When will the X800 XTs be available in retailers?


Sep 12, 2003
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Does anybody know? I really want an x800 xt, not a pro. I would never consider doing the hardware mod either because i'd probably break it.

we already had some at CompUSA few weeks ago..but they were all bought by employees :-)
Vigilante said:
Does anybody know? I really want an x800 xt, not a pro. I would never consider doing the hardware mod either because i'd probably break it.


You can get one cheaper on-line if you search.
the closest compUSA to where I am is 30 miles away. I mean someone like BestBuy or Circuit City.

Also, my mom HATES me using her credit cards, so I basically have no choice but to get one in a store.
well just call the BB and CC and see what they got....
What you can do is go to one of the stores and just order the card and then you'll get it once they get the next shipment.
Vigilante said:
Does anybody know? I really want an x800 xt, not a pro. I would never consider doing the hardware mod either because i'd probably break it.


If that is your system (the XP 2600+, etc), you probably want the X800 Pro as the X800 XT will be severly bottlenecked (as in reduced performance) by your processor. Even the X800 Pro will be bottlenecked by your processor.
blahblahblah said:
If that is your system (the XP 2600+, etc), you probably want the X800 Pro as the X800 XT will be severly bottlenecked (as in reduced performance) by your processor. Even the X800 Pro will be bottlenecked by your processor.
I plan on getting an Athlon 64 3200+ (and a new mobo of course) later this summer. How severe could it be?
it might, but if you then later upgrade your mobo/cpu the restriction will lift and the horsepower within will have room to gallop.
Yeah, I just ordered today my x800XT at pcconnection.com. All of the online stores are in backorder, so it will be pretty long before they sell it in a real store.
My friend wants to buy a x800XT and thats his spec :
P4 2.8 HT800, 512DDR, but I dont know whats his mobo :\
so can u still tell if his x800XT will bottleneck his PC?
Scroll up and find the link labeld "CPU scaling with X800XT" It should give you an idea of how much bottlenecking there will be.
Well, I'm going to go with getting an athlon 64 3000+ and new mobo first, so then I wont have to deal with a bottleneck at all. Is a 3000+ worth it, or should i spend the extra for a 3200+. Also, the mobos have fsb listed as "800 MHz" , "400 MHz" and "Hypertransport" . Should i get hyperT?
while there are a few cards floating around now, the chances of you actually purchasing one in a store are almost zero. trust me, i've been looking. i do, however, have some news:

a month and a half ago, i noticed that falcon northwest was selling PCs with the x800 xt preinstalled. today, i decided to give them a call. you know, to see if they would sell me one seperately.

the answer was no, but i spoke to the salesman for a while. he told me that you will be able to find both the x800 xt (and nvidia's 6800 ultra,) in stores across the country in roughly two to three weeks. i asked him how he knew, and he mentioned that falcon northwest has a deal with ati (which is how they got the cards early,) so his company is aware of ati's timetable for the rollout.

it looks like we'll miss the doom 3 launch, but not by too much.
Its stupid. I was told that they would be shipped to compusmart two weeks ago. I went into the store and then they said "oh no come back on the 15th and we will have them in then". I go back on the 15th and there was nothing. They then told me that It should arrive any day now. But im still waiting and I dont want to be stuck using me gf4 when doom 3 is out.