when you go out, what alcohol percentage do you drink mostly?

What Percentage do you drink mostly?

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By the way, what percentage of alchohol is needed for combustion?

I got a chinese looking bottle here that burns like gasoline.
hard to say, usually either stick with beer or hard liquor
15357 said:
By the way, what percentage of alchohol is needed for combustion?

I got a chinese looking bottle here that burns like gasoline.

Probably sake or something. Disgusting stuff is sake. (pr. 'sarki')
15357 said:
By the way, what percentage of alchohol is needed for combustion?

I got a chinese looking bottle here that burns like gasoline.

I think it's been proven that Alcohol doesn't cause combustion, at all.
ailevation said:
I think it's been proven that Alcohol doesn't cause combustion, at all.

I meant the burining and stuff. :o
How much does your beer cost? Lets take a standard worldwide drink such as Becks.
In NZ its about $21NZ a dozen- thats about 16USD.
I drink vitamin water.

...what? I know someone else here does too. That stuff is tasty.
ComradeBadger said:
I love you Neptune :) Oranjeboom FTW :E

But clubbing etc I drink VK blue.. which is about 5% so.. roughly 5% overall :D
J_Tweedy said:
Bruskies for me- Oranjeboom, Becks, and then NZ beers (which are very good btw).

Fellow oranjeboomers!!!! for teh win :)

(i typed it wrong the first time :()
gh0st said:
fosters tastes like vomit.
:) You haven't tasted Carling, dear boy. Ugh... And it's the only main-stream British lager I can think of. <Shakes head>
Sad thing is, it's always on good deals (£1 a pint, for example) in bars and clubs. There's a very good reason for that.

Gin's amazing. Gin's just so awesome that I'll generally end up drinking it unless I have no money/the place doesn't sell it. But beer's always a dead cert.
Feath said:
I like Carling, live it alone.
/me throws a glass of water in Feath's face
Snap out of it, man!
/me slaps Feath in the face for good measure
I drink Strongbow when I can find it (its not too common in Canada), along with that its mostly Guiness, Alexander keiths, Moose head, and whatever other premium European beers I can find.

Hard liquor usually consists of Vodka mixes and I am starting to be able to do shots of whiskey again without feeling like I am going to puke after.
Its a proven fact that I'll drink anything with an alcohol content. Current favourites are Scotch on the Rocks, American beers, red wine, and brandy.

Man, this thread has made me thirsty. I'm off to open a can of beer.

-Angry Lawyer
Zeus said:
I dont drink....(underage)

I'm underage as well, and I don't drink, but I drink Guinness, see how that works?
Ah, shit! I didn't know you could tick multiple options!

I generally have draught beers and shots, sometimes with the occasional glass of whiskey or two.