When do the Plushie Wushies and Car Cubes come out?

...I don't HATE portal. It's mediocre. It had it's fun moments, but it's not zomgsupergameodayar.

And what's NOT to understand?
...I don't HATE portal. It's mediocre. It had it's fun moments, but it's not zomgsupergameodayar.

And what's NOT to understand?
Portal's obviously not your cup of tea. I don't know why some members have trouble understanding that.

You just hate Portal because of your small penis, don't you?
I guess.

Personally, I would have liked it more had it not been part of the HL2 universe.

Glados just reminds me too much of Hal sometimes, I guess.
I'm not sure where you're coming from here. HAL has quite a different style compared to GlaDOS. Compare HAL's calm, measured tones and sayings to GlaDOS's occasional mania.

Besides, Portal is a call-back to the black humour of HL1, which is nice, since HL2 and Episode 1 really lacked that charm. HL2 relied more on the vaste empty atmosphere of a cataclysm that has recently passed; Portal has the same atmosphere, but with absurd funnies. I suppose Cheomesh just doesn't like humour in absurdity.
Wait, now you HAVE lost me. Where was the humor in HL1?
Wait, now you HAVE lost me. Where was the humor in HL1?

Dark humour, mate. Don't tell me you didn't chuckle at the antics of the scientists? Smithers on top of his reactor? The victorious dancer getting headcrabbed from behind? You don't exactly have the same kind of LOL in HL2, do you?
Hm, I guess the dancer was kind of funny, though the memory is hazy.
They're 100$ a piece and all sold out. What the ****.
And the only other are fuzzy dice... bullshit!
Wait, the plushy WCC was 100 bones?

How ****ing big was it!??!
It's limited edition and it goes to charity...
**** charities. I WANT MAH CC!
sold out. :(
I ended up getting the t-shirt, and the WCC dice. Still want the WCC plush! ;(
That's the poi

You can't be serious. If anyone ACTUALLY got upset over that, they need serious psychological help, and I'm not kidding

I loved playing Portal. I'm obsessed as much as the other guy with the Weighted Companion Cube, I got mad when I had to destroy it, so did everyone else who watched me play the game. The only thing that I found disappointing was the length of the game. I'd prefer more maps.
Got a package from the Valve Store yesterday, had my Orange Box soundtrack CD in it! :D
I want to live in USA or UK. Does someone have a free room for guest? :D
How much per month ? and internet is included :D?