What's your IRL name?


May 17, 2003
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Everyone has nicknames and stuff, so I wonder what your IRL* name is.

(* = In real life)

Well, since I feel to mature ( ;) ) to have nicknames, I have my IRL name as a nickname.

My name is Robert.
Feath said:
David Featherstone.

I... I... can't, can't make any more Teeth jokes.... it has gone.... old.... :(

My IRL name: Julian \o/
Kristafon Edward Heath

LOL Robert your avatar, a bit suggestive, no?
Du får inte sticka köttbullar up i näsan marcus :D
Justin Baker.

...and no...I don't make cakes.I heard enough baker jokes as it is.
My full name is Max Erik Richard Edin
inokentiy andreivich aksentiev, and no, you didn't pronounce it right.
Sai Toshinawa

Yes, i am from there.
John Paul... and sorry, I'd feel weird posting my last name too. :D
Feath said:
David Featherstone.

At last! Your name makes sense! :bounce:

Tr0n said:
Justin Baker.

...and no...I don't make cakes.I heard enough baker jokes as it is.

I used to know this guy Gardner. I used to always point out the hilarity that his name implied he was a gardner. He used to hit me alot :D

I'm Cazley Thompson. Yeah, they made it up.
My full name is Jonathin Stuart Sauve

and you probably didnt pronounce Sauve right, unless you're smart

Just call me Jon
RRunner said:
Du får inte sticka köttbullar up i näsan marcus :D

ahhh how that phrase tortured me through school when i was a kid ;) :D

and how come all finlanders here have swedish sounding names..you should be called like Pekka, Seppo, Auliki, Heiki etc :p :p