What's yer Real Name?

No way! :laugh:

Sorry, I just thought your real name was Razaair, or dancing cow man, not something normal like Timothy.

Timothy is my English name. The others are better suited in my home country.
Indeed, thought there were more than me and Ennui :o

There are. el Chi's name is also Chris, as is farrowlesparrow (not that he posts anymore really) and several others if I recall.
I've three names, no less, but Emil is what I go by internationally as it's least likely to cause problems when it comes to pronounciation.
Glenn...funnily enough. I know everyone's real name already, it's what I do ;)
I've three names, no less, but Emil is what I go by internationally as it's least likely to cause problems when it comes to pronounciation.

Ulgh, I hate when people try to pronounce or spell my name.


He'd be angry if he read that, but not as angry he'd be with Glenn if he knew that Glenn was tarnishing his name, like someone tarnishes toilet door handles with poo on a stick.
He sees you when you're wanking, he knows when your eating cake...That is a lie.
I bet I'm the only Cathal.
Yes you are :) I remember everyone's name, and in Kirov's, Feath's and AL's case their first and second name, why not eh?

Oh and Dillon, don't take away what is precious to me! There's one name I truly know, who I cannot tell, it's not even up for discusshens. ;)
He actually is a superhero, and fights crime when the sun goes down in a tight Lycra fabulous pink suit. He can open tins with his chin also.