Whats your best OC?



I just OCed my 3500+ to 2575 mhz on stock cooling and its stable as hell... my performance in CS:S went up a TON... it never drops below 50 FPS now and it usually stays above 90 even with 32 people in the server... so a 375mhz OC not bad for a first time OCer lol

my graphics card on the other hand hasnt been the best OCer :( my X850 XT has only OCed to 540/594 (XTPE speeds) stabily, it can go farther but after a few minutes VPU recover kicks in when its past 540, maybe if i had better cooling it would be better... but oh well
nice.... im gonna get platinum and may OC quite goood
My Athlon XP-M 2400+ is driving on 210*11 = 2310 MHz on stock cooling
9800 pro @ 410/375 stock cooling
1/1 fsb/ ram
I doubled my CPU speed (100% overclock) with a hardware mod, and didnt even need to use a heatsink or fan.
lePobz said:
I doubled my CPU speed (100% overclock) with a hardware mod, and didnt even need to use a heatsink or fan.

pentium 1 right? :p

anyways, I don't bother ocing, fried components arn't worth it :p
My 3000+ Winchester is stable at 2.7 gig (300*9) with a divider of 166. That gets a little toasty tho (needs 1.65v and air cooling) so I run it at 2.61 gig (290*9) with a 183 divider (using A64 tweaker)

My old xp-m ran at 2.6 gig aswell :)

If you have the right cpu, and are sensible, overclokcing is well worth it.
i just got my 3500 + to 2607 mhz... but my vcores at 1.65 i wish i could find a way to get it lower without glitches showing up in games
Hazar said:
pentium 1 right? :p

anyways, I don't bother ocing, fried components arn't worth it :p
Better ... Intel i486 sx25 ... I got that baby up to 50mhz :D

Jebus, I just realised that was over 12 years ago...
l337x3r1cx said:
i just got my 3500 + to 2607 mhz... but my vcores at 1.65 i wish i could find a way to get it lower without glitches showing up in games

If you're using air cooling i'd lower the voltage. tbh I wouldn't be happy running a Winchester on 1.65 on with any cooling.

How long does prime95 last at that setting? The perfromance increase probably isn't worth the extra heat and possible damage you may cause to the cpu.

2.5 gig is fine anyways :)
actually there is barely any extra heat... it runs at about 28-30* celsius which is about 1* more than stock... ive never seen the temp to over like 45*
I'd be more worried about the voltage, not the heat. You're sticking 0.25v over stock through it.

My mates chip died after a few weeks at a vcore of 1.7 (it never got above 40c at load)
My current OC is probably my best. I never raise Vcore so my OCs are more casual than extreme. But I like to be more safe then sorry. ;)

A64 3000+ Newcastle @ 2.4GHz
I have not tried pushing further now that I have my XP-90 +92mm fan. I really should though.
asus how is that xp-90 wokring for you? im debating over that and the xp-120...im thinking of getting the xp-90 because its cheaper but i heard its still really nice...
The XP-90 is really nice. My 2.4ghz OC is still from what I did with the Stock HSF though. I have not since gone into bios and tried for higher.

It's a panaflo 92mm fan with a fan controller (fanmate). My front fans are louder than this panaflo fan and fanmate. hehe
got my amd64 3000+ (2.0 ghz stock) to 2.4 ghz
and my radeon9800pro is Oced barely just above xt levels

but i couldnt Keep the 2.4ghz oc stable enough for my liking to its now at 2.3