What's the longest you've gone without sleep?

30-36 hours probably. I want to say 48 but I don't think that'd be factual.
I'm probably somewhere around 24 hours. Maybe only 22. I don't really do all-nighters. Last one was when I had a plane flight at 7 AM and had to take the 4:25 AM bus to the airport. Knew that would mean waking up at like 3:30 AM, figured no sleep was about the same as 3 hours of sleep (so wrong!), and was also afraid I'd sleep through my alarm because it happens a lot.

I think as an undergrad I maybe did 1 or 2 all-nighters. Usually if procrastinating, instead of the all-nighter I'd accidentally fall asleep and wake up at 4 AM to do my homework to turn in at 9 AM.
About 40 hours. Anyone in the military probably has gone much longer. My buddy on his platoon commander course got 10 hours sleep in 7 days.

That is very, very different from no sleep at all. 10 hours over a week is just a bit under 1.5 hours per night which makes it difficult to get up and slow to start, but won't leave you exhausted and unfocused quite like a total lack of sleep would. Both suck, but a little sleep sucks much less than no sleep.
About 48 hours here. Since I usually only stay up to fix my sleep schedule. (doing it right now shit sux)
Close to 3 days, maybe 2.5. Got about an hour of sleep in a car ride. It was a terrible experience.
Pretty sure I've done over 48 hours at some point, but it wouldn't have been by much. 24 is harsh enough, so **** that shit basically.
On the other hand, what is the longest you've ever slept? Coincidentally, right after not sleeping for 40 hours, I slept for almost 24 hours.
I dont think I've ever slept more than 16 hours straight. That was with several points where I woke and and said "**** naw, i'm not getting up" and just let myself fall asleep again.
Roughly 28 hours very recently while on the first day of recording a music video with a band. And I was up at half 4 that morning, drove all the way to Staffordshire from Manchester (longgg journey) to pick up our director, drove him all the way back, and then spent from 12pm to 5am the next day, in the same room, extremely warm because of all the lights set up, playing through the same song no less than 50 times to get each set, and then after that we had to do a spot of acting. The next two days weren't much better..
Thirty to thirtyfive hours probably. And I always hated it. I love my sleep.
I stayed up around 36 just the other day, suffered from insomnia during the night and couldn't sleep until evening.

Unsure if that's the longest or not.

And, I agree with Shaker.

I need my beauty-sleep.

I wouldn't want to risk losing my Handsome Face since it's what generates my income.
Not sleeping is one of the worst feelings ever, I'd never do it again.
I'm not sure, probably around 20-24h. I would not be able to function properly past that. Some of you said you had to stay up for over a day because of the work you had to do, but I can't really get anything done when I'm falling asleep.
3 days straight so around the late 60-70 hour mark. Not pleasant in the slightest, was an emotional wreck.
Yeah, on top of the emotional wreck stuff, if drug induced, I used to have severe hallucinations after two days. I'm talking about seeing/hearing things like a paranoid schizophrenic. My name whispered, my shadow moving independently from me, my eyes literally not lining up due to strain and lack of rest. Also tripping going from simple point A to point B, but feeling fine otherwise.

This is why I stopped using Adderal. I'd study all day then take more and party all night - and repeat. Feels bad, man. Probably did some permanent damage.
I think the longest I've gone without sleep for is about 28 hours. I was probably doing one of my all-night movie marathons I like to do when I have the house to myself.