When did Medal of Honor go wrong?

When did the crap train come a'rollin' ?

  • Medal of Honor/It's always sucked/Troll

    Votes: 6 10.3%
  • Medal of Honor Underground

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Medal of Honor: Allied Assault + Xpacks

    Votes: 3 5.2%
  • Medal of Honor: Frontline

    Votes: 9 15.5%
  • Medal of Honor: Rising Sun

    Votes: 20 34.5%
  • Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault

    Votes: 15 25.9%
  • Medal of Honor: Airborne

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • It has never sucked!

    Votes: 4 6.9%

  • Total voters

French Ninja

Jan 8, 2005
Reaction score
I know that there's a lot of MoH hate out there, but I remember when the series was one of my favorites.

MoH with it's awesome soundtrack and first exposing me to FPS games
MoH:U for doing something innovative as far as characters go, along with the soundtrack
MoH: Allied Assault exposed me to PC FPS games and that awesome Omaha beach scene
MoH: Frontline for the best soundtrack to date

After that it's been a suck-fest of epic proportions. God, Rising Sun sucked...
How about you guys?

(Note: I cut out some games, I picked the largest releases.)
I'm gonna say after Pacific Assault. That wasn't bad but shit started going downhill from there imo.
I say Rising Sun. Frontline was epic and was an awesome game, but something in my mind tells me that around Rising Sun it started to get a little sour. :/
first time playing, its pretty good, but after the first, it just sucks nuts
the crap started with rising sun and became even worse with pacific assault which is like the same damn shit. then they improved more on it in airbourne. frontlines and allied assault were the best.
Lol, Underground.

I liked the original and Allied Assault, that's about it.
I thoroughly enjoyed Pacific Assault, so I'll go with Rising Sun + the torrential downpour of console versions following it.
I have only played the PC versions & I have enjoyed each. I have MOHAA, MOHPA & MOHA.

Rising Sun definitely. I remember watching videos of it on PSM2 and it looked so disgustingly average in every aspect.

Frontline is probably the best and most epic MoH game to date, I'd say it's even better than Allied Assault (which I didn't find that good to be honest). Unfortunately it's the only MoH game to date that I've liked which weren't a dull experience from start to finish.
I enjoyed Allied Assault a lot, but I found Pacific Assault extremely boring so I gave up on the series after that.
Well it was great starting on the PS1, but it REALLY went good when it came to PC, Spearhead is one of the best expansion packs ever made. I would say when it went to PS2 it went downhill, Frontline onwards. I mean the D-Day assault on Frontline was laughable compared to the assault on Allied Assault.
Allied Assault.

Back when I was a far more petty and disagreeable person than I am now, I'd have epic, week-long arguments with people over why I thought the game sucked. Those lasted from the game's demo to it's retail release. Maybe I was just too smitten with RtCW's demo at the time, but nothing in AA really impressed me. Slick production values, good sound, but I'd just find myself going on autopilot while playing. Not even the Omaha level stuck out for me. Couple this with some infuriating segments, like Sniper Town or that part where you have to call bombardments on enemy armor while endless swarms of Germans keep rolling up behind you, and it was immediately forgettable. Also didn't like its skimping on the violence. No blood at all? Come on.

Never played the first game.
I actually thought it was better, the D-Day in Frontlines, graphics weren't as sharp but i thought it was better. The one in AA was really static, you had to hit a checkpoint before everyone started running etc and the draw distance was crap for some reason, i couldn't even see the guntowers, only their silhouette. The Frontlines one had some objectives atleast, rescuing others etc.

Frontlines was a really awesome game, the sound was amazing, best Mg42 sound ever. I loved the originals too, the missions were always really interesting, infiltrating Himmler's Castle in Underground was awesome. Rising Sun definately brought the suck, awful game.

Allied Assualt was brill too, i played the SP demo like a 100 times. I downloaded it on my 56k over 1 whole day.
It started to suck after Allied Assault (expansion packs were okay).

Note: I've played Medal of Honor, Underground, Allied Assault and it's expansions so far.
Actually the 3rd exp. pack for AA was really shoddy at times, you never seemed to have any ammo, soldiers guns always disappereared. That was really annoying.
Breakthrough? The ending was terrible.
MoH is almost a rail shooter and that's what I don't like about it. So I guess it went wrong right from the beginning. I can tell you where it went right, though - Airborne. Played the demo and enjoyed the multiple entry points.

Still, too arcadeish.
Gameplay video of Frontline (spoiler warning though).


Great memories from watching that. I love the sound of the MP40 and Gewehr 43. :E

The one in AA was really static, you had to hit a checkpoint before everyone started running etc and the draw distance was crap for some reason, i couldn't even see the guntowers, only their silhouette. The Frontlines one had some objectives atleast, rescuing others etc.

Same here about the terrible draw distance. The Frontline beach was great but a bit lacking in NPC's compared to the AA one but I still prefer the former mostly because of so much stuff happening all around you (airplanes tearing up boats and the beach, bunker fire, explosions everywhere) and that nice touch with the ships in the background.
Gameplay video of Frontline (spoiler warning though).


Great memories from watching that. I love the sound of the MP40 and Gewehr 43. :E

Same here about the terrible draw distance. The Frontline beach was great but a bit lacking in NPC's compared to the AA one but I still prefer the former mostly because of so much stuff happening all around you (airplanes tearing up boats and the beach, bunker fire, explosions everywhere) and that nice touch with the ships in the background.

aw cheers for posting that, how i love the music at the start :D Alot of the footage however is from an earlier version, the final release looks alot better than some of stuff in the vid.

The thompson was also really good sounding in Frontlines, almost identical to the Band Of Brothers one.

Yeah there weren't as many NPC'S but NPC'S always spawned from the shoreline although they all died at a predetermined point :p

The storyline was odd though, you play as Jimmy Patterson on d-day at Omaha Beach yet in the original Medal of Honor you play him too and drop into France on the 5th of June on your own, i remember they explained it somehow but can't remember now.
Started to suck after Allied Assault, (I accidentally put Pacific Assault though. :p ) but the original PSone version was the best, back when WW2 FPS games were fresh. :thumbs:
MoH for the PS1 and Allied Assault for the PC were the only good ones.

Medal of Honor: Spearhead was when it started to go downhill. Then CoD picked up the downhill and kept rolling.
All of them were equally fun in their own right imo.
MoH:AA was the first WW2 FPS I ever played so it'll always have a special place in my heart.

Then I played the PS1 version which was great but I'm not big into console FPSes so I couldn't get into it too much.

MoH: PA was the next MoH game I played and I loved it, the entire opening reeks of epic.

And then Call of Duty came out and all memories of MoH faded away except for the Omaha beach mission.
As soon as the beach landing in the first game was over.
As soon as the beach landing in the first game was over.

oh you're just one of those types of people who for some unknown reason irrationally HATES HALO!!! ...err I mean, WW2 games

about the second expansion for Allied Assault ..the games that came after were really sub par to AA
oh you're just one of those types of people who for some unknown reason irrationally HATES HALO!!! ...err I mean, WW2 games

I like WW2 games, just not MoH :) (or CoD)
Definitly after Allied Assault. Just hasn't been the same since.
I've, personally, never cared for any of the games. The only time I REALLY played it was once, when I was a LAN, and it was the tourny game to play. First time I played, I won 1st in the Deathmatch, and my team was 2nd. Not too bad, I didn't think. I figured I'd leave the game at that moment, though, as I wasn't really having any fun playing it :(
"Taking Down the Railgun" was the first (and legal) music I've downloaded from the internets. :D
Everything after Allied Assult + Xpacs lacked any of the things that made AA good.
Not enough options.

Loved allied assault, the poor quality of the expansion packs put me off buying any more of the series though, coupled with Call of Duty appearing and taking top dog.
Good vids French Ninja, loved Arnhem Knights, i have that song on my mp3. Gotta love the sound of the garand in the original. Sound loud lol. I love the silenced pistol aswell from Underground, satisfying.
I have those game for PS2 and PC, they're good. Few greatest games.

My answers are...
1. Rising Sun, that game has too few levels, 9. Multiplayer boring. Stupidest AI enemies . A Japanese take a sword out and running to me, I gave him a melee attack.

2. Pacific Assault, it's not so bad. Nice graphics, AI, many levels, and enjoyable. But that game requires a faster CPU.

French Ninja, could I talk about Vanguard?