When shall we 3 meet again...?


Dec 13, 2004
Reaction score
ah macbeth but i digress

it would work well if the hl2.net clan would actually say when they will play together- that would stop people moaning about there never being anyone to play with
For example why not all try to have a big meet over the weekend on a half empty 64 ranked server

so i'll take the iniative how about a real match Sunday afternoon gmt around 1pm
we can organise here on the day or on xfire
anyone up for it?
Yeah! I finally want to play with more of you guys than just me and sinkoman!
Too bad I work Sunday... if only it was Saturday :(
saturday afternoon gmt is good for me assuming i'm not at work
but sunday is my day off
I'm free all weekend. I'd love to play with you guys.
Since there's no school, hows this..Friday/Saturday/Sunday HL2.NET togetherness? :P
What servers you guys play on? I've only played with Q_onfused from hl2.net, then he was getting owned by kick votes by the opposing team for 1 tk, hehe. Post IP's!
I'm pretty much always up for a game. Post times and IP's.
Yeah, I usually only play with Q_onfused and Viperidea, everyone else usually is on a full server or doesn't have xfire running. I'm surprised I haven't been kicked from most servers, because I seem to have a nack for causing an enemy to tk his friends while they are in a vehicle.
I'm usually with AmishSlayer, and recently, The_Monkey....

The rest are rare if ever.