What's up with Soldiers?

I haven't actually tried the axe much, I guess it would make a good 'impossible last stand' weapon hehe.
The axe is devastating. The axe is in the class of melee weapons that do 45-85 damage per hit. On a good hit, you WRECK somebody. Guess how much the flamethrower does per hit? 15 damage, plus about 50 DoT.

Set them on fire to blind, break out the axe and chop 'em down like firewood, and then switch back to the flamethrower and taunt. That's how you work it.
Heavy's fists have to be the strongest melee weapon in the game, minus knife backstab.
Soldiers aren't over powered just the tactics for using them is very simple so new players tend to use them more.
Heavy's fists have to be the strongest melee weapon in the game, minus knife backstab.

the fists are godlike, i was killing everyone with fists in 2fort. you have to ambush people though since your so damn slow.
Easy answer to this thread...

Soldier + Others = PWNED
Wow, I never knew melee weapons could do so much damage :eek:

And on the subject of overpowered soldiers, I don't think it would harm to weaken their rockets a bit.
I am surprised that no-one has whined about demomen yet. Hydro is my least favourite map because it always turns into a demo spam.
I am surprised that no-one has whined about demomen yet. Hydro is my least favourite map because it always turns into a demo spam.


Most of you guys are idiots, no offense. There are three pages off topic plus you think I’m whining about Soldiers and so on…

First of all, yes, I can play with Soldier, and yes, I do defeat Soldiers with any class, even with Medic if I get critical hits or my enemy isn’t very skilled.

But it’s not about me, it’s about the game’s balance.

Thank you Darkside55 for your detailed response, but in your post you are mostly talking about tactics, not Soldiers weaknesses.

And I still must disagree about Scout’s advantages, which you pointed out, against a Soldier. When I play Solder, I can always predict Scout’s trajectory, and I can easily kill him even in mid air. Same thing goes when I’m a Scout fighting against a skilled Soldier – they just know where I’m going to be no matter how hard I try to zigzag. The other thing is when the player playing Solder is a newbie. But I’m talking about when a skilled Soldier meets a skilled other class player. If luck is put aside, the Soldier will win.

I rarely play with Soldiers these days, because it’s too easy to get many kills at once, while with other classes, you have to play hard to get those kills which for me are more satisfying.

In conclusion, what I wanted to say is that every class has its purpose and so should Soldiers, without being so versatile.
Whenever I play soldier, I play defensive, and can normally make about 8-10 kills per life, depending on how good the enemy team is. Soldier = THE mid class, the one meant for every job. He is weak in the area that rockets don't spread, they fly forever, and are so easily dodged.Low clip and reload time features too.

Soldiers are always blowing themselves up trying to shoot the floor too. I don't think they are overpowered, many a time i'll stab a soldier with spy, or as medic i'll see pyros run up and burn them to the ground, even snipers pick them off well.
I switch to soldier when my team is getting pwnified by better players and I just want to spam death at one side of the map like the good old UT2004 days.

In fact I think I'll give it a spin up, some nostalgic run and gunning.
Most of you guys are idiots, no offense.


In any case, I don't have the leet soldier skillz, so I play it just as much as I do other classes.
Soldiers just PWn other classes, its not their fault for being so amazing they kill you and you whine about 'Crits!!, Crits!!'. To get lots of crits you have to be near the top of the leader board, so stop whining...

Pyro Advantages:

Heavy: WORST ENEMY! The pyro can easily spin around and around until the heavy is crisp as chips.

Spy: If the pyro knows a spy is around, he can just spin around firing his flamer and get a lucky hit, Undoing the cloak.

Soldier: The Pyro can Easily do the same with the heavy, the soldier goes around the same speed as the pyro.

That's all I can think of.

A lot of people seem to think that soldiers crit more, but it's just that their crits are more noticeable than most other weapons.
And technically easier to avoid, too. Although it is annoying to run right round a corner and into one. Maybe they should add a sound as it gets closer to you... : /
And technically easier to avoid, too. Although it is annoying to run right round a corner and into one. Maybe they should add a sound as it gets closer to you... : /

I think it already has a sound. The flying rocket, that is. Just count the pacing of incoming rockets and you'll be fine.
Yeah, like Darkseid pointed out, most people just tend to fire groups of four, it's fairly easy to time.

No, the problem is if it's the first rocket that's a crit, and so with no warning you turn the corner and BAM! Gibs everywhere.
soldier has a massive disadvantage by haveing... the slowest ammo. rockets are easy to doge (well, i can) and the turret problem is easy to fix. Just be really careful when placing them!
dare i say it...Noob.
I usually Spy or Scout (omg they're both verbs) in scrims, but in a recent 6v6 I had, we had two not-so-great ringers (one of them never played Soldier), so I decided to try the overpowered man himself. Here's a brief summary about him coming from my experience against and as him in scrims:
- His main weakness is indeed his low ammo count. But the burst damage from the rockets is tremendously powerful, and literally one-hit kill if it crits. If you're lucky enough to have your Shotgun fully loaded, that will help immensely too. However, Soldier rockets are easy to heal through, but only if your team is a bit unorganized and nobody else is focusing at helping you kill someone.
- It doesn't matter TOO much that his walking speed is slow. Since you're tied for the highest priority on your Medic's heals (the other guy being... your other Soldier), you almost always have 300 hp until you either get crit, headshotted, stickied, or your team dies. Rocket jumps make Soldiers very sudden strikers, and it's sometimes better to rocket jump away then getting backstabbed or right before a Pyro reaches you to ignite you if you have 70- hp (the DoT will burn 70 damage without heals or water, but 50 damage won't if you escape). Rocket jump away from stickies, from scouts, whatever. You're still being healed. The only true risk rocket jumping puts you at is making your Medic more vulnerable. Scouts will be eager to close in on him now that you're a bit separated from him.
- Soldier's survivability is incredible with 300 hp. 70% of my deaths occur after my Medic or most of my team dies. The other 30% are from sniper headshots, a string of lucky crits, lag, stickies, or if I was just being really stupid. I don't think I've ever played against another team that uses Spies.

As a Spy, I ironically find Soldiers harder to kill than Pyros sometimes. Soldiers, or their Medic buddy, are often checking their back. You will not kill them until your team distracts them and grabs their attention and aim. Simple rule.

As a Scout, I really want to GTFO if I'm too close to a Soldier. It's also really scary to go for their Medic since he's next to not one, but two soldiers. Best way, again, is to distract the soldiers and have them aim all around the place. Two scouts circling in opposite directions can do this if they're skilled enough, but my team hasn't been coordinated enough yet to do that.
Spy. Soldier is hard to backstab but he can easily kill a spy even if a Spy goes to cloak mode. Soldier just starts to spam everywhere and usually gets a kill.

LOLWUT? Soldiers are knife fodder for the spy. I usually go for them or Heavies because they're so damn slow. The whole point is to not be seen cloaking and provoking missile spammage. But that goes for just about any other class when playing spy as well.

Sniper. His worst enemy is clearly a Soldier. Soldier never can be killed by one headshot, and you never have a chance for another one, because Soldier starts to spam his rockets towards you and if you stay still trying to focus, he'll definitely kill you.

Again, LOLWUT? You can most certainly kill a soldier with a single headshot. I've done it with a barely charged shot so many times, I've lost count. And the sniper is usually in the back, meaning the Soldier has to take a lot of time to cover the distance. If you can't sidestep rockets while aiming long enough to put a Soldier down, you shouldn'y be playing sniper.
Soldiers have nothing wrong with their design, yes they do have the lowest ammo, but that is because they have the greatest range for anything without a scope. They also do some hellish damage, and in a large radius too. I was on a map yesterday and 3 scouts were capturing the CP, so I ran in and fired a critical rocket right at their feet, killing two of them, then I jumped onto the point and blew the other scout up...Saving the Day!!:D
Soldiers are great fighters against most classes, but can often be repelled by pyros, scouts, demomen, and other soldiers.

They don't have a whole lot of room to mess up. I think of the soldier as a "general purpose machine", whereas other classes have very specific roles.
I think of them as Rocketjumpers. :D
I only use soldier if the opposing team has a lot of engineers. Sentries are a bitch.

I'm a demoman/engineer most of the time.
Spy. Soldier is hard to backstab but he can easily kill a spy even if a Spy goes to cloak mode. Soldier just starts to spam everywhere and usually gets a kill.

It's not quite that easy to spam. He's got to reload. And besides, it's the same with any class.

Sniper. His worst enemy is clearly a Soldier. Soldier never can be killed by one headshot, and you never have a chance for another one, because Soldier starts to spam his rockets towards you and if you stay still trying to focus, he'll definitely kill you.

Not true. A sniper's worst enemy is either a Spy or a better Sniper. Sniper has the advantage as they can get a single headshot, and can easily evade their rockets when they come to them. If they can't, then they're in a crap place.

Engineer. While a sentry gun has a limited range of fire, a Soldier's rocket from any distance can go infinitely thus having advantage over enginner.

If an Engineer put his sentry in a place where range is an issue, they're a moron.

And besides, of course Soldier should have an advantage over this, otherwise the Sentry would be invincible.

Heavy. His biggest enemy maybe a Demoman, but the second biggest is definitely a Soldier. While minigun is useless at long range because of its bullets spread, a Soldiers rocket, as I mentioned before, can go infinitely and linear.

In a defensive situation, a Heavy will easily kill the soldier, as the heavy doesn't have to reolad, and he will no doubt have a medic or health somewhere near. Soldier has to reload and has slower rockets.

Demoman. Although Soldier's rocket goes in a straight line while Demoman's grenade launcher's accuracy is poor and sticky bombs can be taken out of the way by launching a rocket at them or shooting with a shotgun, it is the only class that has a possibility defeating a Soldier.

Psht, Demoman shouldn't be going head on with a soldier.

Pyro. Everyone knows that his biggest enemy is Soldier. Flamethrower has a limited range, so Soldier can simply shoot at the ground to get a kill.

Ooor Pyro can not stand where he can get shot and ambush him from around a corner.

Scout. Even though he has double-jump ability which is supposed to be used to evade rockets, he has to be close to use his scattergun. And when he gets close, Soldier can simply shoot at the ground like with the Pyro to kill a Scout. And yes, Scout does have a pistol for long range shooting, but it will run out of ammo before he even takes half of Soldier's health.

Scout can either run past him or run away. Find backup. Easy enough.

Conclusion: Soldier is the simplest assault class. If all the other classes are also thinking in an assault mode, then a Soldier will beat them hands down. If they actually think about what they're doing without rushing in, they will have their advantages to hold out against them.

Soldier is basically for the people who cannot be arsed thinking, or can't get their head out of an Unreal Tournament mindset.

Sure, it comes down to the skill of the Soldier, but it also comes down to the skill of the other class as well. A highly skilled Sniper is as likely to kill a highly skilled Soldier if not more.