Whats wrong with updaterate 101?



ok I dont know much about rates, except they need to be high on broadband, but when people were asking what rates each other had on sex-drugs-and-counterstrike server today and I said 25000 updaterate 101 cmdrate 40 the admin yelled down mic 'you either change them rates now within 10 seconds or i ban you forever!'
I mean WTF? why did
1) the admin go off like that? and
2) Whats wrong with what my rates are set at?

I just don't know what they mean and wondered if someone could explain a little about them to me and whats so bad about updaterate 101?

Please dont just spam and flame me, we've all got to learn right?

k thanks
cmdrate is too low, i usually keep mine the same as my updaterate, ive got em both on 80 atm. if u use updaterate 101 then i suggest changing ur cmdrate.
The top rates are usually 'rate 25000' cl_updaterate 101, and cl_cmdrate 101. But those are lan rates which people get mixed up on. I use 20000, 80,60. Its different for every person. IF your rates are too low it makes you jumpy and hard to hit, its like cheating or 'rate hacking' as some say. Keep it cool and it will make it easier for you and your buddies you play with.
Eunoch said:
cmdrate is too low, i usually keep mine the same as my updaterate, ive got em both on 80 atm. if u use updaterate 101 then i suggest changing ur cmdrate.
Just been told exactly same on a server just now, keep both at 80 :)
ok cool thanks for that ill use them from now on, and at last i've found a forum thats not full of morons great :D (keep away from steamforums :p)
:) most of us came from the steam powered forums, and got chased away by morons with pitchforks. So we found munro's HL2.net and its a good place, hope you stick around.

By the way, it is possible for admin to run plugins on servers that change the players rates to higher values to make the game fair. They wont change back after you leave so you'll have to check them now and again to keep them in balance. Lastly this should really be in the CSS or HL2DM forum :p
Hectic Glenn said:
:) Lastly this should really be in the CSS or HL2DM forum :p
Whoops ok im a n00b here still sniffing my way around so yer...
[u]1337[/u] said:
I mean WTF?

that's what i thought when i read your post.

i run a cs server myself, and theres absoluty nothing wrong with using highsettings on broadband. they will not lag ANYONE.

on narrow band, too high settings cause insane lag (for only the player who is using them), the player freezes all the time and can't get an aimed shot off. the weapon behavior gets unpredictable. these people usually leave when their death count hits 0:20 ;)

if the admin is worried about his server's data transfer, and wants everyone to limit their rates to, say, 15000, he shouldn't run a public cs server.