When Half-Life 2 takes place


Aug 3, 2003
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This is from the PCZONE preview on CVG.

Originally said by Gabe Newell
As a character, the last thing you remember is having a conversation with the G-Man. Now it's ten years later and all sorts of things have happened. But you don't know what happened to that time or even what side you're on. As you're about to find out, everyone seems to know more about you than you do.

So I guess it takes place around now, 2005? When did the original take place?
I think HL2 is set 10-15 (mayb more) years after the original

No idea when hl1 wos set tho
For the record the game came out in 1998 - and still it was set in the near future.....dunno where you get your facts from LittleB :D

I think its a fair assumption that the game (HL2) takes place atleast in 2010 - maybe even 2015
Can someone check the manual to see if it says when the original took place? I lost mine..
i found a adminastrator letter thing in the manual and it reads:may 5, 200- , so its between 2000 and 2009.
Yeah that's about it - I really don't think there's much point, if any, in trying to dtermine exactly when the game's set. It's day-after-tomorrow type stuff, and that's really all that's relevant.
could someone type up the administrator letter for those of us who have long lost our half-life manuels?

Office of the adminastrator,Black Mesa Research Facility,
Black mesa New mexico. May 5, 200-

Dr. gordon freeman
visiting fellow
Institute for experimental physics
University of Innsbruck
A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria

RE: Offer of employment

Dear Dr. Freeman:

This letter shall confirm a recent telephone conversation in which you were offered, and did accept, a position at the black mesa research facility commencing immediately but no later than may 15. as dicussed, you shall begin at level 3 research associate status, assigned to the anomalous materials laboratory. we understand that it will take some time to conclude your affairs at the university of Innsbruck and return to the United states. please notify the personnel department of your intended arrival time immediately.

Since you are unmarried and without dependents, you have been assigned appropriate living quarters in the personnel dormitories. However, you may not gain admittance to your quarters until level 3 security processing is complete. please bring this offer letter and all documents listed on the attached sheet to the black mesa personnel department no later than may 15. a retinal scan will not be necessary at this time, but we do require urinalysis and bloodwork to establish baselines for your medical history during your employment.

Please note thats as a necessary condition of your work with anomalous materials, you may be required to waer and operate an HEV hazardous environment suit, you will be trained and certified in its use during the standard orientation process. all further questions regarding the black mesa research facility and your role as research associate will be anwsered during your orientation.

As you know Dr. kleiner, your former professer at the massachusetts Institute of technology, originally recommended you for contact by the civilian recruiment division. he wishes to extend his congratulations on your recent decision to accept our offer. like Dr. Kleiner, we are confident that your career with black mesa research facility will be a long and rewarding one.

Office of the adminstrator
Civilian recruiment division
black mesa research facility


Man this took awhile
I don't think the author of HL2 set a specific year...