Whats your Favourite Beer?

baron insig

Oct 18, 2004
Reaction score
My favourite would have to be Innis And Gunn, oak aged beer

its 6.6% and is bloody lush!

Btw americans budweiser is not beer it is lager and weak stuff at that

So whats your favourite?
I no longer consume alcohol so it is hard to say, the last time i had sometihng to drink was like christmas when i had a few of those speciality ales......they were quite nice.
The 1000th beer-thread ... :upstare:

Guiness... Kilkenny... Brinkhoffs
i only like cider, spirits and some alcopops.

White lightning is nice, 7.5% . :D

and perno, vodka, gin. baileys is nice.
Lager and Lime. Usually Stella Artois.

Don't drink much though :smoking:
beer is yucky :x. Soft drinks with a tiny bit of spirits mixed in is ok but generally I prefere to stick to cokes when I go to the pub
White Lightening.. what are you.. 14? :p

Anyway, I like Oranjeboom, and Corona (with lime of course)

Tiger is also nice :E
favourite lager for me has to be either carling or carlsberg...i used to like wife beater but i had some one night and struggled to use my legs

i love bells whiskey aswell...magic stuff

i haven't been drinking since christmas night though cos me stomachs not been right
ComradeBadger said:
White Lightening.. what are you.. 14? :p

Anyway, I like Oranjeboom, and Corona (with lime of course)

Tiger is also nice :E

i dont give a f*ck, its 7.5%, and nice :E
Stella i guess, although on a night out I prefer to start on double JDs or double vodkas. I think beer is more of a pub thing.
lol orangjeboom thats the cheap stuff from asda aint it? but it still is nice.

I like fosters, budweiser or carling
I can't stand alcohol, but I can choke through a cider if the occasion warrants it.

I'd rather have even the worst soft drink though. I just plain dislike the taste.
Mechagodzilla said:
I can't stand alcohol, but I can choke through a cider if the occasion warrants it.

I'd rather have even the worst soft drink though. I just plain dislike the taste.

a lot of ppl hate the taste of alcohol but consume it anyway just to get drunk
Sierra Nevada - Pale Ale, Tell me somone has heard of this beer. Its from my home town in Chico, California. The greatest beer i've tasted yet. Now that im living in buffalo NY I have to get it for like 2 times the price, it sucks!
KoreBolteR said:
i dont give a f*ck, its 7.5%, and nice :E
It's also the drink of choice (tm) of the Chav (tm) :E

And Oranjeboom is NOT the beer you get cheap from ASDA :p I get it down me local for £2.80 a pint :|
i like the taste of all alcohol But cider unless it is nice scrumy form a farm house you walked down to then its shite

And Tiger Is lush but bloody expensive where i reside
Corona & Lime

Drink others if i have to and for a night out i go for some shots and shorts...
ComradeBadger said:
It's also the drink of choice (tm) of the Chav (tm) :E

And Oranjeboom is NOT the beer you get cheap from ASDA :p I get it down me local for £2.80 a pint :|

i hate chavs. :thumbs:

why pay £2.80 for a pint when you can get 4 cans for about the same price :p
bassman61588 said:
Sierra Nevada - Pale Ale, Tell me somone has heard of this beer. Its from my home town in Chico, California. The greatest beer i've tasted yet. Now that im living in buffalo NY I have to get it for like 2 times the price, it sucks!

I love Sierra Nevada as well. The pale ale is the green label right? Good stuff. Those nevadas were like currency when we followed Phish across the US.

Where is Chico in relation to the larger cities in CA?
Heineken!! pretty much all Dutch and german beer..
but I don't drink that much either ^_^
Such a hard question to answer ... I mean, how do you break it down?

- First off the only Mexican beer is Pacifico. Corona tastes like piss in comparison. That's right, I said it ... so nyeh :p
- Even though Budweiser and Miller are the two most advertised beers in this country, they are both "settle for it if there's absolutely nothing else" beers. I avoid them if at all possible, and I'm sure I can get alot of people behind me on this.
- Guinness is awesome. Can't drink more than, say, two in a night (I'm not hardcore enough) but nothing beats a good pour from a real pub. Cuz sometimes...
Your beer's just got to be this dark!!
- There's a special place in my heart for Hefeweizen and I haven't had a bad one yet. Lemon or no lemon.
- Finally, the last brand I should mention is Newcastle. It earns about a 60% majority of the pitchers I order at bars.

Yeah, I guess you could count me as a drinker...

P.S., I didn't realize that there were so many people out there who drink ciders and what some more tactless friends of mine would call "bitch drinks," but I would refrain only out of politeness. Sorry, I don't know where that came from.
I drink cider occasionaly, but i mostly drink Guiness now. it really is the best drink ever :p And i can drink more than 2 a night !
And i agree with you Mutoid, Budweiser is pants... i cant stand the stuff. Fosters tastes like poo too.
Grolsch is nice... as is stella, but Stella is another Chav favourite for some reason, maybe they buy more expensive beer to look posh.
KoreBolteR said:
i dont give a f*ck, its 7.5%, and nice :E

You know you're too young to drink when the alcoholic volume actually means anything to you. Do yourself and the rest of society a favour and stick to soft drinks.
Heh that is true, if you want to get drunk quick just do spirits fool :p or rather don't do it, there is no need to get drunk quick it's stupid
MuToiD_MaN said:
- Finally, the last brand I should mention is Newcastle. It earns about a 60% majority of the pitchers I order at bars.

Newcastle Brown? Gan on son.

Me, drinking Boddington's right now, but I'm keen on Tiger Bitter (not Singapore tiger beer) and other dark ales.
Pilsner Urquell, Krusovice, Starobrno and the occasional Guinness.

By the way.. did you fellas know there's another Budweiser? One that tastes infinately better than its american counterpart. I think they started before AC did too. It's czech. http://www.budvar.cz/

I think it's sold under the name Budvar in America though, but as Budweiser or Budweiser budvar in Europe.
Zerimski said:
You know you're too young to drink when the alcoholic volume actually means anything to you. Do yourself and the rest of society a favour and stick to soft drinks.

what gives you the right to tell me what to do in my life?

id like to tell you that when i drink, i do limit myself, and i dont walk the streets wreckless like you may think, so please do me a favour and save the lecture.

btw, with me sticking too soft drinks, what does it gain for society? :rolleyes:

Joims said:
vodka and redbull ;)

Aye, thats nice :)
KoreBolteR said:
what gives you the right to tell me what to do in my life?

It was just a bit of advice. I honestly don't care what you do to yourself.

btw, with me sticking too soft drinks, what does it gain for society? :rolleyes:

One less pissed-up 14 year old wasting a bed in A&E?
Zerimski said:
It was just a bit of advice. I honestly don't care what you do to yourself.

One less pissed-up 14 year old wasting a bed in A&E?

im not 14 , im 17... 18 very soon. so get your facts right before you start shouting your mouth off.

thanks for your advice, but im gonna choose to avoid it .

no offence intended, m8 :)
Oh, sorry, I looked at your posts and tried to approximate your age.
Zerimski said:
Oh, sorry, I looked at your posts and tried to approximate your age.

lol, thx.....
id assume your 14 by making that childish insult

i even put a smiley face at the end to make it clear i wasnt arguing. ffs
Ok, that was a cheap dig, I admit. However, you did edit the "No offense" part of your post in while I was replying. If I had seen that beforehand, I wouldn't have posted.