When are the DS and PSPs coming out?


Sep 12, 2003
Reaction score
I'm having trouble finding, is there an official release date? I'd like either but I'm leaning towards a DS. Thanks
The DS is slated for a holiday release this year. I think the PSP will be released next year.

Edit: Ahahahaha Bubb Rubb in your avatar
$150 is a great deal for the DS and it comes with two games: Metroid Prime Hunters and Pictochat. I'm really excited to see what kinds of game ideas developers can come up with this system. EA has already announced Goldeneye, a Madden game, Tiger Woods golf and more. I also know Square Enix is making an rpg for it. A castlevania game too from Konami, i can't wait. It plays all GBA games too!!

Here's a list of games in development http://www.nintendojo.com/infocus/view_item.php?1095752569
I didn't know it played GBA games too. If that's the case the DS shall be mine!!!! (hopfeully it can still link up to the GC for some 4 swords goodness)
I also know it's WiFi compatible and if you have a wireless router or are in a certain "hotspot" you can play with other people across the country. Sorry I can't explain the details of it very well as I don't know much about WiFi :(
You won't be able to use the DS for GC-GBA link up as it doesn't have a link port, remember they are pushing the wireless ability hard so no cables.
That's a shame - still, wireless link does sound very cool (if only I had a friend who would get a DS too :()
I hear the Metroid game will just be a multiplayer demo. Still very cool to build it in though.