What's up with that?


Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
I'm talking about the lack of significant topics in this section of the forum, of course! This is pretty much my favorite part of the HL2.net forums. It makes me sad to think that there aren't enough coders in the community to keep this part of the forum bustling... so where are all the programmers? Come on guys... I know there's got to be more of you who like programming and talking about programming! Show yourselves!
I'm a programmer, just not a terribly experienced one, so, I stay well away :D

This won't go on for long, since I have two companies who are interested in me at the moment :)

So I'll learn fast!

(ps, my name actually follows a C++ naming convention, how many people spotted that? ;) )
Maybe there's just not a lot to programming to talk about? For example the Gen. Editing activity consists of idea threads, topics in the coding forum are more likely to be a problem based thing. With nothing to program for, there aren't any problems = less posts.

my name actually follows a C++ naming convention, how many people spotted that?

You know, part of my name actually refers to an animal, how many people spotted that? :p
Yeah, you guys are probably right... but does anyone work on anything other than SDK? I do all sorts of little side projects that I run into problems with occasionally. I do have a problem with a really simple tax calculation program that calculates the tax for a family based on income... my problem is reading a family member with a different last name than the last one read without tossing out the info before I process the previous family... I can explain it better to anyone who'd be willing to help me get rid of the meaningless extra data that I have to put in the data file containing all the member information... : )
while ( sdkNotAvailable = true )
// endless loop : )
Sandman said:
I do have a problem with a really simple tax calculation program that calculates the tax for a family based on income... my problem is reading a family member with a different last name than the last one read without tossing out the info before I process the previous family... I can explain it better to anyone who'd be willing to help me get rid of the meaningless extra data that I have to put in the data file containing all the member information... : )

suggestion... can't you add a familyID field to the person, and read the file in order of familyID? Process the previous family when familyID changes...?

Just a suggestion :)
Well, the Family ID is the last name of the person. The names of people in a family will always be consecutive, just to keep it simple... the problem is I don't know that my family is complete until I run into a name that doesn't match... but after that name that doesn't match is read, the previous family is processed and the name I just read gets thrown away, then it starts reading the file again where it left off after processing is complete. I've temporarily solved the problem by adding a line break... here's what my income file looks like right now. Of course, none of it means anything. It's just random data I wrote in to test the program... I don't want to have to use the line breaks.

Cohn Aaron 20332.61
Cohn Matthew 30012.22
Cohn Carol 98736.84
Cohn Laurence 42621.07
Line Break 0
Gozony Joshua 12022.33
Gozony Nora -500
Gozony George 20382.32
Line Break 0
I meant introduce a new field, familyID as a number. The name, as you said, is unreliable.

0001 Cohn Aaron 20332.61
0001 Cohn Matthew 30012.22
0001 Cohn Carol 98736.84
0001 Cohn Laurence 42621.07
0002 Gozony Joshua 12022.33
0002 Gozony Nora -500
0002 Gozony George 20382.32

Process the next family when the number changes, not the name.
khaki said:
while ( sdkNotAvailable = true )
// endless loop : )

shouldnt that be :
// loop

or even

while(sdkNotAvailable == true)
// loop

bobvodka said:
shouldnt that be :
// loop

or even

while(sdkNotAvailable == true)
// loop


I think he was joking that the SDK would never be available by using the assignment operator instead of the logical one :-P