Whats this?

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something you shouldn't be viewing obviously! hl2.net's secret has been leaked!!!!!11

it's a netstat thingy...lets you view hits etc.

EDIT: i believe it's called webalizer or something.


My fault. I needed to upload something and the only way I could do it is through the news script. So it had to be temporarily displayed as news. We're in the process of getting our own FTPs set up, but for now we may have to occasionally use a slightly cruder method of uploading things if there isn't an administrator around :p
Badge, :O on your FTP Onions gave you,,, .. is that the new HL2.net design?.. :D

(dont worry im not gonna splurt off about it) <mouth zipped>
get that shit off my ftp! its for clarkys leet models and maybe some porn only!
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