When Did you start Gaming?

When Did You Start Playing Games?

  • Before 1980

    Votes: 4 4.3%
  • After 1980

    Votes: 28 30.1%
  • After 1990

    Votes: 39 41.9%
  • After 1995

    Votes: 19 20.4%
  • After 2000

    Votes: 3 3.2%

  • Total voters
BirdMan said:
I was 2 years old when i went through King Quest (the first Rosella one), with my father in 1989. I was able to move the character and write things on the keyboard. My dad told me what to write.

Nobody believes me when i tell em that story... but it's true.

hehe i remember that game :D

a tad off topic: omg ur avatar!!! :thumbs:
being an NHL hockey fan.. that symbol brings back memories.. :dork:
ViVa La Nordiques!! :E
Whoops, I chose "After 2000," because that's when my family got our computer, and when I started playing games over-zealously. But I forgot the first time I played Goldeneye. It must have been sometime around '96... Good times :cheers:
I started gaming when I was about five years old. My dad bought this pre-Atari pong machine somewhere around '78, '79. After that I played on my Apple IIc, games like Zaxxon, Twerps, Ali Baba, and of course castle Wolfenstein. Also played a lot on Commodore 64. Impossible Mission I liked a lot, red Baron. After that I went to university and didn't own a pc for a while, but I played a bit of Doom, Lucas Arts adventures like Indiana Jones and the circle thingy, Realms, Pirates. When I got a decent PC again I missed the first FPS-wave completely (no HL, Deus eX, Quake, etc). I mostly played this rts called Earth2150 (...). Then I got MoH:AA and got really addicted to gaming again. Right now I play a lot of BF:V.
1990-1991, when I was 3-4, I guess since one of my earliest memories are playing games on an AMIGA.. We had an AMIGA in the house and my two older brothers were totally caught up in the amigascene and stuff, I got to play on it, fun games and stuff, my brother helped me paint in it, they made demos with their demogroup Cascade Sweden, they even made a game themselves, it was really professional and cool , sort of like Project X or R-Type.. So many fantastic memories, I guess that's why i have a special place in my heart for the AMIGA and everything that has to do with it.
Oh wait no! We got our first Macintosh LC in 1990 or early 1991! I played Crystal Quest, I liked!
I started gaming when I was 3 when my dad got me a Sega Megadrive and Sonic the Hedgehog was the first game I ever completed at the age of 3. I also had an atari and a SNES. Also had an amiga which introduced me to games like Monkey Island, Cannon Fodder, Prince of Persia and The Lost Vikings.
Go way back way way back, i started playing the original pong. It was ok but i soon forgot about video games. Then i played a game my friends were talking about it sounded interesting, it was called Space Invaders. Needless to say since then i've played just about everything. I've had a Atari 2600, Atari 5200, Colecovision, Intellivision, Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis and Play Station in my time. Now its strictly Computer games for me.
Super Nintendo for me. PC, a few years later with DOOM II.

Then Mega Drive, Sega Saturn.....
I started when I was like two on the Atari 2600. Can't really remember it too well, except for the fact that I couldn't get the hang of that damn drag-racing game because I didn't know how to shift, I would always blow the engine :p Then it was on to the NES, C64, then genesis, playstation, n64, dreamcast, and XBox.

PC gaming started with the C64, then we got a 100mhz P1, then a 400mhz K6-2, and then I have just been upgrading my comps ever since, always using something from the last one :p
Spectrum +2 128k in 86' although had a PONG box way before that. Upgraded to 486 SX25 in '93 and even hada 14.4k modem and net access! although back then the internet consisted of a few frameless pages with one or two search engines :(
I started to play games when me and my family was in the USA during 1994, we got the Super Nintendo there. :)

Remember when I was playing Super Mario World for the first time, good old times. :)
Kyo said:
I've been reading quite a few people posts and thought I'd ask when all you guys started playing games. It would give me a better Idea of what you've played.

I guess I started playing games around 1995.

before 1995 :D
My parents got me a NES in 1987 when I was almost three. I don't know why they got it for me when I was that young, but I was still able to play basic games like mario. I had so many games for the NES, and because I was almost literally brought up playing games, I know just about everything from mostly any game for Sega to SNES. It's fun when you meet someone who also knows about the older games.
when i was 7. the megadrive was my bible :D
I got a playstation when i was 5 years old, i think we had a computer where i played wolfenstein 3d.