Whats the view like ...


Jul 5, 2003
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... from the window nearest your PC? Imagine having to look at the view I see while surfing the old WWW everyday! A candidate for Englands finest council estate thats for sure, but not my cup o' tea.

C'mon, post yours for all the world to see.


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It's night and I can't see anything. :D

Tomorrow I will! After I get batts for the camera... ****ing thing eats them even when it's off and I always forget to take zem out.
Letters said:
It's night and I can't see anything. :D

Tomorrow I will! After I get batts for the camera... ****ing thing eats them even when it's off and I always forget to take zem out.

buy some 2300 mAh batteries. I got some when I got my new digital camera a month or so ago and havent changed them and the last pic I took was umm, that one ^ 179 pics and about 70% drained
this is my view. that overlooks ballard, which is in seattle. my school is somewhere toward the bottom left, ill take a better pic for tomorrow. those mountains are the olympic mountains if anyone cares.

upload isnt working so here

edit: yes it is, here.


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Cloest window to my PC is a window with a window fan in it :)

The other window will suffice, but it's too dark right now. I'll get a picture tomorrow :)
Yeah, I'll get my picture tomorrow too. Its nothing big anyway, just some apartments. Mabie my partialy retarded neighbor smoking weed outside. You know, same old crap.
Closest window is a view straight out onto the sidewalk, so I close the curtains during the day cause people get nosy >_<
Nice view, Badger. I need to get a pic. All I have is a bush blocking my view to the wonderful house across the street. :|
Fenric, you have a brick wall in that view! Took me a while to see it. :P
Fenric....You have a woman stuck to your wall...I think she may need some assistance.
Well it really depends on which way i point the camera...

I'm taking the pics now.

Edit: Hmmm I can't find the camera...my brother appears to have lost it.
Meh, if I had a digital camera I could put all your views to shame, living at the seaside and everything. :p
Eejit said:
Meh, if I had a digital camera I could put all your views to shame, living at the seaside and everything. :p

Ah...A case of my optical willy is bigger than your optical willy. Much like the e-penis and the audio genitalia.

Anyway, since i can't take the pictures il describe them.

Straight out the window you can see a cobbled road (Its jsut the side road next to my house). Since im in the cellar the view is right at ground level, across the road (about as wide as 3 lanes) is a largish house (Not so big as mine:D), pretty plane from this side, just a brick wall with several windows on it. If you look to the right you can see further down the cobbled road to an old wood mill, not that tall really about 2 floors and its about 100 feet by 300 feet in size...that is to one side of the road towards the end, that means ou can see some trees that surround it and line the path down to the canal. You can't see that from this window. To the left of the window you can see the road, its a junction and is fairly busy at certain times of day. Just more houses and another road opposite the cobbled one (That isn't cobbled). Behind the houses across the road you can see the hills...in fact you can see hills in most directions, it all looks quite nice. Although this area is built up, there is still a lot of nature present. In fact, many of the buildings are made of sandstone taken from the hills around and it looks very nice.
craigweb said:
... from the window nearest your PC? Imagine having to look at the view I see while surfing the old WWW everyday! A candidate for Englands finest council estate thats for sure, but not my cup o' tea.

C'mon, post yours for all the world to see.

complete with obligatory council estate abandoned tesco shopping trolly i see...
[Matt] said:
complete with obligatory council estate abandoned tesco shopping trolly i see...

yup. what a depressing view though. :|
Come live in the north where i live...Its local here :D

Maxi that picture doesn't work for me....and i don't mean that in any kind of strange photographer terms. It just doesn't load.
Oh yeah, :D Forgot to uppload it.

It should work now.
Is it always cloudy in England? Every picture I have seen has been cloudy. :|
Well... Curtains.

But if the curtains were pulled aside... Darkeness.

If it were light... You'd see houses, and perhaps, off to the side, a spreading vista of paddocks, in one of which one of the most famous Australian Alien Abductions took place.
ray_MAN said:
Is it always cloudy in England? Every picture I have seen has been cloudy. :|

No...Well it depends on where you live but i know it certainly isnt here. At different parts of the year it will be....like April when it rains. Anyway its about 24C at the moment so its quite nice and warm...not much cloud in the sky, mostly the high thinly spread stuff and plane trails....The sky directly up is a nice rich blue and in the distance a much lighter hazy blue.
Hey! Btw offtopic, didn't you leave ray_man?
The doctor said that addictions need to be let down slowly, but ray just wouldnt listen and now hes stuck here forever.
His title still says Requested Ban. I vote for changing it to I R teh forum addict!!1.

Btw, ontopic did anyone see my pic now?
MaxiKana said:
His title still says Requested Ban. I vote for changing it to I R teh forum addict!!1.

Btw, ontopic did anyone see my pic now?

I did! :cool:

I'll upload a picture tomorrow when the sun comes up. You can see what it is like to live in China.
craigweb said:
... from the window nearest your PC? Imagine having to look at the view I see while surfing the old WWW everyday! A candidate for Englands finest council estate thats for sure, but not my cup o' tea.

C'mon, post yours for all the world to see.

Um, no windows down here! We boarded our patio door because otherwise we can't watch TV (projector).

So, the nearest window would be the front door's windows. Which we can see the street. :D
i got an alright view but no camera to show you with, it's of 3 houses and some sky if anyone cares...
i live in a cool place, i took pics from all four directions..

north: they put an international airport way to close to the beach, unfortunately
south: it's nice having mountains nearby though.
east: typical sunrise out here.
west: this really annoying guy is always out there practicing his "ha-do-ken" or whatever he calls it.. no one likes that guy..
Lil' Timmy said:
i live in a cool place, i took pics from all four directions..

north: they put an international airport way to close to the beach, unfortunately
south: it's nice having mountains nearby though.
east: typical sunrise out here.
west: this really annoying guy is always out there practicing his "ha-do-ken" or whatever he calls it.. no one likes that guy..
classic hahahaha :p
Brian Damage said:
Hey, isn't the third pic from Oz?

yeah... its the gum trees that give it away...

:D its a cool pic

nice lawn shippi...