When did MSN turn into Youtube?


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
I see they are failing to try to regain the internet mass for their own gain...and failing.


By cyberpitz at 2007-08-17
They've been doing this awhile haven't they? I never really noticed it though so meh.
Most sites are trying to jump on the youtube bandwagon. Its all too easy to get a script for the video sharing system.
Yeah...its been there ever since the program got renamed from MSN Messenger to Windows Live Messenger. That was a while back.

Yeah...its been there ever since the program got renamed from MSN Messenger to Windows Live Messenger. That was a while back.


I usually use Trillian, except at work, I use MSN messenger. Just recently got a computer that had XP on it, so I could finally get Live!. So this is new to me \=
V-Man on Msn

I use Msn and not Live because I have Windows 2000.
What really annoys me is how in the first few months of Live the "hotmail crew" would send me spam galore trying to tell me to upgrade to Live.
Of course they don't take into consideration that I'm running a computer that's not compatible with your crappy software, but dang that was annoying.