When Fat Teens Hunt (BBC3)


Oct 28, 2007
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Anyone else here watch it?

Ten dangerously overweight teenagers embark on a journey that could save their health in this six-part series. In an attempt to turn their backs on potentially fatal eating habits, they spend one month with the Iban tribe, former headhunters, living deep in the harsh and remote jungles of Borneo, South East Asia.

The teens become hunter-gatherers - living the life of their hosts, abiding by the Iban’s strict social rules and customs, and existing on a natural and unprocessed diet. If they want to eat, they must pick, dig, trap, kill and cook their food. Can Fat Teens Hunt? offers a chance for our group of youngsters to change their lives - to understand and conquer their life-threatening relationship with food.

To survive, the five boys and five girls have to stomach the Iban’s traditional diet, which is like nothing they’ve ever eaten before. Delicacies include fat sago worms, freshly caught frogs and large river snails - a menu far away from pizzas, hamburgers, crisps and chocolate. They have to slaughter chickens, gather jungle ferns, trap fish and hunt wild boar. To eat, means back-breaking work from dawn to dusk - a life-changing experience.

Throughout the experience, our TV dinner diners are closely monitored by a team of Iban mentors as well as by qualified nutritionist Alice Sykes and a team of doctors. Together they provide a daily clinic and professional insight into their progress.

I think its bloody brilliant. :D
I've not seen it but it reminds me of the reality TV show in Family Guy - "Fast animals, slow children". That was classic. :laugh:
This is nuts. Who the hell comes up with dropping morbidly obese fatties into a god damn jungle to fend for themselves? That's kind of twisted no matter how you look at it.
Some are actually doing pretty well. The blonde one in the video will no doubt be obese for the rest of her short life - her attitude sucks.

She left after about 3 days because she missed her lazy life-style and fatty foods.. (they're supposed to stay there for 2 weeks)
"I miss my bed, I miss my lightswitchhh.. I WANNA GO HOOMMEEE".
