Whats YOUR favorite moment?

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I just wanted some input from you guys about moments in the game that made you amazed, dumbstruck, laugh, etc.

Personally, it would have to be the part where you get to play catch with DOG. It was so fun tossing stuff at each other and running around. There are many other parts, but that one stuck with me. :P

So, how 'bout you?
yeh playing fetch with dog was fun :D
i like the bit where you can see the drain pipe shaking from when the monsters was climining up it :D
i also love carrying the blade with manipualtor gun and firing it at like 8 monsters cutting them all in half :D
i havent completed it yet so theres probably gonna be more
Using the gravity gun for the first few moments. hehe fun :bounce:
Barney tossing me my crowbar I think was the best moment in the game so far.
The teleporting situation.
The relief I felt once beaten the airboat missions.
Playing fetch with the Dog.
The parts of the Ravenholm shown in bink.
There's a house in Ravenholm with a s_load of zombies after you. It's so funny to see the mess once you launch a saw blade into all of them.
what i found really funny was when the teleporter at the begining went wrong and u went to the guy(cant remember his names) office and he was like what what waht. . . wtf
When I threw a cup at a combine and it chased me :D

Playing catch with Dog was pretty cool... I'm only about 10% through with the game, methinks (coming up on Ravenholm).
More like 30% melkor.

Yeah I loved it when you get teleported into breens office and he's like WTF OMFG!
Along with those others, the part where you walk through City 17 and come to the children's playgraound. You can hear, very faintly, the sounds of children laughing and playing. Spooky.
Hapless said:
Along with those others, the part where you walk through City 17 and come to the children's playgraound. You can hear, very faintly, the sounds of children laughing and playing. Spooky.

Really? I never noticed that, but I did have a little play on the stuff. :upstare:
the breen goin wtf and the throwin stuff at the combine is the best
Hapless said:
Along with those others, the part where you walk through City 17 and come to the children's playgraound. You can hear, very faintly, the sounds of children laughing and playing. Spooky.

yeh i heard a baby cry and then seen a baby doll on the floor,
another great part i forgot to add was when the guy in the apartment near the start whispers to you to guy on roof , u see the combine in the coridor and then they start to chase you ,, i got so caught by them first time round and betean to death with 8 to 10 combine around me lol ,, i couldent go forward or anything ..that part made me shout :D wtf i cant move
lol, cool. I shat myself when they started to chase me. That bit where they catch you, I ran around thinking WTF let me out.
the first time you saw that running zombie coming up towards you when you opened the door lol

i was like wtf is that lol needless to say i wanted to get out of there as quick as possible :)
Airboat vs. Helicopter.

When the Heli was almost dead it just started to absolutely RAIN bombs down....it was so awesome looking, just raining bombs and me shooting and them exploding in mid air.

Just epic.
Netherworld said:
the first time you saw that running zombie coming up towards you when you opened the door lol

i was like wtf is that lol needless to say i wanted to get out of there as quick as possible :)

I hate being cornered by those. The way they tear into you, it's so different from the normal zombies. I think they are the scariest enemy so far.
the part that made me just go WOW was in the canals, where u have to blow the barrels to open the gate. a guy maning the mounted gun is firing away and i was behind a trolley which i pushed all the way up to him using it as cover. then leap out and shot him in the head.
I'm not really sure what my favorite battle has been so far, but one of my favorite parts was this:

When you first meet a vortigaunt (near the beggining when your going through the train system) and he actually talks to you. It was so unexpeced and weird considering how many I killed in HL1, then it was made even better when I went up close to him to take a better look and he just moved his eye forward to look at me as well.
When I shot a buzzsaw at a hanging tree-corpse in Ravenholm and his ragdoll completely bugged out and started flailing around at astronomical speeds =D.

Yeah the whole teleporter scene in general was pretty funny. I especially liked the jokes they made about Black Mesa.

Another cool part was when the citadel is going crazy and you see all the birds flying out as it opens up.

Also the hovercraft vs helicopter battle! And killing those manatees!
Playing fetch with dog was awesome. Alyx is amazing. Makes you have feelings for Dog and Alyx :) I JUST started "Nova Prospekt", how long will it be until I meet up with Alyx again guys?
Alau said:
Another cool part was when the citadel is going crazy and you see all the birds flying out as it opens up.

LOL, those were scanners dude(you know, those things which take your picture). It was releasing thousands of them to scour the city for you.

SilentKilla said:
Playing fetch with dog was awesome. Alyx is amazing. Makes you have feelings for Dog and Alyx :) I JUST started "Nova Prospekt", how long will it be until I meet up with Alyx again guys?

You have to go through a large portion of the prison system first, but it's cool because when you do meet her she actually helps you, not just talks a bit then legs it.
This one is like 3/4 or more into the game:

Dog going nuts on a combine APC and leaping onto the combine dropship

That or this near-end game one:
When somehow all your guns are taken from you and you get the white manipulator that just kicks ass and your suit can power up to 200. Taking those power cores and just launching them everywhere was awesome. Not to mention taking down that strider and pretty much everything else with ease.