What's the most climactic moment in Half-Life 2?

Ravenholm...You enter and you see a hanging half-body...then u hear groaning and moaning ZOMBIEEE!!!

after you lok around a bit you notice something through the cracks in the wall to the shack...blood? You pull off the boards and see something but you're not quite sure what it is...you go to take a closer look..HOLY SHIT THATS DISGUSTING half a zombie lying on top of a saw blade..with no head crab, its mouth in mid scream covered with blood. you play with the saw blades a bit (sticking them into walls and such ) then you enter the next room...wow theres a lot of zombies on the floor you start to head down a dark hallway...bad idea you turn to run from the zombies so you have room to kille them and bam the "dead" zombies get up off the flor and you're surounded.....wow I scared myself by describing it..lol
The huge tower chimney thing in water hazard was completely unexpected and extremely super awesome coolio.
The ending blew me away. And that battle with the three striders was just epic on top of the roof was just epic.
i dont really have a bit in the game that i really thort was cool but i do have a favret lvl the dont go to ravenholm that was my favret bit becase that was a zombie bit :sniper: :x
the resistance fighting the combine after shutting down the overwatch nexus, before going to the citadel.
For me, where you enter Ravenholm. That scenery was beautiful. And that music. And the crows.
When Alyx was about to confess that she had a crush on Gordy :naughty:
Everything that's already been mentioned.
I particularly loved when you get the HEV suit.... that music, those gloved hands.... it's starting again... :sniper:

Another bit nobody has said yet. You're climbing around the underside of the giant bridge, the wind whistling creepily through the metal girders... and a bone-shuddering rumble starts to shake the whole structure. I thought the world was ending! The COMBINE themselves are coming!!! Balancing on a thin metal girder a mile above the sea, this massive shuddering made you feel really vulnerable.

I didn't realise it was a train going overhead until it subsided :LOL:
Xenome said:
For me the most cinematic moment was when you go after breen in the lift, and at the moment alyx's hands touch the glass, the lift goes down, and the cool music starts.

alyx: "do your worst gordon'.

right then was when i got all hardcore and really wanted to kick some combine ***
The Strider Courtyard....

The Bridge....

Storming Nova Prospekt...

The Falling Chimmney...

Running Like hell from the strider....

Downing that hunter-chopper...

there are a thousand and one moments. Well, not really. But it's the most movie-like game i've ever played. And it's great because of it.
When your rising in the lift with Alyx and you see breen talking to the thingy.
Ravenholm was the level that gave me the most adrenaline. The fast zombies would scare the crap out of me everytime.
Pulse-Racing Moment: Seeing the drainage pipes rattle as the leaping zombies climbed up them while you waited for the platform from the church to get to the rooftop.

Action Moment: From the part where you're helpless from the strider and you and your squad run from to building front to building front then the other strider breaks through the wall of cars, to the underground car park collapsing, to the whole battle above that. I thought that was easily one of the coolest parts. I remeber that whole scene perfectly.

Gravity Gun Awe Moment: When I was able to make a fort out of everything and set up the guns during the raid on Nova Prospekt.

"0h n03s!!11" Moment: When Black Mesa East is being attacked and the ceiling collapses seperating you from Alyx.

Well, all I can say is that I had an orgasm asoon as 12AM hit.

I agree the most climatic was at the end when you go down the elevator.

Alyx: Gordon, do your worst, but... *puts hands up to glass* Be careful...

*Elevator lowers and music plays*
wilka91 said:
just before exiting the train station, there's a guard who orders you to pick up the can, and drop it in the trash can ... I almost had on orgasm
I ran past that guard second time i played that level because i didnt want to pick it up/ :thumbs:
Hectic Glenn said:
For me i got a real kick when you get a gun on the mudskipper. You drive through the tunnel, the music warms up, the chopper comes down in front of you, you load shit loads of bullets into it set it on fire a bit, the music is going like mad, then theres a giant jump in front of it and you FLYYYYY all way down and smash into the water...and the pursuit is on! First time i remeber it well, and still get the adrenalin kick! ( i know im sad!)
You were ment to run away from it! I shot it down with the mounted gun then went to pay the vorgunaut a visit. :thumbs:
One of my favourite bits was when you are fighting side by side with father grigori and when you see the striders attacking everyone in follow freeman, i think.
It the best game by far ive ever played. :thumbs:
one awe inspiring moment was when dog jumps on the dropship and flies off. As you follow him through the sky your view shifts towards somthing that you notice is moving... a combine wall a few feet from your position, you run!
The most climatic moment?! ...

.....when the Steam servers went down :|
when you emerge from the city hall, and see strigers walking aroung. i stared in awe for a moment, then had my gun up and firing
For me, the most climatic was battling the 3 striders right before the citadel.

The most dramatic was the begining of the game when you first jump down in the water ways and there are cars and trains in there... wreckage from past destruction and courpses still laying around.. no one ever came by to pick up the dead or clean up the carnage... the population is going about their lives just 12 or so feet above trying to survive themselves and can't be concerned with the hazards and the dead in their waterways.
Ravenholm. The fast zombies just scare the **** out of me, I can't deal with it when they get up close. I threw a paint can at one of them in a mad panic once. The zombie turned all white from the paint (looked like a bit of a graphical error, but if it was intented then...wow...) and proceeded to hack me down, I had to press escape but the noises the zombie makes kept going and I had to take off my headphones and sit down for 5 minutes before I could continue.

Doom3 has nothing on Ravenholm IMO

Second would be all the Dog scenes. Dog is the greatest character ever.
gobblet said:
Ravenholm. The fast zombies just scare the **** out of me, I can't deal with it when they get up close. I threw a paint can at one of them in a mad panic once. The zombie turned all white from the paint (looked like a bit of a graphical error, but if it was intented then...wow...) and proceeded to hack me down, I had to press escape but the noises the zombie makes kept going and I had to take off my headphones and sit down for 5 minutes before I could continue.

Doom3 has nothing on Ravenholm IMO

Second would be all the Dog scenes. Dog is the greatest character ever.
Don't care about fast zombies, it's the poison ones that make me totally freak out. Just a headcrab doing that weird noise makes me shudder in my chair.
For me it had to be the first Antlion guard, it totally scared the pants of me, i paniced and just ran away.lol. I was thinking "are the end" then it pops its self up and charges, hurts to think about it :p
AJ Rimmer said:
Don't care about fast zombies, it's the poison ones that make me totally freak out. Just a headcrab doing that weird noise makes me shudder in my chair.

Word. Fast zombies I liked. The way they ran at me, screaming and howling for blood. Then the final leap as it thinks its victorious... then blam! Shotgun to face! *Body hits floor with a nice thump, me feel all leet.* I didn't like the sounds the poison zombies made that creeped me out. Towards the end of the game, after Alyx gets captured and you go into the sewer, just as you make you're climb otwards that lift thing and you hear a poisen zombies moan from somewhere. Me, being a pussy, didn't half run in that part...

...then I found out it had been behind a fence tucked away all that time. Crossbow'd.
The Citadel was definatly very good, It was one of those levels where you thought "Screw Cover!!" and just run towards the Combine shooting away.
I had to replay the level again because I ripped the moniters off the wall when Breen came on ;) .
Why has no one mentioned the bit where you find out that Mossman is a traitor?

that was one of my faves.
short recoil said:
the bit on water hazard when the smoke tower came crashing down actually had me shout "OH MY GOD" out loud, the whole game was pretty awesome, some say the ending was shit but i thought it was actually really cool.

Definitely. I had a similar reaction.
DOG Moments.
The part when your traveling through the Citadel.
Another thing was when you are being chased from the Combine at the beginning, and exit the attick, and I looked out at the city skyline. I realised I was witnessing graphical fidelity that was far beyond anything in any mere "game" i had seen before :E
The game is actually one stunning moment of after the other, and as such every single level (not Chapter, but every single level between the loading screens) has at least one moment I can recall with relish and fondness.

There were two equally apotheotecial moments for me--moments which defined the game as a whole and surpassed the great moments of each level.

The first one was watching the smoke tower crash down. I couldn't believe that I wasn't watching a pre-recorded movie. That is one moment when your disbelief is not only suspended, but outright butchered.

The second was sucking the first soldier in using my new, improved Gravity Gun. I played through that whole level at least five times before my curiousity about what happens in the story finally caught up and I resumed the linear path.
One moment that I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned yet is the murder of your first metrocop.... B)) and it really did feel as brutal and tangible as *murder* that first time. After having seeing these evil-bastard gasmasked troops for so long in the beginning without being able to do anything to them, and having them shoot holes in your buttocks as you race away from them across the trainyard...

Then suddenly you hear a woman scream "somebody help us....!" and you turn a corner to find 2 Combine brutalising some citizens...but only this time you have a *crowbar*. Such a feeling of release, like "**** YEAH!! IT'S ON!!" and there's a little buzz as the first one flicks out his stun baton....I couldn't believe the other guy had an actual pistol!! Cheers Valve, I relished the unfairness, just racing towards them and hacking at their heads, seeing their visors turn to bloody mess....UNLEASHIN' DA MURDAH!! Yes, of course I'm well-adjusted, why do you ask?

Other bits that have been already mentioned.....stepping off the very first train into *HALF LIFE 2* and not being able to believe my eyes. Also the whole chase section in the first few chapters, it sucks me in every time.

Also the map when you take down the chopper at the dam...such a beautiful and serene area for Valve to chuck in, with that gorgeous sunset sky. Always makes me reluctant to move on.

And my final selection, despite the fact that I died 20 times and it was rock hard, the 3-strider fight in the ruins near the end; seeing your resistance comrades get mown down like grass all around you, racing to a patch of cover only to realise that there's ANOTHER strider you didn't notice, taking aim at you....then racing for more cover only to have it crumble under their lasers. AWESOME.
There was this bit in Water Hazard. no, not the often mentioned "smoke tower", but when you see APC's firing rockets at you, then flaming barrels fly down, you drive like mad, sharp turn right - oh SHIT a bridge ahead with more APC's! No stopping now, full volley of rockets going ahead of you, one hits a yellow car wreck in front of you which sends the darn thing FLYING at you, you barely dodge it before you make it into a life-saving tunnel... None of you mentioned it but for me it was so intense, it's still engraved in my memories

Another one i noticed the first time when i was playing the game for the second time: When barney gives you your crowbar you can see the citadel rearraning and opening, barney says "It's on full alert, I've never seen it like that" and you see the citadel open and SWARMS of stuff fly out of it. It was pretty cinematic.

#3 would be storming nova prospekt with your antlion minions, kind of made me think of omaha beach, and #4 in nova prospekt when the citadel-like walls started to move and stomped down, and I realized "oh shit... those combine walls LIVE"

congrats for patience if you read through this :sleep:
that water hazard part was good, but the crowbar scene where you beat down two guards was tight. Really anytime that cool music kicked in.
Laivasse said:
relished the unfairness, just racing towards them and hacking at their heads, .

I ran at them head on then ducked and hacked at they're kneecaps. D:
Barney: "Oh yeah, and when you see doctor Breen, tell him to *Dog smashes citadel door closed*!!"
when u go down the lift to the final fight with breen, dus anyone else expect hamond organ elevator music to play? :D