Where are you from, again


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Koolewong. The smallest little craphole in Australia. Takes about a minuite to walk from one edge of the town to the other. Providing you can beat your way through all the pensioners.
Mississippi......One of this countrie's biggest shitholes you could possibly imagine. Hell if you come down and ask too many questions, which asking too much is a bad thing, this is the most likely scenario..

Random Dude: Uh excuse me is this 3rd Street?

If you come down here and you complain about the humidity and our cooking, your gonna get yourself an old fashioned Southern ASS WHUPPIN! God ****ing kill me.
Massachusetts. Girls aren't the best, weather is shit, people are pretentious assholes, but at least we're smart!
...at least compared to the rest of America.
Also, the name sounds like 'massive chew-sets'.

Australia. Home of the stereotype.
United Kingdom. South-East Scotland to be precise.

Rim-Fire said:
So, what shithole did you crawl out of?
And it was more of an industrial slag-heap I was spawned from, thank you Rim-Fire.
Republic of Ireland......10 points!!!
South east Dublin to be precise
AH, I knew I forgot something, the Middle East! *smacks face*
The_Monkey said:
That's asia.
You know if you put random into Google Image Search your av is the second pic to come up.
UK or Ireland, according to some political s***e im from both.
I shall flip a coin.....Ireland
john3571000 said:
unreal post new art goddamnit!!!!! :flame:
welcome back though :D

<3 I actually have my first year A-Level artwork (all of it, except for one book i lost) photographed and on the net, I may post it in the art forum if people are interested

Thanks, yeah I haven't been on here for quite some time ;_;
Mr Stabby said:
UK or Ireland, according to some political s***e im from both.
I shall flip a coin.....Ireland
Republic of Ireland:
26 counties

Northern Ireland:
6 counties

Ireland, island:
36 counties
Republic of Ireland + Northern Ireland

Great Britian:
England + Scotland + Wales

United Kingdom:
Great Britian + Isle of Man + Northern Ireland

British Commonwealth:
United Kingdom + India + Antigua + Barbuda + Australia + The Bahamas + Barbados + Belize + Canada + Grenada + Jamaica + New Zealand + Papua New Guinea + Saint Kitts + Nevis + Saint Lucia + Saint Vincent + Grenadines + The Solomon Islands + Tuvalu

Take your pic :P
john3571000 said:
Republic of Ireland......10 points!!!
South east Dublin to be precise
are you a stiilorganite? or do you live on campus? cant see where exactly in the pic or what your thingy says?:afro:
ríomhaire said:
You know if you put random into Google Image Search your av is the second pic to come up.
That's how I found it.