Where are U from ??

Re: Suomi (kinda)

Originally posted by djkanuk
Living in Finland for 6 yrs, but originally from Canada (Vancouver). Hence, kanuk.

Hei jatkat, niin monta vitun ruotsalaisia täällä, eiks niin?

Oikein vastaus on.... Kanada.
Canada rules :cool:

Youbetcha, eh? Glad to meet another Canuck who's living abroad, Vert.
I'm from:

Now see if anyone outside of the "AREA" knows where, hehe :cheese:

The Home Of Rain!
/me bumps thread for new members.

Just curious to see if any new memebers live around my area :)

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Btw, there's a damn lot of image leaks here, and from the CIA website...

Im from north of Toronto, If you live in Ontario then you would probably know it as York Region. Ive been living there my whole life.
England, then Scotland, Then England agian. Brighton specifically. i'm a drug lord.
lol, the UK is way t rainy and it's just not warn enought.

It's just a boring region on earth. Somtimes I see the weather in England and I feel sorry for you guys... hahaha I really do
:cheese: :dork:
I'm Polish.....

.... But i live in Toronto Canada... yay?
I don't like to give out my location but I live near the automotive capital of the United States of America. And I am talking about when the car was first made in the USA. *cough*Fordautomotivecompany*cough*
Sacramento, California

liberals everywhere, somone send help.....