Whats your favorite class and why?


Mar 23, 2011
Reaction score
Mine is the sniper, just because the sniper rifle is what I love to use in FPS's.

Whats yours?

You guys need to drink some more STFU.
Engineer because I can chillax while my sentry brings home the bacon.
I play the Pyro. My reasons are as follows: I like fire, I can't hit shit with any other class (excepting Soldier and Heavy), The ability of the Pyro to ruin a players day is second only to the spy, I can set the WHOLE team on fire!, Ambush tactics are fun, I can kill from the grave, a well played ubercharged Pyro is THE most destructive force in close quarters.

I also play the soldier and heavy a lot too. I used to play the scout but I died to much. (I suck at being an engineer and spy... and I'm completely useless as a sniper)... I'm a pretty good medic as well.
I play Medic, because I enjoy the front-line support, and it's a very cooperation-based class. What makes TF2 aces to me is that it definitely rewards teamwork, and I can bump a team's cooperation up a notch or two the better I play. As I type this, it occurs to me that I haven't played TF2 for way too long (been farting around with Singularity, Bulletstorm, and another playthrough of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.)

I also play engineer because that class absolutely makes a difference on defense, and if our team doesn't have the engineers needed to win, I'm on the case.

I also play spy because it's very hard to do well, but really gets my adrenalin going when I do. Also, it's immensely satisfying to turn the battlements in 2Fort from a sniper fest to a machete parade, as they're too skittish after many backstabs to fire up their weapons.
I'm teetering between Sniper and Spy. Sniper for it's obvious headshot fun, but the Spy brings about a unique twist, and is also quite hard to master.
Demo, because I get blood thirsty when I'm cutting heads off. Also the gren launcher has the same projectile physics that the gren launcher from Quake 1 had (which I loooove)
You know, it used to be a toss up between soldier and spy. These have always been my favorite classes in fortress games; the soldier because, while he can be played basically as Vegeta mentioned, he also has surprising depth and requires a lot of pure aiming and leading skill at higher levels of play. Bouncing around your opponent where you want them, juggling them in the air; an experienced soldier can control the entire battle through manipulation of the enemy's movements with his shotgun and RPG.

Spy I liked because of the subterfuge. Such a classy class.

But lately in TF2 I think my favorite class is slowly becoming battle medic. I am a goddamn medicinal vampire on the field and there are few things that you can throw at me that will put me down. That combination of combat effectiveness mixed in with supporting your team just enough that you're called a credit is a great feeling.

Kritz on defence, medigun on attack.

Failing that, Engi. Offensive or defensive.
Definately the Spy.
I like the way it is hard to master and it makes TF2 more challenging for me.
It just feels wrong to spam rockets on someone, killing him for obvious reasons.
Shoving a knife up someone's ass just feels more satisfying :D
I mostly waffle between Scout, Heavy, and Medic. I love acting as a combat assassin, but I also love the process of positioning and health-whittling that the Heavy encourages, but I also love healing people and giving out free Ubersaws to the face.
Definately medic. Though when i'm not needed as a healer i like to go demoman. I find him just plain fun.
Pyro, because i'm a bit kamikaze and there's nothing like die burning the enemies! :P

Demo is the other i love to play: who can dislike bomb ambushes or decapitate enemies? ;)
Pyroooooooooooo cos its so much damn fun! Sometimes switch to Heavy or Engineer as my other main ones. I'm completely hopeless as a Spy so hardly ever go him.
Mine is the Pyro because it is the only one i'm really good at.....plus i can kill someone even if i die!
Scout beats all. The character is fast, considerably good weapons, and fun to play!
Solo play, Demoman. Highest damage potential and versatility in the game.
Soldier all the way. Always has been my favourite.
Soldier, Scout, then Heavy are at the top of my time spent, last time I checked. I think I switch to the soldier the most when I can't get through an entrenched enemy. I suck the most with the spy.
Spy and Scout are my least played... I really suck soooo bad with the Spy and the Scout just moves too damned fast for my ageing reflexes to keep up with what's on screen :p

Edit: Mental note - never use that obscene smiley again...
Pyro. Typical choice for a girl, I know, but oh who cares about that. ~ * I DO WANT TO SET THE WOORLD OOON FIRE ! * ~

Also I'm a sucker for cute stuff and I always wear Pyrovision googles. Viva dulzura !