Whats Your Favourite Mode of Transport?

Whats your favourite mode of transport?

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Jan 1, 2009
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What's yours, if you had the choice?

Small sailing dinghy ftw!

Boats are good too so long as I don't get seasick.
I like cycling and walking. Driving a car is fun too, but I don't get a lot of opportunity, seeing as I don't own one.
I love driving cars but I walk 95% of the time and cars are evil anyway.
I love walking. Driving is nice, but you can't really do it recreationally.
Cycling and walking. Having to catch a bus and train twice a day each for the last 6 months has fueled my loathing for public transport and I have no money to get driving lessons or maintain a car. If I could cycle the 30 miles to college, I would, but I'm far too unhealthy, tired and lazy to do that.

I wish I lived in a more cycle friendly area, too. Roads are really inconsisent near me - roundabouts, blind turns, uneven roads and pavements... horrid.
Cycling... but haven't had a decent bike to go cycling in a long time.
I don't like transport in the first place, I'd teleport if I could.
If it comes down to recreation, then I'd go with bikes. Also running even though I suck at endurance.
I thought I was your favorite mode of transportation KA? ;(
boat as long as i don't get seasick. i haven't been on a boat in ages but we do own a canoe and i loved being on it as a kid. I think if everyone has the space, they should at lease own a canoe because they don't cost much
Driving (if cross-country). I hating using roads in cities. I like metros though.
Every one knows your heart withered up and died years ago.
Walking, but the necessities of life mean I end up driving everywhere
I live in London so the tube and bus are preferred modes of transport for most people. Because I grew up in (different) cities, my parents didn't really drive and I'm 21 this month and don't know how.

Well I do know how, my dad taught me. But I don't have a license. I am actually planning to get it this year because I go to visit family in Normandy and to get there it's pretty essential to drive as it's in the middle of nowhere.

But I like London buses. They're 24hr and usually pretty fast.
so this is yours:

Best memories are from a boat.

Plane has to be bottom of the list nowadays what with all the security checks and lack of customer focus.
Favourite would have to be motorbike. The sensation of speed is just unmatchable.

Commonly I walk though, drive if its a long way.
Hot air balloon. I one day plan to make a 1780s style hot air balloon