What's with all of this recent Far Cry ressurected VS HL2?

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On several forums, including this one, (though milder here), Far Cry has been dug out of the ashes, only to be compared to Half Life 2, the engines, and all of that crap, etc. Why? Why has Far Cry come back? Why not compare HL2 to doom?
lmao, so true.

Because Far Cry is better than Doom 3 and people think the HL2 and FC engines are fairly equal.

Some people anyway, I don't...
i played far cry demo the water was pretty cool! it looked like tropical hawaii super clear ocean water of a beach!
yea.. I could never play Far Cry though, like even the demo was REALLY laggy on mycomputetr, but I can run Doom 3 and Half-Life 2 fine, its wierd. But yea Doom 3 got old, real fast. Like it was a little bit scary at the biggening, I'll give it that. but after like 2 or 3 levels you could tell EXACTLY where and when things would happen. But Half-Life 2 shouldn't be compared to ANYTHING, nothing comes close to it.
Doom 3 is crap. Far Cry is okay .... multiplayer is crap as well thou. Bunny Hop Heaven ^__^
its because ppl like comparing stuff. the doom 3 engine is made for small tight interiors with much mood lighting. whereas the cry tech engine was made for large open spaces, much like halflife 2. its all about reasonable comparisons.

u have to compare things that are alike.
I'm not really trying to contribute to another VS thread, but Far Cry really was awesome, and in ways totally different from HL2(which is also awesome).

As far as the engines go, I'd say they are essentially both equal in terms of power and flexibility, not to mention moddability(although Source gets the edge here when it comes to developer support).

Before Far Cry, when were there even nearly such convincing or immersive outdoor environments in PC games? What even comes close? Ghost Recon? Add to this the fact that it supports fairly open level design and emergent gameplay, I'd say the CryEngine, along with the Source engine, has a place at the table with Unreal and Quake technology.

Still, the engine is really only as useful as the developers are creative and skillful. We'll have to wait to see if CryTek is a one-hit-wonder or not, but if Far Cry is any indication of what to expect, I'd say their future is likely to be bright.

I'd say that a little more confidentally if they hadn't partnered(been bought by) EA, though :/
because farcry and HL2 have better engines with simular capabilities.

both were better games than Doom3 (Although FarCry strayed for the last 1/4th of the game)

And a FYI, the demo was LAGGY, the full version is much much MUCH better
It's pointless. According to Gamespy, no one's playing Doom3 or Far Cry mp. Far Cry is resurrecting, and going straight back down.
Doom3 is crap!, FarCry is very cool and HL2 is one feet higher up on the list than FC.
Far Cry is a great game. No where near hl2 but was a good buy.
wilka91 said:
Doom 3 sucks.

Far Cry and HL2 are the best 2 fps ever
thanks for presenting your opinions as facts, now as i'm sure a kind moderator will see this thread as over, since thanks to you we reached illumination, and will close it.

or ban you.
Doom 3 is not crap, it's just not as good as HL2.
wilka91 said:
Doom 3 sucks.

Far Cry and HL2 are the best 2 fps ever

just because doom 3 is not to your taste, doesn't mean its crap. i quite like it, whereas whilst the first few level of far cry are brilliant, i think that the monsters they threw at you just ruin it totally.
farcry is better than hl2 in so many ways, and vice versa.
The Crytek engine (the one used in FC anyway) isn't as powerful as Source imo. Although FC did make my jaw drop the second I fired up the demo, after seeing the E3 demo of HL2 I had to get my jaw surgically replaced.

Both are great games, both are great fun. HL2 has it for me though, the deciding factor isn't the tech - it's the immersion.

Whereas I got bored (and stuck) in FC and had to force myself to perservere - HL2 was played with little more than an angry glance at the Esc key after dying for the 5th time in Nova Prospekt. HL2 just made me want to keep playing.
Zeus said:
Doom 3 is not crap, it's just not as good as HL2.

Belive me it is crap.

It has the same fun as (Dead Mans Hand) in it.
Always doing the same, over and over and over and over and over and ZZZzzZzzzzZZzzz..
It's not about quality.

When I played Far Cry, I was really thinking that it was how I would expect Half Life 2 to feel for some reason. The two games have much more in common than Doom3 has with either of them and so, the comparison makes more sense.

Then again, I think people that spend a long time comparing which game is best should really zoom out and appreciate that you can play and enjoy all of them.
why does doom 3 get so much flak around here? please people, just open your eyes to an alternative game for two seconds, and you'd see that Doom 3 is a well-crafted, scary experience. don't compare it to anything else, just look at it as an attempt to make a moody, scary, surreal experience for the player, and you'll appreciate it so much more. the whole game hinges on ATMOSPHERE, and the engine does a great job creating an hellish atmosphere with lighting, architecture, and sound.

as an all-around engine though.....i don't think the doom 3 engine will go as far as source will.
HL2 comes out and blows everyone away.

Every other games fanboys feel neglected and know that if they mention HL2 they will get attention.

Halo2 had a go at the start. apples and oranges.
Doomers are trying to emulate HL2 they are so desperate.
Far Cry- dying breath.
far cry vs half life2
half life 2 wins hands down, even my crappy comp can render hl2's scenes beautifully, whereas far cry i get shit fps
oh god. please spare us all the fanboy vs fanboy shit. we DON'T NEED IT.

just for my two cents, i think the cryengine does a much better job of rendering distances than the source engine does: that alone is a major accomplishment. it also seems like there are physical rules to the water, instead of just random refraction (can't go above yea height, if something falls in it must splash and cause ripples, etc). the source engine, however, has much better detail and effects in general: lense defraction for heat waves, the bump-mapping is superbly doneand the AI is much more intelligent. far cry typically has higher poly counts, simply because valve was so economical with what they did (there are a surprising number of sprites, which decreases processing time and thus makes the game run smoother), so attention to detail is arguably equal on both sides in regards to the ENGINE ONLY. the gameplay in half life far surpassed anything i'd ever seen before, too short or not, and far cry didn't come close to that.
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