Where do you work?

Right now I work from home doing contract work for game and simulation companies. But if all goes well, sometime this week I'll find out if I got the Lead Level Designer position I'm applying for. I've missed the camaraderie working in a game studio. ;(
Tech Support guy for a software firm. I'm trying my best to get moved into the programming department. Maybe because it's right next to all of the hot women, but also because I enjoy programming.

In the long term, hopefully I'll end up programming games.

-Angry Lawyer
I remember when I used to want to go into computers.....until I took a programming class.

I'll stick with hardware as a hobby.
Oh papa I wanna be an actor.
I also want to be a professional singer. I've been taking lessons for over a year now, and I'm actually getting better.

Programming's good fun - it's the most creative thing you can do.

-Angry Lawyer
Programming certainly requires a lot more than just simple knowledge of a language.

I work part-time at a LAN center while I'm in school (currently 17 and a senior in high school). I hope to get into the industry for level design and eventually game design, probably starting out as QA.

I'm also very interested in creative writing, philosophy, and English, so we'll see how I turn out I suppose.
First I was a SEARS employee. I was doing stock, cashiering, updating pricing on everything and setting up displays and ads. Then I was a CompUSA Salesman, but that only lasted a couple months before I couldn't handle the "douche bag" mentality I was required to have.

Now I am going to school for Computer Animation.

With all the game developers and soon-to-be developers here we could start our own buisness!
Well, I got the offer, so as of a few weeks from now I will be lead level designer.
I hope to get into the industry for level design and eventually game design, probably starting out as QA.
Good luck! :) I honestly wouldn't count on a QA position as a path to game design though, and from what I hear QA is a terrible job that will make you hate games forever. :P In my opinion it's best to get a degree in something you can fall back on, and use your spare time away from your normal job to work on game design. With a good portfolio and getting yourself noticed on community forums, it's a lot easier and less stressful to get in. :) Again, good luck and don't give up!
I'm the senior web developer and programmer for a web development company in Houston.
Tech Support guy for a software firm. I'm trying my best to get moved into the programming department. Maybe because it's right next to all of the hot women, but also because I enjoy programming.

In the long term, hopefully I'll end up programming games.

-Angry Lawyer

Angry Lawyer, how difficult is it to transfer from the tech support department over to the programming department with the big boys?
i work behind the bar in a nightclub in york...aswell as being a full time student doing a film and tv course
I work as an assistant swimming teacher and lifeguard for a private swimming school, working with kids from about 3-12 years old, alternately faffing about in the water playing what's the time mister wolf and standing on the side with a big stick ready to save them if they start to drown / beat them if they start to get out of line. Pros: fun, well-paid, don't have to deal with twats. Cons: a way away from where I live, kids can be crazy (like the girl of 5 who keeps trying to wrap her legs around my head).

I am doing this while studying at college and hope to get into Oxford or, failing that, a good university such as Durham or Saint Andrews, and study a degree in English, upon the completion of which I will attempt to become a journalist for a reputable national newspaper. Or a lawyer. But probably not a lawyer.

I would like to earn lots of money, write a few books, and become famous - not necessarily in that order. I'm not choosy.
Work? No, but I do play the piano half the time I'm awake. The other is spent doing schoolwork and trying to make music (though I suck) or drawing.
I'm in Sixth Form now but come March-ish next year I'll be going off to Dudley or Telford every week to work for the Territorial Army in the Royal Armoured Corps' Armoured Regiment, where I will be working on, maintaining and manning a Challenger II main battle tank. I say work, as I get paid every week and whatever weekends I do. Sounds good to me. Other than the Army my real aspire is something in designing/art aswell as engineering, which will come in handy if I want to join the Royal Engineers. Depends, really. I'm not overly sure yet.
A chemist? Polaris, I like you, but you do know that Chemists are the Physicists's sworn enemies?
C'mon buddy, we're men of science! I always liked physics and my father graduated in Physics like you. We must hold together, our true enemies are humanists! :laugh:
17 yrs old, work at protocol (telemarketing place) it's a sh1t a$$ job but it pays well.

I'm going to university for Computing and Network Communications. Link here: http://www.brocku.ca/webcal/undergrad/cncc.html

If i ever become a really good programmer and my job becomes crap, i'll think about getting into game development.
Looks like my current job will be switching soon........
17 years old, data input of GP's blood samples at the haematology lab at my local hospital. £7.17 an hour. Oh yes!
C'mon buddy, we're men of science! I always liked physics and my father graduated in Physics like you. We must hold together, our true enemies are humanists! :laugh:

I agree! We must pool our science to defeat them.
At the moment, I'm trying to get a job at a major Wedding Videography company. High pay and enjoyable work, I think I have a pretty decent chance even though I have little experience, they're desperate for competent employees.