When Grunts capture you in HL1


Jul 3, 2003
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When they capture you, you hear them say "I see it." I'm wondering what they mean...anyone know?
I love that part, I don't et why they don't just kill you, but it's really well done.
I'm positive that they say "Nice hit."
Adrien C said:
I love that part, I don't et why they don't just kill you, but it's really well done.
They didn't kill Gordon because they had orders to capture him alive and take him to be interrogated.
But they decided to kill him anyways, so they just tossed him in the trash crusher.
You would think that they would've just shot him in the head and THEN put him in the trash compactor, but oh well. Dumb villains, always inadvertantly giving the hero a chance to escape unharmed.
Darkside55 said:
You would think that they would've just shot him in the head and THEN put him in the trash compactor, but oh well. Dumb villains, always inadvertantly giving the hero a chance to escape unharmed.


(if anyone gets the refrance, you own, so i dont look stupid)
the thing i find weird is that gordon can get slammed by a 60 foot long tentacle, slammed by meaty pig/squid monsters, have his head chewed on by ceiling based barnacle thingies, be shot at a whole lot, and worse, and never lost consciousness

and yet all it took was a pipe wrench to the noggin to knock him out?
thats because he never wear the damn helmet ...hes afraid people will confuse him with master chief.
yup he is saying nice hit... lol i dont see how anyone can get that confused... but ahh well
"Get him!"
"Nice hit!"
"Okay, we got him."

Something like that.

Bit odd though. If a headcrav hits you in the face you lose about 5 health. Pipe wrench to the noggin? You lose consiousness.

"Body? What body?"
"Heh heh heh heh!"
"Heh heh."
would be kinda frustrating if you'd be uncounsious every time a headcrab hits you :(
Reaperman said:

(if anyone gets the refrance, you own, so i dont look stupid)
Umm...Austin Powers right?

And I'm sure that the grunt says, "nice hit."
Or they stuck a bag over gordon's helmet, causing him to be sightless and easily defeated.
wayne white said:
thats because he never wear the damn helmet ...hes afraid people will confuse him with master chief.

Of course he uses his helmet, how elese do you explain how he can survive a shot in the head? And all the displays on the screen?
Yeah. He's seen without a helmet in the gearbox expansions, but that was a mistake.

It is possible that the HUD is holographic though. There's one built into the Barneys' helmets too.
Haha i always thought it was hologramic coming out of the suit
nah nah gordon never used the helmet!! its a fact or why did all the scientists recognice him by first time seeing him ? with a helmet it could be everyone! and i never saw a picture of gordon with a helmet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've always assumed he just took the helmet off to talk. There is art with him wearing and carrying the helmet...
Well, in Opposing Force, we see Gordon running to the Xen portal without helmet. And in Blue Shift, we see the grunts taking him to the trash compactor without helmet.
Might be a wrong interpretation by GearBox though.
But is there any other art showing him with the helmet at all? All I've ever seen is that single picture. Plus the fact that there's no helmet with the suit when you put it on.
Eejit said:
But is there any other art showing him with the helmet at all? All I've ever seen is that single picture. Plus the fact that there's no helmet with the suit when you put it on.

There aren't any gloves either though.

In any case, there are two possibilities:
1) Gordon did not wear a helmet.
-The HUD could easily be a hologram projection, a better version of those in the Hazard Course, the Satelite Control Room and Walter's Holo-Email. The security guards definitely use Holographic HUDs, so it's not unreasonable to assume the same from Gordon's suit.
-Scientists recognise him on sight.
-The suit that he picks up has no visible helmet.
-The Gearbox Expansions show him helmetless twice, and the women in Decay do not wear helmets on their HEVs either. HL1 itself has him helmetless in the 3rd-person cheat.
-Soldiers can (and did) knock him out.

2) Gordon wears a helmet.
- He survive swimming in a wide variety of incredibly toxic liquids.
- He can survive being shot in the head, headcrabed, blasted with fire, bitten, smashed and shocked. Repeatedly.
-He survived the resonance cascade at close range.
- A screen-projected HUD is somewhat more plausible.
-Scientists would definitely recognise the only guy in the base wearing bright orange
-It's not impossible to knock someone out if they wear a helmet, especially if it is loose-fitting.
-The Gearbox expansions could have made a (rather small) error based on the cheat in HL1
-The suit he picked up was missing the helmet, but it was also missing gloves and he wore them easily enough.
-HEV scientists going to Xen all wear helmets.
The_Monkey said:
Of course he uses his helmet, how elese do you explain how he can survive a shot in the head? And all the displays on the screen?

The fact that its a game.....

the fact is, i dont think valve put nearly as much thought into the game as you all do ;)
Actually, I've reviewed all the games repeatedly and the only continuity error I've found so far is the helmet. Everything else fits perfectly. :)
I think Gordon wore the helmet throughout the game. It's just cooler to see his face in the expansions rather than just another 'helmet' model as in Xen.

The HEV suit defends against the alien attacks and human weapons, but I'm sure a good smack around the back of the head (helmet or not) would knock Gordon out.

I agree that most of it fits together perfectly Mecha, but I've always thought there is a slight continuity error in Opposing Force and Blue Shift. Either Shepherd was unconscious for a very long time, or he is mentioned in Blue Shift too early. Really though, I think they just put in these details so the player would get a sense that everything is happening at the same time :).

This reminds me, I hope for the Half Life: Source conversion, Shepherd opens the door just as you jump into the Xen portal. I was bored / sad enough to jump in backwards once, to see if he was there. Alas, he wasn't :(
Well Calhoun was unconsciousness (I can't spell that word so I'll just use the term 'knocked out' from here on) for quite a while, as was shephard and Gordon. I guess this was thought of in advance so that way, they can show the story from any angle (BS, OpFor and HL) without having to worry too much about the timeline. All we know is when Gordon and Calhoun got to work. (not when when either of them were SUPPOSED to get to work though.) Very annoying.
This reminds me, I hope for the Half Life: Source conversion, Shepherd opens the door just as you jump into the Xen portal. I was bored / sad enough to jump in backwards once, to see if he was there. Alas, he wasn't

As Shepherd, I shot Freeman with a rocket launcher and blew him inot the portal. Which kind of contradicts what happened when I played HL the first time.
I think Shephard was out, for what I'd say, up until "On a Rail," in Gordon's time, and probably the Xen bits of Barney's.