Weeks and weeks... usually for slow torrents. I turned it off last night and my ears rang... its odd hearing silence for once.
10 days.... minus 7, plus 3, divided by 2, minus 1.

There ya go! :D
for some reason my comp takes ages to boot up. So i leave it on. Besides, i listen to music overnight and really how much electricity can it really waste
Actually your computer doesn't use too much electricity, it's your monitor that uses the most electricity.
I've got into the habit of playing music overnight actually :O Surprisingly it lets me sleep really well, and gives me interesting dreams
oldagerocker said:
Weeks and weeks... usually for slow torrents. I turned it off last night and my ears rang... its odd hearing silence for once.
I should be worried that I know the feeling :|
Farrowlesparrow said:
I've got into the habit of playing music overnight actually :O Surprisingly it lets me sleep really well, and gives me interesting dreams

Used to do that; the fan noise ended up pissing me off tho', so no more Ben Harper at bedtime for me.
Well first off...theres alot of cache build up..reboots are good for the system...I've done like 12 or 13 days on XP Pro Sp2. I gotta screenshot of it somewhere
MaxiKana said:
Actually your computer doesn't use too much electricity, it's your monitor that uses the most electricity.

I just used this to see how many Watts my PC uses. It comes up to 339 (it's not acurate but it gives you the general amount). A monitor uses like 60-80 Watts (17 Inch CRT).
uneed it in KwH :P

ill work it out soon as i rember how, im so gunan fail physics:P

ok, my recomended is 300W soo Energy used = power of appliance x number of hours used

however i would liek to point out this is not taking into account the power used when converting the voltages, ( eg heat lost to transformer.... )

300 x 24 = 7200 wh or 72 KwH's

you can then use this to find out how much it costs you, by finding out the price per Kwh you pay for electricity,( varies )

i would like to point out that no one in this thread stated that electricity is cheaper at night anyways :)
:) About 3 days straight, I was downloading stuff!