When Did you start Gaming?

When Did You Start Playing Games?

  • Before 1980

    Votes: 4 4.3%
  • After 1980

    Votes: 28 30.1%
  • After 1990

    Votes: 39 41.9%
  • After 1995

    Votes: 19 20.4%
  • After 2000

    Votes: 3 3.2%

  • Total voters


Apr 17, 2004
Reaction score
I've been reading quite a few people posts and thought I'd ask when all you guys started playing games. It would give me a better Idea of what you've played.

I guess I started playing games around 1995.
Right after 1990 (I think it was '91) when the Super Nintendo came out...
Wow, talk about nostalgia...

i started in like 1994, playing good ol side scrollers, though i cant recall any of them, one of them had you being toothpaste, and you had to fight the evil gingivitis!

good ol times
started in the 80's with the good ol' NES :D

oh damn, nevermind... i started playing games before that... on the good ol' commodore 64... and i remember there being a commodore version of that plaque and gingivitis game... can't remember the name... have to see if i can find the cartridge or something...
I started really getting into games when I played the demo for Half-life. I've been an addict ever since that day.
Around 1992 or something, we had that thing on the tapes and big ass flopies. I remember there was a game, where you had two schools, girls and boys, and you went to different classes and such, but you could flip off people and punch them too. A lot of fun.
I started somewhere between 1991 and 1992. Giant ass floppies and slow ass computers.
Letters said:
Right after 1990 (I think it was '91) when the Super Nintendo came out...
I said '95, but that was before I realized computers aren't the only gaming system :p so I guess it would be after '90 since I played SNES a helluvalot

come to think of it, I think I played ocomputer before 95 also. some f-14 or f-15 or maybe f-16 flight simulator which had like 4 colors total and sucked etc.

and a crazy topdown fighter ship type thing.. was it called traffic? I dunno.

and of course, terminal velocity. that game rocked.
damn, i thought this was only for computers...

well i started actully in like 1993,
playing that wicked ass duck game with the light gun
ahh how i hated that freaking dog XD

hmm what else can i find *here*

international soccer
linking logic

damn ... the "newest" of these games is linking logic from 1984 lol
well I started video games since about 1993 with good old MSX (don't know if you've even heard of it :p) but I didn't start playing PC games untill I got a PC :| towards the end of 2001.

so I voted after 2000
I started playing when I was six years old (1991) when my grand parents bought a Nintendo 8-bit. I played Super Mario Bros a helluvalot. :D

Before that there were my cousins who had borrowed a Nintendo from a store once, but I had no idea of what they were doing because I had never seen a videogame before that.
i started gaming around 1989.. i remember the good ol NES days and then shortly after got my first PC..lol

i remember '89 well because the Calgary Flames won the Stanley Cup that year and i was in awe seeing all those skilled players :cheese:
i voted for "After 1990" :)
My parents bought me an old school NES when I was...really young. (Don't exactly remember the age.)
I started gaming in 96, cause that's when I got my first PC, I started out with Jedi Knight, played that on the net with a 28.8k modem, I was actually very good at it. Ahh teh memories...
It started with Videopac, pick-axe pete was 1 of my favorites
or did I start with Philips P200t donkey Kong? Anyway, early 80's
after that: sinclair zx spectrum, c64 and msx, commodore amiga and after that,

1994 at the age of 9 or 10 with Captain Comic on my Dad's 286...monochrome goodness and all! I also had my first (S)NES experiences that year as well.
When I got The Secret of Monkey Island for MAC back in either 1992 or 1993 (can't remember) I was hooked! Then I started buying Lemmings, LeChuck's Revenge etc.
1988, I was only six years old but I had been watching my older brother play all the time. It's his fault I play games all day now lol :E

Started with the C64 then upgraded to the C128. My first pc was a 486SX 25mhz 4Mb lol!
ive been gaming for aslong as i can remember, since about 1990, i was 4.
in the 80s
around ~89
my uncle got me interested
brought me all sorts of games
It was good times :)
I started in the late 1980's with the ZX Spectrum, some sort of Amstrad system, the Atari and Sega Master System.
I think one of, if not the first game i played was the origanal Sonic on the megadrive :) pure class
After 1990 sometime, playing StarFox on my SNES and Wolf 3d on the PC. Classic times.
monkey island, karatika, wolf 3D, prince of persia plus all the old apogee games (duke 1 + 2, halloween harry, biomenice, monster bash, cosmo's cosmic adventure, comander keen etc...) are all very nostalgic to me

im building an old dos box so i can play them all again
started when i was a toddler in the mid-eighties on my cousin's amstrad. first game i really remember having an affect on me was Sensible Soccer. went through dos games in the 90s. never really got into consoles, even when i was a kid they seemed childish/simplistic to me. all my cousins fault :p

yeah burnzie i've been trying to do that recently but i can't seem to find any cheap parts. most of the equipment has been discontinued so people charge half the earth for it :/
I was 2 years old when i went through King Quest (the first Rosella one), with my father in 1989. I was able to move the character and write things on the keyboard. My dad told me what to write.

Nobody believes me when i tell em that story... but it's true.
The first game I played was probably Dune 2 the best stategy game of all time.
I started playing in the 90's only because that is when I became interested, I have played so many games from the 80's and such, I had the ataris and nes systems, so I would have to say I started gaming with the 80's era but it was actually like just about 90 when I actually started.
Hmm, well the first game I remember playing is Doom, then Dark Forces. I was in Yr 3/4 when I was playing these, so that was... 1996 - 97? My brother got me addicted to games when I was younger than that though. I used to watch him play all the time, but I could never get the hang of them
80s.....(or baybe very early 90s...but i think it was 80s)
The original Donkey Kong (arcade cabinet) was my first game.