Whats Your Favorite Zelda Game?

nintendo storylines are always crap, whats important is that they create an ability to have levles that arnt out of place, or are funny.
I literally found every single secret in Ocarina of time. Twice.
It was too much fun. :cheese:

Majora's Mask would have been great, but having only four bosses was a really big mistake in my opinion. I mean OOT had a dozen or so dungeons, but then the sequel had less than a third as many? What was up with that?

I haven't played wind waker for more than ten minutes, but I have to say that the graphics made it look like an animated movie with the cel shading. It was a nice effect, but it's too much of a gimmick to base sequels around. Not putting all your eggs in one basket and so forth.
While everyone is on the subject of Nintendo bashing, has anybody played or heard of Kirby's Air Ride?
Working through the Master Quest version of OOT. Man, no game has made me go crazy as much as it has. I cheat with online faqs, but only when it gets horrible... like the Water Temple. That has to be the hardest dungeon no matter which version you play.
Get Soulcalibur 2 for 3D Link goodness. And its a very good game by itself. Link makes it all the sweeter.