Whats your IQ?

That was complete BS
It said 169. According to that i should go into buisness as a NASA engineer. Waste of my time, i know my IQ isn't that high, and nobody really cares about IQ anyways...
Every effing time I take this I get a link to it logged into someone elses account, I have never seen my results.
here she is no lieing i have a pic of the email

quite hard to read but it is highlighted if you cant read that it is 142
The only way to really know is to get MENSA to test you under controlled conditions.
I've taken lots of IQ tests, online and not. It's usually pretty high (140-170) but it doesn't matter. I'm going into the music industry.
I had a real IQ test once, but it was a while ago, so its not too accurate but it was something like 149+ (I don't know why there was a plus)
I base the accuracy of IQ tests on my score, if my score isn't high enough, it's obviously flawed.
yes, internet IQ tests are complete and utter bullshit, however professional IQ tests conducted by trained professionals are accurate, however, IQ tests in general are not an aqurate representation of a persons intelligence, only a rough estimate of various problem solving and analytical skills they posses.

That said i have an IQ of 142 conducted by a trained professional.
149+ is because the further you get from 100 the less accurate the test is. IQs of 130 up start getting rather imprecise
Foxtrot said:
Every effing time I take this I get a link to it logged into someone elses account, I have never seen my results.

I only glanced at the site, and closed the browser window.

Afterwards, I got 5 e-mails, each about 10 mins apart, informing me of my iq score.

"Your IQ score is 151!"
"Your IQ score is 139!"
"Your IQ score is 131!"
"Your IQ score is 156!"
"Your IQ score is 151!"

That's pretty amazing stuff I must say, since I didn't even bother taking the test. I decided to block the website's emails though, I've probably got hundreds in the junk mail folder now.

Psychic IQ tests...don't even have to put pen to paper and they still give you informative feedback.:laugh:
Gave me 128, did it again with exact same results (yes, i typed them down) and i got 140... and the first time I made it it took only 2 seconds more than the second time, :cheers:
i had a IQ test a few months ago, and i had an IQof 147+

my friend had 105 :D
http://www.sq.4mg.com/NationIQ.htm said:
Average IQ of Countries
Britain is set at 100, USA is lower at 98, and world average IQ becomes 90.

Online IQ tests are absolute crap - they're only using it to get you on a mailing list. They can't be accurate - if the national IQ was around 100, and everyone had 165, then the average would increase.

My actual IQ was something like 116, and I'm a pretty clever guy, I know how to code, I can solve some pretty tricky problems. These
online IQ tests have said I'm well into the 200's, which is bollocks, I know I'm not that smart.

Oh, and:

http://www.audiblox.com/iq_scores.htm said:
Descriptive Classifications of Intelligence Quotients

% of Population

Very superior


High average


Low average


Below 70
Extremely low
If you can be taken in by online IQ tests, then I'd say that your IQ is probably less than 100.

-Angry Lawyer
yeah they are all bogus, and want yer money!!! :(.

like hell am i signing up.
damn i gave my email addy tho :(

i better look forward to junk mail for life... :|
KoreBolteR said:
yeah they are all bogus, and want yer money!!! :(.

like hell am i signing up.
damn i gave my email addy tho :(

i better look forward to junk mail for life... :|
Your not the only one......I posted my profile site at the very first post...........
i've taken 2 IQ tests in my life. Niether where the 1 from that site.
The first = 115-120
The second = 138 (That was an internet one)
I once took an IQ test with a doc when I'm 10 or 11, think I got 128-30 or something like that :/
IQ tests are a rubbish way of showing actual brain activity, especially online ones.
I know people that are intelligent but would get a low score, its not just about intelligence as well.....imagine someone who blanks when they see a maths question or if they are AMAZING at something that isn't in the test.......a perfect IQ test would have to be a test on everything you could possibly know, which would be impossible.

Anyway.....i have done IQ tests online and stuff and i usually get pissed off half way through at a question i deem to be wrong/not properly worded or layed out, yet i know they will want the "wrong" awnser.
In the tests i have done i usually always get over 150, maximum was like 169 or something.
1. 165
3. yes

In my opinion the score of 165 is complete shit, there is no way you can gauge intelligence like that.....it is a "rough guide" (lol +/- 40 IQ points or something stupid)
Very superior

I very much doubt any of us here are in the Einstein bracket. Otherwise the entire 2.2% would be posting in this thread.

-Angry Lawyer