Where do you get your world news from?


Feb 3, 2005
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Please answer the question, "Where do you get your world news from?"

I need to find a suitable text only internet news source.
Many different sources, mostly ABC, CNN, BBC, Aljizeera, etc. I like a wide variety, pretty much everything but Fox
Well, I hope to settle on only one or two, because I don't want to read the same stories on each one.
BBC, I like the format and presentation. Embedded videos and audio usually available too.
Reddit mostly. CNN, Huffington Post, other random news sites if I feel like there's something that reddit hasn't catalogued.
MSNBC (Keith Olbermann is quality)
Al Jazeera

I also keep daily tabs on the stuff at Reddit & Digg as they are always good throwing up links to other sites

The daily show is always quite topical as well (when comprehending some of the ****ed up shit that happens daily in the world a sense of humour is a prerequisite)

Never ever touch Fox News or anything Rupert Murdoch related* as a rule because the man is just plain evil with his right wing agenda.

*see here:-

BBC a lot, though I mix in other sources since they're biased when reporting some events.
I go to CNN just for daily stuff and U.S. politics.

BBC is generally considered the best, but there's just so damn much of it, and still a lot of soft news fluff to sort out.

So my favorite by far is Al Jazeera English, which has a similar format to BBC but trimmed down so that you can get read almost every story without taking your entire day. They didn't have a single headline about Miss California, and I feel like they have a good handle on what's important, talking about elections and events in countries that don't even exist as far as Western media is concerned.

And I read Newsweek a lot, but skip too many of the main articles. I get everything else from the internet. My local paper is two pages long and has the funnies.
I used to use Yahoo!, google and a couple of others, but they are so bogged down and slow for me.

I just want an online newspaper. Super light, fast, minimalist.

Except Reddit, I haven't tried your suggestions yet.
Usually from BBC and a number of Swedish newspaper's websites.
World news isnt world news. World news is U.S news. So annoying.
Anyone ever watch the US program ABC's World News Now that airs at 3-4:30am?? amazing news thats funny and better than the glum news you see all day
The reason I need stripped down newsreader is cuz i got bandwidth for tv shows.

priorities !
CNN, BBC, Reddit, ScienceDaily, Slashdot, General Bullshit on SA
I have a direct feed from all the events happening in the world plugged right into my cerebral cortex.
CNN, MSNBC, BBC, Time Magazine, Chicago Tribune, and a variety of other sources (not FOX News)