where are the pets?


Feb 4, 2005
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Hey, I was just wondering, where are all the cats / dogs etc. in the game? Are humans banned from having them?
Some people say they were all wipped out but that can not be true becouse in the lab they said they tried to teleport a cat and if they can find a stray cat there has to be loads more across the globe as well as dogs and other animals.
Haze said:
Hey, I was just wondering, where are all the cats / dogs etc. in the game? Are humans banned from having them?
Some people say they were all wipped out but that can not be true becouse in the lab they said they tried to teleport a cat and if they can find a stray cat there has to be loads more across the globe as well as dogs and other animals.

perhaps the humans got hungry?
Maybe "add stray cats & dogs to the maps" wasn't exactly top priority on valve's list? Maybe they just didn't think about it? Maybe most of them got ripped apart by headcrabs (etc.) in the areas you play? Whatever...

... this is a game, not a "what if" simulation of the real world (=not everything has to make sense).
The idea is to avoid unneeded violence.. small fluffy animals are some things you may not want to see shot up.

Pigeons, or "flying disease bags" on the other hand, are fair game :p
lol :E

"NOOOOO, evil Combine shot little kitty! DIE BASTARD :angry:"
Well, there is always Lamarr!
Maybe they ran away scared during the portal storms.

Animals are known to flee from natural disaster areas and such. Also City 17 isn't the sort of place you'd see too many pets. Mainly flats and stuff where residents usually wouldn't have pets.
=/ dont be nasty, pigeons are lovely birds, in reality they carry less desieses than a dog, its just becouse people associate them with deseises that they dont like them. Did you know that a dove is just a white pigeon? They are the both same bird.

I love cats and dogs though and would hate to see them harmed, the reson I asked is becouse so many people keep saying that only roaches survived and its anoying me x_x
- its dieases, not desieses.

pigeons do carry more germs.
15357 said:
- its dieases, not desieses.

pigeons do carry more germs.

Actually it is diseases, not dieases. :x
I'm sure domestic pigeons wouldn't carry as many germs and diseases as wild ones. At least they clean up spilt food, the streets would be a lot messier without pigeons doing their cleanup.
Haze said:
=/ dont be nasty, pigeons are lovely birds, in reality they carry less desieses than a dog, its just becouse people associate them with deseises that they dont like them. Did you know that a dove is just a white pigeon? They are the both same bird.

I love cats and dogs though and would hate to see them harmed, the reson I asked is becouse so many people keep saying that only roaches survived and its anoying me x_x
Pidgeons are disgusting, i have killed pidgeons with a knife.....and one had maggots under its wings.......nice.
i don't think roaches did survive.....

anyway, i did want to see dogs in hl2. it was disapointing. (the only one)
short recall your a nasty piece of work, i hope a pigeon kills you with a knife

besides, this is about cats and dogs not pigeons
oh yeah, this is off topic but: when you set pigeons on fire, (using ent_fire name ignite) they die outright.

i wanted to see them flap all over the place then die.

like all of us sadists do.
do the combine take all the cats and set them to work in mice clear up teams and for cuddles when they feel down?
And do they take all the dogs and train them to kill humans?
Well, pets are known to go into stupid alleys of a place and create all sorts of weird problems. Besides, City 17 is a contained society. The reason why pets aren't there in the civilian areas, according to me, are: 1) pets are against the law (which is obviously the first thing that comes to mind), 2) the civilians are themselves barely making ends meet with daily rationing and constant combine pressurising to really afford the mental time and work required to raise/keep a dog who, you know, shits all over the house and so on, 3) as someone said before me, it's a game, an action game, and pets do not really belong here--they'd just be an added extra, like scenery, and take too much time to model and program (because Valve wouldn't want to do a half-assed job about pets alone when the rest of the game was this good, if they did decide to include pets), and all that would really only go to waste (hey, I mean, which of these things do you do in the game more often: watch a pigeon or shoot a grunt?).

Sorry for the long sentence. :)
watch a pigeon.......

i don't like shooting grunts/soldiers. i somehow feel pity for them and try not to kill too much people.
I also wondered why werent there any children in the game, there was this playground. The Resistance could have recruited them or Combine :D
yes i wondered that too....

until i turned subtitles on and played again
Jack Thomas said:
I also wondered why werent there any children in the game, there was this playground. The Resistance could have recruited them or Combine :D

1. Perhaps the civilians hid them all.

2. Perhaps the playground is just a remnant from an age before the Combine took over. I strongly believe that the Combine migrated specific groups of humans to specific cities when they overtook Earth. City 17 is mostly a R and D facility, so it follows that all of those migrated here were asked/forced to leave children, pets, and other potential mischief causing elements back. Or perhaps...

3. All the kids are taken as experimental test subjects. DNA manipulation and stuff.

4. Perhaps there are no kids anymore because of the ban on reproduction (the ban is briefly mentioned--he's quite right, the subtitles do bring to your attention dialog that you might otherwise miss).

5. Perhaps everything I've said is wrong. :)
All children were taken by the combine and are used as slave workers to create the combine mechanical creatures, thats why they look like a child made them xD
Originaly you could see children working in the Citidel but that was cut becouse it didnt seem 'right'.
Well, humans haven't been able to reproduce for 10 years remember so there'd be noone under 10 anyway. At the same time, I'd imagine that the global population of humans is a lot less than it was 10 years ago, what with all the lethal wild aliens and brutal gasmasked aliens trimming the herd.

Whoever's left is left because they've hung on like grim death, and by being slightly less defenseless than your average 12 year old or whatever. Same goes for cats and dogs. I'd say they're a lot rarer than they were.
bliink said:
The idea is to avoid unneeded violence.. small fluffy animals are some things you may not want to see shot up.

Pigeons, or "flying disease bags" on the other hand, are fair game :p

And seagulls laugh at meh :cry:
caw, caw, i love the crows, they make it like a real horror game, almost as chilling as that long echoing zombie cry in ravenholm.
Where are the pets?

What do you think is coming out of that ration dispenser in the trainstation?
AIDisabled said:
1. Perhaps the civilians hid them all.

2. Perhaps the playground is just a remnant from an age before the Combine took over. I strongly believe that the Combine migrated specific groups of humans to specific cities when they overtook Earth. City 17 is mostly a R and D facility, so it follows that all of those migrated here were asked/forced to leave children, pets, and other potential mischief causing elements back. Or perhaps...

3. All the kids are taken as experimental test subjects. DNA manipulation and stuff.

4. Perhaps there are no kids anymore because of the ban on reproduction (the ban is briefly mentioned--he's quite right, the subtitles do bring to your attention dialog that you might otherwise miss).

5. Perhaps everything I've said is wrong. :)

I've got a better idea. Why don't you all turn on the sound and listen to what Breen says?
"Dear Dr Breen,
Why has the Combine seen fit to suppress our reproductive cycle.
A concerned citizen"
short recoil said:
Pidgeons are disgusting, i have killed pidgeons with a knife.....and one had maggots under its wings.......nice.

how the duece did u manage to throw a knife at a bird

or did u shoot it first?

cause if u threw it wow youra ninja
hi_ted said:
I've got a better idea. Why don't you all turn on the sound and listen to what Breen says?
"Dear Dr Breen,
Why has the Combine seen fit to suppress our reproductive cycle.
A concerned citizen"

I wonder why you quoted me, because I've mentioned pretty much the same thing in what you've quoted (point number 4). :)
I like the part where the barnacle eats the crow
i made him eat a tire until the barnacle died
MarcoPollo said:
And seagulls laugh at meh :cry:
Lol, the seagulls will actually poop on your car in the highway level. I'd give you the pic I took of it but photobucket is down for maintenance and it isn't saved on my computer...
hey Hi_Ted, we meen the children created before the supresion field the ones born before the combine, the older ones not the infants.

Anyway, back on subject, the barnicals will eat anything, i feed them grenades ^^, try throwing an explosive barrel at them and shoot it when it gets to there mouth, or, have fun shooting it once until it catches fire see if you get the timing right so it blows up just as it gets to their mouth.
yah yah, that's what you do witht eh room/pipe full of barnacles in water hazard.

Do they eat corpses? Main Characters? vortigaunts?

HL2: Unleashed. Now come to pet city and free all the Vortipets in Black Fido Research Facility.
oh no, EA already got their hands on HL!!
Dog pretty much makes up for the loss of boring pets, with one acrobatic one! :p
yea dog crushes the combine! :LOL:
maybe in hl3 alyx will put a turret gun on him or sumthin :sniper:
If you want pets, play Postal 2, for anyone whose not played it, the cats in it are used as a silencer on the end of the M4, you can guess where the barrel goes yourselves..lol!
And complete Postal 2 and the next time you play, It literally rains "cats and dogs" (just cats actually, no dogs though).