Whats your most hated company?

microsoft and sco...
Bill Gates to the Senator "Senator, Monopoly is just a game... I'm trying to control the fvcking world."

ha... that was good.... sigging it
I can't stand ZDNet.com. All their articles are one-sided and anti-Microsoft and anti-Intel. I just can't stomach the uneducated, uninformed, illiterate anti-Microsoft drabble that spews from their writers. I swear they've got the Iraqi Information Minister working over there!

"Oh course, Linux, praise be on it's soul, is beating Microsoft in every way: revenue, developer support, ISV support. Those Microsoft dogs will be bleeding on the streets from Linux's rapture soon. Oh those wonderful, brave Linux supporters. They are blessed to destroy those God-less Microsoft swine.", ZDNet editor-in-chief, Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf

--Mr. Bildo
Dedalus said:
-credit card companies (for making it easy for people to get into debt but making it difficult to get out of debt)

must be more.

Protip: Dont overcharge. Problem solved.
DimitriPopov said:
Protip: Dont overcharge. Problem solved.

i don't own any credit cards so i don't have a problem with this point. it's just that i see a lot of my friends who are around the same age as me who were eager to jump on the credit card wagon as soon as they could. and now they're even more in debt then they were before and it's so difficult for them to get back out seeing as they're students and all. i'm trying to put off getting a credit card for as long as possible, saves a lot of hassle.
Oh yeah, and every Internet Cafe in town except Iplay, they're all run by (sorry, not being racist) asians who have NO idea what they're doing, fired a good mate of mine from two of them for being right, when they should have fired the guy in their staff who was doing wrong, my mate just had the guts to complain about him. End rant.
Definitely smart parts paintball. They are seriously nazis. They claim to have patented so much crap its unbelivable. Hell they even have an ad now that laughs in the people that theyre sueing faces. It says "We patented winning too" The sad thing is, is that all the companys they are sueing dont have nearly enough money to defeat them. Poor AKALMP is taking a beaten from them, i hope it doenst cause them any trouble with their vikings and merlins. And another terrible thing is that thye wont dare touch the companys that have more money than them, yet still break this so called patent they have. They piss me the f*ck off, i hope they make a mistake and go after brass eagle or something like that, then that will be the downfall of themselves.
FOX (have you ever watched fox news, most biased media EVER)
viacom (you know, the people who own MTV and are brainwashing today's youth)
The US Goverment (although not an official company, they sure act exactly like M$. Hypocrites)
Bank One (used to be the bank I had money in, but most banks I don't trust anyway.)
McDonald's (can you belive they have the balls to charge me for barbeque sauce, simply because I didn't order mcnuggets!!)

*me steps down from soapbox*
Dedalus said:
i don't own any credit cards so i don't have a problem with this point. it's just that i see a lot of my friends who are around the same age as me who were eager to jump on the credit card wagon as soon as they could. and now they're even more in debt then they were before and it's so difficult for them to get back out seeing as they're students and all. i'm trying to put off getting a credit card for as long as possible, saves a lot of hassle.

Yeah students and money probably dont mix very well :p

(Im a student too..)but my limit is only 500$ , Im always careful to charge only that which I already have the money for , and pay the whole bill every month.
Valve software,the games they made are a sh*t
I dont hav names of company that I really hate(really I have but are from my country)
and I write this to up my range
Valve!!!!!!!!! THEY LIE!!!!!!!!


Mc.Donalds (Although they got sweet fries)
Microsoft (Is pretty much the basis of our economy in America :/ )
nVidia (For being AMD's competitor)
BlockBuster (For charging late fee's on videos that where not late)
simmo said:
EA :|, because of thier laziness and lack of decent customer support, but this have been improving since the release of NFSU tho :)

EA... yes Activision > EA
nVidia is AMDs competitor? in what sector?
i don't hate companies, i hate people that support bad companies. i hate people that shop at walmart. i've shopped at walmart.
Lil' Timmy said:
i hate people that support bad companies. i hate people that shop at walmart. i've shopped at walmart.

do u hate urself? :upstare: :LOL:
nVidia (For being AMD's competitor)
AMD vs Intel
Nvidia vs VIA vs Intel vs SIS vs ATI
Nvidia vs ATI
Nvidia vs AMD, never heard that one.

Um, I dislike/hate:
I seem to be one of the only people that likes all the companies that people seem to hate loads.

Namely Microsoft and Gamespy? These two companys are the main reason computing and online gaming became mainstream.

Perhaps I just find it difficult to hate anyone. Well I do hate AOL, purely becuase they spam my non e-mail Postbox with their damn Cd's.
Enron, if it still exists somewhere, because they provide the majority of large companies with energy, so as they can continuously rip us off.. lol :p