Where do you see the world in fifty years?


Jul 5, 2003
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Well, as the subject states, where do you see the world in fifty years time?

Personally I think the world will either go to shit, or some form of equilibrium will be found, because I find it highly unlikley the world can remain in its current state.

2053 (a few things to think about):

Oil Gone.

World Hunger ?

Diseases, such as cancer?

I see the government becoming over secure, trying to be a false-safe system which is impossible. I see them compensating freedom for security.
The Polar Ice Caps will melt and cover a vast majority of the earths land. Penguins will learn how to use guns and eventually enslave mankind.
Originally posted by D33
The Polar Ice Caps will melt and cover a vast majority of the earths land. Penguins will learn how to use guns and eventually enslave mankind.
lol I will remember your prophecy D33, your like the modern day nostradomous ;).
I agree with the penguins learning to use guns, but they need some sort of opposable thumbs and fingers.

I think a more likely prophecy would be camels learning to research brain implants to control their "HUMP MOUNTED AC-3321 PLASMA CANNON"
Problems in the environment; problems with resource management.

Destruction of rainforests-->decline in soil fertility from leaching of nutrients (and also loss of plant and animal diversity)-->less crops-->more hunger, economic & political problems
Climate change-- melting of ice caps, rise in ocean levels, etc.
Oil reserves-- hopefully people will be less dependent on them and rely more on renewable resources: wind, solar power
Population Growth-- Earth does have a carrying capacity! Growth can not continue exponentially forever. (or at least that's my opinion on it)

and that's all I can think of right now
Hydrogen-powered cars.
Hydrogen fuel cells used in houses as autonomous energy source.
Realy scary mutants in Chenobil.
Russia is the new superpower.
Ukraine - criminal capital of the planet, highest percentage of AIDS infected in Europe.
Fastly developing industry of genetics and gene engineering.
And of course, my favorite, microprocessors as silicone chips are no more - biological cells and have reached never before seen speeds.

I can go on...

Switzerland is like Russia now(poor).
Well, you people are taking into consideration that Nibiru will have come around by then, right?

Most likely we will once again be slaves of the Anunnaki.
What the hell are you talking about? Anunaki are long time dead.

I have to admit: this is my favorite thread on this forum so far.
No, my friend. You will eat your words when the invasion begins.
God damn chernobyle (sp) would be freaky if mutants became real.

It'd be real world stalker, wohoo.
Yes, and I will be 68, and will invent and make a few scientific discoveries by then. And if it will be in my power, I shall burn Chechnya and destroy Palestine.
Originally posted by dfc05
Population Growth-- Earth does have a carrying capacity! Growth can not continue exponentially forever. (or at least that's my opinion on it)

They'll build a second level above all that exists. You see, we're not using most of the space in the sky!~
Hmm... I'm getting something... It looks like me... fifty years later... and I'm... using a computer
Originally posted by Alzxul
Hmm... I'm getting something... It looks like me... fifty years later... and I'm... using a computer

The REAL question is, have you moved in the past 50 years?
Originally posted by Shuzer
The REAL question is, have you moved in the past 50 years?

lol actually im pretty sure ill be dead in 15 years!:bounce:
I will be king and rule you all. So get ready.
Chaos and more ice cream flavours.

Not but seriously.. less freedom..that's for sure.
Everything controlled. Everyone being paranoid and suspicious at each other. Orwell style

It's already happening (cough Longhorn cough)
Originally posted by Loshadka
Yes, and I will be 68, and will invent and make a few scientific discoveries by then. And if it will be in my power, I shall burn Chechnya and destroy Palestine.

Please...are you serious? Cause if u were being f*cked over by a larger government every god damn day you'd probably resort to extremist methods. Hell I don't agree with them, but israel is just as bad, if not worse. THEY BUILT A GOD DAMN FENCE AROUND THEM FOR F*CKS SAKE!
I would control games with my mind. (Matrix):cheese:
I will have superpowers to stop the forces of evil - crazy pink aliens (you never see pink aliens...) enslaving the human race to giant sardine cans in which they are just getting really really smelly......

I think in 50 years time you could have a normal video game be the Helms Deep sequence from LOTR:TTT:EE (tee hee).

Perhaps then I could get my omni game made.

i'm definitely going for the 'world is going to shit' theory. the oil and gas is gonna go (or i think gas lasts a bit longer, correct me if i'm wrong).

if it isn't a war then it'll be some sort of economic collapse that'll see lots of people lose pretty much everything they own, and others (namely rish f.uck faces) who get to stay rich and comfy.

there's also the possibility that by then we'll have made contact with other life in the universe. or maybe there'll be a big debacle about whether we actually have contacted them and people having proof but governments saying go back home etc.

human stupidity is infinite as einstein said. the people with all the answers will get ignored by the people with all the money. so the cycle will continue. things will get more sleak, better looking, better technologically, but nothing will actually be useful for us. it'll just end up being corporate garbage that they'll be shoving down our throats. we'll all be bitches to the machine probably, and judging by the resolve and brain capacity of some of the kids around today, the human race is a lost cause.

on a lighter note i hope to be dead by then, i'll be 70. so i'll be pushing past little kids to get on the bus, complaining at the bank when i can't draw my money out, and giving the new kids a taste of 20th Century Flavour.
In fifty years...

we'll be recovering from Nuclear winter.

I think in the next few years (possibly months) a nuclear device will explode either in New York City or Washington DC, probably DC, and it will throw the entire government of the USA into chaos. There will be no leadership.

In a retaliation of the last surviving government personnel, there wll be a call for an attack to wipe out the enemy. This will trigger a world wide nuclear war. The USA, Russia, Middle East and China will all be crippled. Millions will die.

Fifty years...no, it's already started. Enjoy your turkey and christmas this year....

We may not even see the release of Half-Life 2...
Originally posted by DocRock
In fifty years...

we'll be recovering from Nuclear winter.

I think in the next few years (possibly months) a nuclear device will explode either in New York City or Washington DC, probably DC, and it will throw the entire government of the USA into chaos. There will be no leadership.

In a retaliation of the last surviving government personnel, there wll be a call for an attack to wipe out the enemy. This will trigger a world wide nuclear war. The USA, Russia, Middle East and China will all be crippled. Millions will die.

Fifty years...no, it's already started. Enjoy your turkey and christmas this year....

We may not even see the release of Half-Life 2...

must....watch...less....jerry bruckheimer.....films....clichés.....taking....over.....mind.....must....resist.....
Originally posted by Jammydodger
Sorry 2 put a dampner on things but we'll all be dead


Well, you might be. As for me...

"I'm gonna liv for EV-ER!
I'm gonna learn how to fly..."
Japanese architects are already in the process of creating a mile long floating city with multiple levels to deal with over population. China might want to look into this technology as well.
Originally posted by pHATE1982
Please...are you serious? Cause if u were being f*cked over by a larger government every god damn day you'd probably resort to extremist methods. Hell I don't agree with them, but israel is just as bad, if not worse. THEY BUILT A GOD DAMN FENCE AROUND THEM FOR F*CKS SAKE!

any country who can fight off about 4 of its neighbors alone recently after its founding is AOK in my books. Especially when the enemy resorts to terrorism with no effort to make peace , and no effort to compromise.
Originally posted by mchammer75040
I see the government becoming over secure, trying to be a false-safe system which is impossible. I see them compensating freedom for security.

ever heard of the patriot act?
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
any country who can fight off about 4 of its neighbors alone recently after its founding is AOK in my books. Especially when the enemy resorts to terrorism with no effort to make peace , and no effort to compromise.

Yeah i guess you're right...

Rolling 50 tanks into a palestine village and killing everyone including women and children is a real achievement. They're deffinatly A-okay. And the nukes they're developing make me feel so warm and fuzzy at night knowing they're such kind hearted soles.

And for your information israel will not compromise either, because they know they're bigger and tougher... why should they back down when they can do whatever they want to the palestines?

(I'm not defending palestine terrorism, but killing women and children because of a few extremists isn't big and clever is it?)

I can't believe how narrow minded some people are, just because the bloody americans like the israelies. They're tactical allies for god sake... America doesnt want another nuclear armed enemy.
stop shitting your selves, nothing will happen in the next 50 years, get real.

in the 1930's they though we would have flying cars by now and live on the moon. We MAY have water powerd cars, and thats about it.
here's what i have to say about the israel/palestine issue (first link is a document from 1915; second is from 1917):

and, imperialism messed up a lot of countries.

Japanese architects are already in the process of creating a mile long floating city with multiple levels to deal with over population. China might want to look into this technology as well.

wow, i never heard about that. that's awesome. i still think there's going to be bad overpopulation problems in some "lesser developed" countries, but the floating city thing sounds interesting.
All you people are so negative. You got to have faith in the people, man.

Sure, alot of people in power are really stupid, but that's already changing, I think. In time we will devise even better democratic forms of government, and if we instate the perfect economy we can disband the governemnts and become one people.

Oil won't be a problem, because existing gasoline engines can be easily converted (for about 50 bucks actually) to run on hydrogen.

There is no such thing as over-population. This is a concept made up by people who believe that you can "own land". This is bullshit. Right now ALOT of people have a little piece of yard with a house on it. This is verrrry inefficient. If we built a large apartment building housing a thousand people or so, every half kilometer, across all the land surface buildable, we can grow to like 20 billion (atleast). It's all in the economy, dudes.

We won't make contact with aliens, because they won't let us. They've probably been watching us for hundreds (thousands maybe) of years, but hey, would you make contact with a species that actually builds things like nuclear bombs? Or has different "classes" of people? I don't think so. When we do good, then maybe they'll finally open up communication.

p.s. I know what kind of economy is perfect, email me (I don't know how the pm thing on this works) and I'll explain in full detail.
why are the japanese so far ahead of everyone?

dfc05, your still a zombie :laugh:
Originally posted by king John I
why are the japanese so far ahead of everyone?

dfc05, your still a zombie :laugh:

yeah and you made it to hydra in 1/4 the time it took for me to get to zombie, lol.
Originally posted by iamironsam
Japanese architects are already in the process of creating a mile long floating city with multiple levels to deal with over population. China might want to look into this technology as well.

Heh, it's Battle Angel Alita all over again.

A side storyline in that was the floating city that hovered above Japan, being held in place by giant metal chains was that Japan was now a shit hole, everyone with power lived up in the sky in this perfect city and everyone down below lived very badly.