What's Your Resolution?


  • Lower

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • 1024 x 768

    Votes: 17 37.0%
  • 1152 x 864

    Votes: 5 10.9%
  • 1280 x 1024

    Votes: 17 37.0%
  • Higher

    Votes: 6 13.0%

  • Total voters
1152x864!~!~!! I used to run at 1280, but, I stopped for some reason unknown to me.

:) I love being a geek. A geek that can pay in cash for almost anything i want (After i save for it of course)
I use the oh-so-evil 1280x1024. There are like no wallpapers in 1024x768 that have a 1280x1024 copy.. It's uncompatible, so to speak. But i like it , it's better than 1024x768 when it comes to browsing the net and such.
1280x1024... As a developper I think it's the best resolution because it gives alot of space to work. I often have 4-5 soft open at the same time and I have to switch between them or put them one on top of the other to compare something... I use Photoshop, Visual Studio .NET, DreamWeaver, WebExpert, 3dsMax and alot of Internet Explorer Windows :)
i use 1600x1200 for pretty much the same reason as the guy above me, more work space. took a while to get used to everything being so tiny but i'll never go back to anything else now.
Desktop: 2560x960
Gaming: 1024x768 or 1280x1024
I perfer x960 over x1024 for my desktop because I do A/V work and it is a 4:3 ratio resoultion.
I do 1600x1200 because the refresh rate on anything higher is 70-60Hz and I don't like anything below 80hz :D
I guess it also depends on your monitor size...Im running 1024x768 cause 1) im used to it and 2) I only have a 17inch monitor
1280x1024 I am using a laptop.

My Bro PC can go over 1600
I'm sure we've had this poll before, or something like it. But it's pretty much assured that the resolution is perfect for games.
all my little monitor can handle
1280x1024... anything higher, and my monitor craps itself.