whats with the stupid ending



i first failed the last mission, after that i passed it and boom.

Whos that idiot who came talking to me, this i couldnt understand. And also why it ends that way? Is there going to be an expansion or something, or maybe half-life 3
...Someone doesn't know what cliffhangers are...
DreadG said:
i first failed the last mission, after that i passed it and boom.

Whos that idiot who came talking to me, this i couldnt understand. And also why it ends that way? Is there going to be an expansion or something, or maybe half-life 3

i can tell you half-life TWOOO a TWO is a number and means a second part...

havent you played first one? and that "idiot" has a name Gman....you are not up to date with this game. Yes there will be expansion where this story will continue to another end, so wait for another cliffhanged end
i have played HL but not that much in single. Actually i havent finnished it. On multi i used to be very good but single havent played it much. So what is that Gman actually? Oh and one more question:
There was a big fat shit talking with the bad guy at the end. What is it? And is it going to take part in the next HL
DreadG said:
i have played HL but not that much in single. Actually i havent finnished it. On multi i used to be very good but single havent played it much. So what is that Gman actually? Oh and one more question:
There was a big fat shit talking with the bad guy at the end. What is it? And is it going to take part in the next HL
G-man is the git in the suit that walks around in the original Half-life. He saves you from after you blow up the final boss of half-life and tells you he is impressed by what you've done and wants to hire you. You accept and wake up in Half-life 2. (g-man is the guy who talks to you in the intro, the big face that covers the entire screen). You can see him throughout the game and then he stop (slows down, created an ilusion or something) the explosion and talks to you. No-one really knows who he is, where he's from or what he wants. But you can't do anything about whatever it is he wants, you are in his preverbial pocket.
There is going to be an expansion taking off right from where HL2 ended. No-one knows whether or not the real combine aliens (the big fat shit who was talking to Dr Breen) is going to be in it though. Clear things up for ya? Now go play Half-life pronto!
capteeni said:
i can tell you half-life TWOOO a TWO is a number and means a second part...

havent you played first one? and that "idiot" has a name Gman....you are not up to date with this game. Yes there will be expansion where this story will continue to another end, so wait for another cliffhanged end


Really... you shouldn't get so emotional... it's a computer game :)

Yes, there is an expansion in the works, and Half Life 3 is definate (i hope :D)
capteeni said:
i can tell you half-life TWOOO a TWO is a number and means a second part...

havent you played first one? and that "idiot" has a name Gman....you are not up to date with this game. Yes there will be expansion where this story will continue to another end, so wait for another cliffhanged end

Actually the idiot he is refering to doesnt have a name. His name isn't gman, as confirmed by valve in raising the bar. His name is still up in the air ;)
Why many players don´t like endings of Half-lifes?
I like ending of Half-lifes!
That Gman's a pretty shady buisness man...

Just let me say..... ADRIAN SHEPHARD ROCKS!!!

That is all
Get your flame retarded clothes on! :flame:
Yes I said flame retarded on purpose
DreadG said:
Oh and one more question:
There was a big fat shit talking with the bad guy at the end. What is it? And is it going to take part in the next HL

A talking shit? This I must see.
chill dude no need to get angry with the guy. yeah he is wrong about hl2 ending its a good way of spreading speculation for future games and gives valve more of a reputation if people are talking about it so speaking for a buisness stand point cliff hangers can be really good way to end an arleady amazing seriouse :)
Originally Posted by capteeni
i can tell you half-life TWOOO a TWO is a number and means a second part...

havent you played first one? and that "idiot" has a name Gman....you are not up to date with this game. Yes there will be expansion where this story will continue to another end, so wait for another cliffhanged end

Actually the idiot he is refering to doesnt have a name. His name isn't gman, as confirmed by valve in raising the bar. His name is still up in the air

okayy.....then he is stupid man :DDDD ok, its just joke :p
and dreadg i dont know but seems you want ot be somekind "cool dude" like talking like "fat shit.." and want people get angry...and seriously you failed your objective :dork:
Gman = god man. It's like an acronym.

And he's just being silly, hence DreadG.

Did you guys catch the secret ending? It's not that exciting but it's a bit of humor.

When your frozen by the "GMan," move as far off the edgs as possible. He laughs evily and unfreazes time, making you fall to your death.
sk0aL said:
A talking shit? This I must see.
combine advisor is what he was talking about.

Gman = god man. It's like an acronym.
Actually Gman is a word, and in HL1 he seemed like a "Goverment Man", and yes G-Man means "Goverment Man" or "A guy who works for the goverment".

Well I guess we solved HL thing. The Combine were ornigally a race of shit, oringally from south Park named Mr. Hankey but flew through the galaxy far far away using an alien spacecraft(Earth is a gameshow) possibly Marklar's spacecraft, which eventually lead the shit to become a dominant species.

So the combine were oringally a race of shit....wow who would have guessed?
Minerel said:
Actually Gman is a word, and in HL1 he seemed like a "Goverment Man", and yes G-Man means "Goverment Man" or "A guy who works for the goverment".

Well I guess we solved HL thing. The Combine were ornigally a race of shit, oringally from south Park named Mr. Hankey but flew through the galaxy far far away using an alien spacecraft(Earth is a gameshow) possibly Marklar's spacecraft, which eventually lead the shit to become a dominant species.

So the combine were oringally a race of shit....wow who would have guessed?

Yes, but his name is not gman, its just a fan name. He doesnt have a name really.
Samon said:
Yes, but his name is not gman, its just a fan name. He doesnt have a name really.

read BetaMaster's Gordon's Dead in fan fic forums.

its true gman is a fan name, they even say it in a few preview videos of hl2, and many other times, but i guesss they will now call him gman
Maybe my memory isnt 100% here, but if G-man is just a fan name then why was his model called "Gman.mdl" in the Half-Life Model Viewer? unless that program designated the file names (which i doubt) Valve must have at least called him Gman too, thus its not really a fan name.
leonumber2 said:
Maybe my memory isnt 100% here, but if G-man is just a fan name then why was his model called "Gman.mdl" in the Half-Life Model Viewer? unless that program designated the file names (which i doubt) Valve must have at least called him Gman too, thus its not really a fan name.

Because they need to call him something. Valve said in raising the bar that he doesnt yet have a name.
Samon said:
Because they need to call him something. Valve said in raising the bar that he doesnt yet have a name.

Yes, but technically my statement is true, even if he doesnt have a "real" name, Gman is still one given by Valve, if he had been called G-Clown we would all be calling him that too.
Also, adding onto leonumber2s statment, in HL:0p4 multiplayer you can play as Gman, and his name shows up as "Gman" in the character list.

But I think its just a semi-name. Some used because they couldnt get a real name and/or didnt want to give away his real name just yet. But, I see it as a symbol for an undetermined name, just like D-Day, H-Hour etc...

But I do also think it might stand for Government-man, or atleast in the first one, but then valve decided they wanted to make it something else or a mystery.
It was leading up to an unknown expansion pack that does not have its own thread in this forum....................
The HL2 ending was pretty shocking... :frown:
Shooting Breen in a funky sphere isn't my idea of a great climactic ending
DreadG said:
Whos that idiot who came talking to me, this i couldnt understand.


I hope you were being sarcastic there, that made me split my sides

Great ending in my opinion, bit too easy though.

I guess the same could be said about the end of any game though, once you know how to beat it.
Rennmniscant said:
The HL2 ending was pretty shocking... :frown:
Shooting Breen in a funky sphere isn't my idea of a great climactic ending

Ah, but you don't shoot Breen's sphere. ;)

another useless thread

(this is a useless post too..... :imu: )
stupid ending?

it was only one of the most AMAZING endings i've seen in a game. now halo 2, that's a stupid ending.