where has gordan been??

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g-man says ""We've been busy while you were gone. Mr.Freeman" where has he been? didnt they say he chose to work with g-man?
in a coma? maybe? search forums? *hint* before you post?
bwmaster, here's another hint dont tell me what todo. *hint*
you're a hedcrab *hint*

now lets stop the flaming *hint*

He was in a coma !
how do u know if he was in a coma or r u joking?
*hint* tell me :)
*Hint* there have been lots of threads on this. I say he popped off for tea and crumpets with nihilanth. But where the hell did my thread on this subject go? And you've all spelt Gordon wrong.
bwmaster so the hell what? your an antlion, wow. i have more of a life than you. big whoop. oh no he's posted more that means he's a better person than me! please, get off your high horse.
Some people make me want to kill... them. Why?
cause they act very moronic?

All answers to HL2 maybe answered eyesore
(i'm really pissed of at people today)
I think gordon had three children with alyx. one became the general of the combine soldiers, the other became the big fat momma of the xen aliens and the third died with the age of 2 because of too much masturbating ;-).

It doesn´t matter for me where gordon has been, most important is that he will be back.
eyesore: writing "stop talking" in a topic you started yourself isn't really helping you. if you don't wan't people to react to something you say, then DON'T SAY IT!

there HAVE been several discussions on this subject, and this one is in no way any different.

no one knows for sure, just accept that
oh jesus go eat something eyesore, you shouldn't be a headcrab cause you look more like one of the giant flying manatee alien gunships, everything you post is f'ing spam or something that could have been answered if you had taken the time to look it up instead of taking our time with useless crap. and people are telling you what to do cause your ignorant, (Don't tell me what to do boohoo), *hint* go look at the pictures thread in general off-topic for references.
What is *Hint* ???? Lol ! Help ! Gaaaaaaaaaaarglrglgglrlg !
"go eat something eyesore" thats the most retarded thing i've ever heard. jesus h christ. come up with something a little better than that. And you call me ignorant, lol. Whats next you gunna bust out the "Yo' Mama" jokes?
Entry: hint
Function: noun
Definition: indication
Synonyms: adumbration, advice, allusion, announcement, clue, communication, connotation, denotation, evidence, glimmering, help, idea, implication, impression, inference, information, inkling, innuendo, insinuation, intimation, iota, lead, mention, notice, notion, observation, omen, pointer, print, reference, reminder, scent, sign, signification, smattering, suggestion, suspicion, symptom, taste, telltale, tinge, tip, tip-off, token, trace, warning, whiff, whisper, wink, wrinkle
Concept: information
Originally posted by Rigamix
What is *Hint* ???? Lol ! Help ! Gaaaaaaaaaaarglrglgglrlg !
A hint is a clue, or a reference to something else to help the subject arrive to a certain destination.
eyesore: actually, the most retarded thing I've seen is this post... so please, let it die in peace...

and in what way is "stop talking" more intelligent then "go eat something"?
eyesore, just a little bit of firendly advice. Your experiences and time here at this forum will be a lot more pleasant and enjoyable if you ease off a little and don't be so hostile to everyone. BWMaster was frustrated at this post being here, simply because people like himself that visit several times during the day have to see questions asked that have already been answered elsewhere. Take a look for yourself, there's some stupid questions being asked, and many of them being asked many times. Now whereas BWM was a little hostile towards you, he did actually answer your query, to which you then were even more so hostile to him.

Now he's stopped his comments because he's mature enough not to be drawn into a harsh exchange of words, whereas you've actually just been saying "stop talking" to any comment that you've chosen not to acknowledge or taken offense to. It's not very mature really is it?

Just chillout mate, take things with a pinch of salt and be reasonable.


EDIT: I see it's gotten worse... Eyesore... You either make peace or the war continues it's your choice.
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! Okaaaayyyyyy ! I've learn something today ! Thx !
chris_d: great post, I'm out of this dispute.

I'll just let dear eyesore here grow old alone.