When do you quit?

When do you quit plaing CS:S for the time being?

  • After your HS for the 5th time in a row from 60 feet with a pistol.

    Votes: 5 19.2%
  • Map Change.

    Votes: 8 30.8%
  • Just bought a really pricy gun you've been saving for and you're dead in 30 seconds with no kill.

    Votes: 7 26.9%
  • Your K-D is very generous, (40-5) but you start dying cause your team sucks.

    Votes: 6 23.1%

  • Total voters


After a session of CS:S playing, what is the prompting factor in you deciding to quit for the time being? I know that I can sometimes quit for a while at least 3 or 4 times a day!
Mine is when I get too fed up with the idiots on the server to keep playing. Like yesterday, there was this team of idiots who would stand in all the choke points at spawn in office, then spend all their money spamming and throwing flashbangs and smoke grenades into spawn, so our screen was completely grey or white at all times.

I eventually got tired of screaming about their immaturity in the console and left.
Yeah I usually quit when I'm on a team that's making me lose. It's hard to look at a person's ratio and see just how good they are, I've had bad ratios but helped the team a lot, while I've had good ratios and still lost the rounds. Heck I went 7/0 on havana and hadn't won a single round yet because they kept getting those hostages!
For me I quit the game when i dont like the next map. Some time I play in a map which i dont like it and lose many times without winning one round.
I usually quit when I'm playing poorly which would also explain why I don't spend long on the servers :eek:
Munro said:
I usually quit when I'm playing poorly which would also explain why I don't spend long on the servers :eek:

Man if I did that I wouldn't hardly play at all. Remember, more time playing means you'll get better faster. It's a completely different FPS environment than I'm used to so I had a lot of catching up to do. In the last game I played for a couple years, I'd quit if I did worse than 2:1, because I was that good in it. But this one I won't even quit 0/10 just because I know I suck right now.
Munro said:
I usually quit when I'm playing poorly which would also explain why I don't spend long on the servers :eek:

Or when he sees the message "[Halflife2.net|Clan]Dekstar Has joined the server" :E.

I rarely quit unless I'm really tired. But today something bad happened and I was just in a bad mood, and starting getting angry, so I quit while I still liked the game being on my computer.
I cannot play that game when it my teams consist of nothing but ****tards. "durrrr how do u plant bomb!?"
I quit when:

- I'm all alone in some random server after playing with my friends
- two or more players in the server start whoring the autosniper or AWP
- a fair portion of either team is AFK, and said players never get kicked
- a fair portion of either team is comprised of idiots who go off on their own, don't help the team at all, and fail to complete the objectives when said objectives are right in their face
- when people start team-killing/flashing or getting in everyone's way a lot
- when everyone in the server has about three times the skill that I do
When ive played too long and its about time to go to sleep.... when the map changes.
none of the above:)

There's three reasons I quit

1) Its 6pm....my ISP goes to crap- so CS goes on hold till after 11pm:(

2) Server gets empty cos its late.......course I just go and find a full one:) - ADSLguide.org usually

3) It's getting REALLY late and I have to be up for work in several hours

Seriously, if I could get a drip, a reliable internet connection and someone to pay me for not going to work, I'd never stop playing:E
How about when the other team is stacked and the team you're on is full of idiots who block you?
i usually quit if i dont get a kill for 2 or 3 rounds in a row. im very impatient.