Where is angry lawyer?


Nov 1, 2004
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:( were is angry lawyer? I havent seen him posting lately. Im scared...did i miss something? Did he say he was leaving or is he banned? Or is he still here but i have just totaly missed his posts?

We need an :flame: lawyer damnit
Go for it Raz, I won't stop you.

You go stand in group B. :D
I would have met up with him on Monday if it wasn't for my poor organisation. Didn't even save me a beer!
But no. The question is: Who is the angry lawyer?
Error 404 - Not Found
Sorry the page you were looking for could not be found.

****ing shocking.

<cries> I can't do anything right anymore. Who would of thought copy pasting a link from a post would of screwed me.
What is Angry Lawyer? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.
I think he's busy on ZM.
What is Angry Lawyer? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.
I think he's busy on ZM.

He has places to be. Cases to solve. Faces to melt.

He still posts from time to time, though.