whats this? can we stop bouncing?


Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score

can we stop the objects bouncing us back?
Im pretty sure the server can set it up like that yes.
I tried turning down cl_max_pushforce or whatever it is, and all that happens is if you are going really fast you go through the objects. I think it has something to do with the entities placed on the map, because on phys_phun, the objects don't bounce you back, and that wasn't done by changing ingame variables.
The reason they made barrels and such push us back, was because we had a tendency to get stuck in the barrels on de_dust in the Beta :)
But, on phys_phun you can actually walk and climb on barrels and boxes properly, without going through them or getting stuck on them at all - it feels perfectly realistic. But this probably causes a lot of lag on the server.
damn thought i had something there. did any of you see those cs_nuke screenshots last night? what happend to tht thread its gone.....
B-MAn said:
damn thought i had something there. did any of you see those cs_nuke screenshots last night? what happend to tht thread its gone.....
official? or like third party/illegally made?
Heya guys,
I made a FULL list with command line options, doing this with some linux scan commands. Command line options can be used with hl2.exe.
Please not that some may not be commands, since its a rough scan from the dlls.
Some should work though. internalbuild and leakcheck looks very interesting.
I, "Nemo" / W. Smiths am not responsable for any damage and I dont know what they do.


Have fun :cheers:
Wow, you should make a new topic about those, because a lot of discussion could be had about them, and they have nothing to do with bouncing off objects ;)