when you get your hands on the Maniputor...


Aug 1, 2003
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when you first get your hands on the maniputor.......what you going to do?

I plan on trying to use just the maniputor and pick and throw everything in site!

The fact that you can pick up everything in sight when you first play the game!!

i mean i heard from someone that went to valve and played the game....

A combine came up to him and told him to put a Can in the bin. If he didn't put the can in the bin the combine would know about it!

i cant wait!!!!

I plan stealing peoples cans and throwing it at them LOADs!

what you lot think?
Using the manipulor to block a door way from your squad? lol

make a pile of dead bodies...then get a explosive barrel and shoot it ;) "BURN BODIES BURN"
I'll definitely experiment with it for a hour and then try complete the game without using anything else
I had feeling that the bit with the cans you actually picked up with your hands rather than the manipulator which you get much later on. But i wanna pick up guns off the floor and throw them at combine...a shotgun butt to the face...pro!
if i had to run over to barney....on the way if i was to see a chair on the way...I would sooo be tempted to just pick it up and throw it!


i plan on picking a can up and throwing it at him!
dont you mean "most times hilarious"

just to make a bridge/ramp out of phsics will take me hrs on end to have fun with.
I will pick up headcrabs(later in the game) and throw at the citizens' face.
I will particularly enjoy the throwing of items around the Trainstation. Primarily at people's heads.
The_Monkey said:
I will pick up headcrabs(later in the game) and throw at the citizens' face.
Now i never throught of that one!!! sweet idea!

throw Head crabs at Head crabs and see how they like it!!!!!
I'll find the Gman and see how he reacts to an explosive barrel to the face. Failing that i'll try to take a saw blade to Barney/Alyx/Kliener (Kleiner? always spell it wrong) and see if they can also be cut in half.

Also, im gonna find a trashcan with no lid (hopefully, like the ones in CS:S) place it on a ledge and then fire cans into it, kinda like basketball but with guns and cans heh.