Where is the greatness?

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Half Life 2 - Episode One is the game I bought. Why? Price was right, at $20. Blubs said it was one of the highest rated games of all time, so how bad can it be? And it looked as if it might be a post-apocalyptic theme.


1. Where is the tutorial?

2. How do you enable Third-Person point of view?

3. I enabled my joystick to control movement and firing.

Why is movement so WEIRD? I've got a key mapped to "WALK" but it doesn't respond. All I can do is RUN with the joystick----it's more of a jerk forward or jerk back, really......I'm using the throttle on the joystick for forward/back.

4. Medal of Honor: Allied Assault had first-person point of view.....but it felt one million percent NATURAL.....moving was like riding on railroad tracks, you knew where you were going, and it was effortless. Why does Half Life s**k so bad?

5. Isn't this game a First-person shooter? So, why at the begining does it stick you inside a hole? The girl jumps out. I go to where she stood. I hit the "Jump" button, and take a TINY hop. And I'm still in the hole. So.....this is some kind of puzzle? Pretty f***ed up. I'm not looking to play frikin' MYST!

6. How do you holster your weapon? I mean, don't you need two hands to do certain things, like climb a ladder?

AMENDMENTS: The box to Half Life 2: Episode One VERY EXPLICITLY states that you do NOT need to own the original game in order to play!!!!! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO.......NOTHING is "obvious" and after putting that on the box, NO NO NO NO NO NO you cannot reasonably assume a player "just knows" something.

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault had an in-game tutorial, why not this game?

You begin STUCK IN A GODDAM HOLE! You watch the girl climb out, logic suggests you follow her, which the game DELIBERATELY MAKES IMPOSSIBLE...the designers commentary track ADMITS ADMITS ADMITS that this was a ****ed up rotten choice, an immensely shitty thing to do to players...their excuse? "The girl is more athletic". HOW HOW HOW can you tell if your guy is fat and dumpy????? YOU CANNOT SEE YOUR GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You're supposed to conclude that there is something to be shot away in order to escape.....except the game designers fixed it so that 99.999999999% of the time, the gun does ****ING NOTHING...it makes a sound, and does not fire.

A LOGICAL AND SMART PERSON is going to think...okay, the gun is NOT the solution to getting out!

Yet.....it IS IS IS IS IS the way out!!!!! YOU could spend ****ing YEARS IN THAT HOLE as a smart person, but if you are a monkey who shoots randomly like a 12 year old....hey! the game rewards you and lets you out!


You turn on the commentary and you reach a new place where the girl is harassing you to go and get her a mine.
She says this over and over and over and over and over and over and over.....

Right after the commentary track has told you, smugly, that they fixed the game so that she WOULD NOT NAG!!!!


Then the commentary track says, "We wanted to create a puzzle with lots of small intermediary steps" and the guy goes on to describe the sequence of things to be solved to bring the girl the mine. The FIRST THING IN THE LIST is "open the door".

Well that is NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT the first thing! It is not even a thing you need to do. You go downstairs, retrieve a mine, bring it to the girl, she arms it, and the door ends up opening after she blows up the guards!!!!!!

I have Medal of Honor and Half Life 2 and dont have any problem at all with the point of view.
The is no tutorial. You learn along the way.
And there is no third person view that im aware of. You dont need it anyway.
1. Where is the tutorial?

2. How do you enable Third-Person point of view?

3. I enabled my joystick to control movement and firing.

Why is movement so WEIRD? I've got a key mapped to "WALK" but it doesn't respond. All I can do is RUN with the joystick----it's more of a jerk forward or jerk back, really......I'm using the throttle on the joystick for forward/back.

4. Medal of Honor: Allied Assault had first-person point of view.....but it felt one million percent NATURAL.....moving was like riding on railroad tracks, you knew where you were going, and it was effortless. Why does Half Life s**k so bad?

5. Isn't this game a First-person shooter? So, why at the begining does it stick you inside a hole? The girl jumps out. I go to where she stood. I hit the "Jump" button, and take a TINY hop. And I'm still in the hole. So.....this is some kind of puzzle? Pretty f***ed up. I'm not looking to play frikin' MYST!

6. How do you holster your weapon? I mean, don't you need two hands to do certain things, like climb a ladder?

1. There isn't one

2. There is no Third-Person point of view

3. Why the hell did you do that?


5. :rolleyes: This game combines some simple puzzle solving with traditional FPS action, if you don't like that then this game isn't for you...

6. :rolleyes: x2 You don't need to holster your weapon, just pres the use button and whenever you want to pick up an object or use a ladder and such the character automatically holsters the weapon and does that task.
Half Life 2 - Episode One is the game I bought. Why? Price was right, at $20. Blubs said it was one of the highest rated games of all time, so how bad can it be? And it looked as if it might be a post-apocalyptic theme.


1. Where is the tutorial?

2. How do you enable Third-Person point of view?

3. I enabled my joystick to control movement and firing.

Why is movement so WEIRD? I've got a key mapped to "WALK" but it doesn't respond. All I can do is RUN with the joystick----it's more of a jerk forward or jerk back, really......I'm using the throttle on the joystick for forward/back.

4. Medal of Honor: Allied Assault had first-person point of view.....but it felt one million percent NATURAL.....moving was like riding on railroad tracks, you knew where you were going, and it was effortless. Why does Half Life s**k so bad?

5. Isn't this game a First-person shooter? So, why at the begining does it stick you inside a hole? The girl jumps out. I go to where she stood. I hit the "Jump" button, and take a TINY hop. And I'm still in the hole. So.....this is some kind of puzzle? Pretty f***ed up. I'm not looking to play frikin' MYST!

6. How do you holster your weapon? I mean, don't you need two hands to do certain things, like climb a ladder?
You do understand that Episode One is an expansion pack of sorts for Half-Life 2?

1. There isn't one... but there is in the beginning of HL2, which you should play first as otherwise Episode One won't make a whole lot of sense.

2. It's an FPS, not a TPS. There is no third-person... it's part of the element of immersion.

3. I have no idea why you're experiencing problems, but why would you use a joystick to play an FPS when the mouse and keyboard is so vastly greater suited to it?

4. HL2 is linear and there's nothing wrong with the movement. Stop using the joystick.

5. What the hell does environment or perspective have to do with it being in first-person or not?

6. :|
1. Where is the tutorial?

2. How do you enable Third-Person point of view?

3. I enabled my joystick to control movement and firing.

Why is movement so WEIRD? I've got a key mapped to "WALK" but it doesn't respond. All I can do is RUN with the joystick----it's more of a jerk forward or jerk back, really......I'm using the throttle on the joystick for forward/back.

4. Medal of Honor: Allied Assault had first-person point of view.....but it felt one million percent NATURAL.....moving was like riding on railroad tracks, you knew where you were going, and it was effortless. Why does Half Life s**k so bad?

5. Isn't this game a First-person shooter? So, why at the begining does it stick you inside a hole? The girl jumps out. I go to where she stood. I hit the "Jump" button, and take a TINY hop. And I'm still in the hole. So.....this is some kind of puzzle? Pretty f***ed up. I'm not looking to play frikin' MYST!

6. How do you holster your weapon? I mean, don't you need two hands to do certain things, like climb a ladder?

1) Learn as you go.
2) There is none, you don't need it, it would be stupid.
3) Why in hell's name are you using a joystick for a fps.
4) What do you want, gliding from place to bloody place?
5) Lol, think why don't you. Where you expecting Serious Sam? Wtf?
6) As is conventional in most games, you can climb a ladder and fire your gun at the same time. Oddly enough.
You've all been fooled. This guy's just trying to say as many stupid things as possible, if he was being provocative, he'd be a troll, but for now he's just pretending to be an idiot.
1. Where is the tutorial?
The help text that appears to the right of screen is the tutorial, if you want anything more buy Half-Life 2.

2. How do you enable Third-Person point of view?

3. I enabled my joystick to control movement and firing.
More LOL.

Why does Half Life s**k so bad?

And I'm still in the hole. So.....this is some kind of puzzle? Pretty f***ed up. I'm not looking to play frikin' MYST!

6. How do you holster your weapon? I mean, don't you need two hands to do certain things, like climb a ladder?

I don't care if he is a troll this post is full of Lol.
Half Life 2 - Episode One is the game I bought. Why? Price was right, at $20. Blubs said it was one of the highest rated games of all time, so how bad can it be? And it looked as if it might be a post-apocalyptic theme.


1. Where is the tutorial?

2. How do you enable Third-Person point of view?

3. I enabled my joystick to control movement and firing.

Why is movement so WEIRD? I've got a key mapped to "WALK" but it doesn't respond. All I can do is RUN with the joystick----it's more of a jerk forward or jerk back, really......I'm using the throttle on the joystick for forward/back.

4. Medal of Honor: Allied Assault had first-person point of view.....but it felt one million percent NATURAL.....moving was like riding on railroad tracks, you knew where you were going, and it was effortless. Why does Half Life s**k so bad?

5. Isn't this game a First-person shooter? So, why at the begining does it stick you inside a hole? The girl jumps out. I go to where she stood. I hit the "Jump" button, and take a TINY hop. And I'm still in the hole. So.....this is some kind of puzzle? Pretty f***ed up. I'm not looking to play frikin' MYST!

6. How do you holster your weapon? I mean, don't you need two hands to do certain things, like climb a ladder?

You must not be a big first person shooter fan hu? It not supposed to be a realistic game, if those are the type your looking for then hl isnt for you. plus, why in gods name would you use anything with a "throttle" for a FPS?
Like Ennui said why would you use a joystick anyway when a keyboard and mouse is efficent enough for a FPS.I personnally hate using joysticks for any pc game especially FPS.Learn how to use a keyboard and mouse for games.

2.You can't
3.Use a damn keyboard and mouse
4.Medal of Honour S@$$s not Half-Life
5.It is a FPS
6.You don't need to.Your weapon automaticlly aims at a target when you aim at it.
I hope the designers all spend eternity in HELL.

You must not be a big first person shooter fan hu? It not supposed to be a realistic game, if those are the type your looking for then hl isnt for you. plus, why in gods name would you use anything with a "throttle" for a FPS?

The Mechwarrior games are "First Person Shooters" but they allow you to choose ANY point of view! Most flight sims do the same. Many many many games offer a CHOICE. And at least ONE that locks you into First Person POV (Medal of Honor) feels one trillion perscent NATURAL...no "seasick" feeling or wobbling, or unpredictablility as to where you are.

This game throws you in an environment where you have to climb/jump over things, and avoid falling off things almost constantly...but you have to GUESS where you actually are???

I hope the designers all spend eternity in HELL.
This game throws you in an environment where you have to climb/jump over things, and avoid falling off things almost constantly...but you have to GUESS where you actually are???

I hope the designers all spend eternity in HELL.

I like to think of myself as someone who rarely flames people so forgive me if this sounds a bit amateurish but; Are you eight years old your just an idiot?
Actually playing Half-Life 2 before yelling the producers to go to hell because you've played the sequel would be a wise choise.
The Mechwarrior games are "First Person Shooters" but they allow you to choose ANY point of view! Most flight sims do the same. Many many many games offer a CHOICE. And at least ONE that locks you into First Person POV (Medal of Honor) feels one trillion perscent NATURAL...no "seasick" feeling or wobbling, or unpredictablility as to where you are.

Maybe HL has that feeling CUZ YOU USE A ****ING JOYSTICK TO PLAY IT!
Also, those games aren't realy First Person Shooters.

This game throws you in an environment where you have to climb/jump over things, and avoid falling off things almost constantly...but you have to GUESS where you actually are???

Lolz00rz. It's teh collapsing Citadel.

I hope the designers all spend eternity in HELL.

Some of the best desighners in the world should go to hel? Why?
AMENDMENTS: The box to Half Life 2: Episode One VERY EXPLICITLY states that you do NOT need to own the original game in order to play!!!!! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO.......NOTHING is "obvious" and after putting that on the box, NO NO NO NO NO NO you cannot reasonably assume a player "just knows" something.

Because IT'S A ****ING EXPANSION! What kind of idiot would buy a expansion(even a stand-alone one) before the actual game?

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault had an in-game tutorial, why not this game?

Because it's a expansion. Also, are you a MOH:AA fanboy or something?

You begin STUCK IN A GODDAM HOLE! You watch the girl climb out, logic suggests you follow her, which the game DELIBERATELY MAKES IMPOSSIBLE...the designers commentary track ADMITS ADMITS ADMITS that this was a ****ed up rotten choice, an immensely shitty thing to do to players...their excuse? "The girl is more athletic". HOW HOW HOW can you tell if your guy is fat and dumpy????? YOU CANNOT SEE YOUR GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you even know who the guy is? You don't have to see yourself to know who you are, now do you?

You're supposed to conclude that there is something to be shot away in order to escape.....except the game designers fixed it so that 99.999999999% of the time, the gun does ****ING NOTHING...it makes a sound, and does not fire.

1. It's not technicaly a gun.
2. It never technicaly fires.
3: Did you expect it to do something to every ****ing thing?!

A LOGICAL AND SMART PERSON is going to think...okay, the gun is NOT the solution to getting out!

Now, how would you know how a smart person thinks?

Yet.....it IS IS IS IS IS the way out!!!!! YOU could spend ****ing YEARS IN THAT HOLE as a smart person, but if you are a monkey who shoots randomly like a 12 year old....hey! the game rewards you and lets you out!

Ummm... No, if you are smart enough to figure out how realistic physics work, you'l get out pretty easily.


God, you are SUCH a immature ****er.

You turn on the commentary and you reach a new place where the girl is harassing you to go and get her a mine.
She says this over and over and over and over and over and over and over.....

She asks you to go and get a roller mine about one time in a minute. HOW LONG DID WAIT BEFORE GOING AND GETTING IT?!

Right after the commentary track has told you, smugly, that they fixed the game so that she WOULD NOT NAG!!!!




Then the commentary track says, "We wanted to create a puzzle with lots of small intermediary steps" and the guy goes on to describe the sequence of things to be solved to bring the girl the mine. The FIRST THING IN THE LIST is "open the door".

He doesn't tel you to open the door.

Well that is NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT the first thing! It is not even a thing you need to do. You go downstairs, retrieve a mine, bring it to the girl, she arms it, and the door ends up opening after she blows up the guards!!!!!!



Wow... see, I actually thought about calling him a retard first but thought that would be unjust. And it is. Retards would be offended.
Blubs said it was one of the highest rated games of all time, so how bad can it be?
Who is 'Blubs', and why take his word over a review average of 83%?
2. How do you enable Third-Person point of view?
5. Isn't this game a First-person shooter?
... but you just said... nevermind.
So.....this is some kind of puzzle? Pretty f***ed up.
Note to Valve: 'IQ above 50' should be added to system requirements.
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault had an in-game tutorial, why not this game?
Allied Assault is over half a decade old. People actually needed to be taught these things back then, not that any of what you allegedly learned has been retained.
A LOGICAL AND SMART PERSON is going to think...okay, the gun is NOT the solution to getting out!
The Association of Logical and Smart Persons (ALSP) phoned and decided to disassociate themselves from your statements.
I hope the designers all spend eternity in HELL.
They usually steer well clear of the steampowered forums, but you never quite know when a power-surge might trap you there permenantly.
Someone of his... Caliber should be shot.
I see what you did there :p
I didn't make that connection when I was writing it, I just wrote it and didn't think of any innuendos.
But now I get it.
Note to Valve: 'IQ above 50' should be added to system requirements.

"This game rated IQ50+"

They can provide a simple IQ test without changing too much on the packaging;
"Internet Connection needed."
"If you think the game will work without an internet connection despite reading the above, you will not make it through the first level of this game, even if you *do* have an internet connection."
"This game rated IQ50+"
You joke, but if there genuinely was psychological and intelligence testing on games, it'd probably be more effective at preventing Daily Mail baiting gun-crimes than the existing rating system :p
If this thread had been deleted earlier a lot of trouble, and hilarity, could've been bypassed.
Until then, shut up Buckwheat

I like to think of myself as someone who rarely flames people so forgive me if this sounds a bit amateurish but; Are you eight years old your just an idiot?

Definition of "idiot" and "eight years old"--- someone who cannot spell "you're" (or is too immature to care).

Grow a brain, then maybe you will have the right to criticize others.
Until then, shut up Buckwheat
Can't you READ?

Actually playing Half-Life 2 before yelling the producers to go to hell because you've played the sequel would be a wise choise.


Quote: "Half Life 2 not required: No other software needed to play"
You must be special. He's saying you don't understand HL2: E1 because you've never played HL2. It's got nothing to do with your game not working because you don't have HL2. He's right. FYI, HL series has the best and most well revealed storyline/plot of any FPS's. And it's pretty high up there for best storyline of any GAME too.
This is gonna be fun.

Half Life 2 - Episode One is the game I bought. Why? Price was right, at $20. Blubs said it was one of the highest rated games of all time, so how bad can it be? And it looked as if it might be a post-apocalyptic theme.


This is where my respect for you runs out.

1. Where is the tutorial?
There is none. This game is an expansion pack to another game, and all the basics are covered in it. This will also be addressed further on in the post.

2. How do you enable Third-Person point of view?
You can't, because there is none. This will also be addressed later on.

3. I enabled my joystick to control movement and firing.
Well, good for you.

Why is movement so WEIRD? I've got a key mapped to "WALK" but it doesn't respond. All I can do is RUN with the joystick----it's more of a jerk forward or jerk back, really......I'm using the throttle on the joystick for forward/back.
All I can think of is that you didn't do something right. This isn't a flight simulator, you know, maybe a joystick isn't gonna work too well for this game :|

4. Medal of Honor: Allied Assault had first-person point of view.....but it felt one million percent NATURAL.....moving was like riding on railroad tracks, you knew where you were going, and it was effortless. Why does Half Life s**k so bad?
Um... yay? So what, are you saying you like to be able to go around like you're on roller-skates?

Why does it suck so bad? You tell me, you're the one who seems to have a problem with it. I also like how you censored yourself, when you said suck. But not really.

5. Isn't this game a First-person shooter?
Yes. So why would you want a third-person view?

So, why at the begining does it stick you inside a hole? The girl jumps out. I go to where she stood. I hit the "Jump" button, and take a TINY hop. And I'm still in the hole. So.....this is some kind of puzzle? Pretty f***ed up. I'm not looking to play frikin' MYST!
The hole is part of what we like to call around here a scripted sequence. This game likes to use these as opposed to cutscenes, which actually have you in the POV of the character you are playing instead of having a third-person cutscene showing some random crap that might or might not have anything to do with you.

6. How do you holster your weapon? I mean, don't you need two hands to do certain things, like climb a ladder?
Ok...*rubs temples* if you can get up the ladder WITHOUT having to holster your weapon, WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO HOLSTER YOUR WEAPON?

AMENDMENTS: The box to Half Life 2: Episode One VERY EXPLICITLY states that you do NOT need to own the original game in order to play!!!!! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO.......NOTHING is "obvious" and after putting that on the box, NO NO NO NO NO NO you cannot reasonably assume a player "just knows" something.
Yes, how could the developers have assumed that you knew how to make you character walk.

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault had an in-game tutorial, why not this game?
Because medal of honor was made for brainless simpletons, most like.

You begin STUCK IN A GODDAM HOLE! You watch the girl climb out, logic suggests you follow her, which the game DELIBERATELY MAKES IMPOSSIBLE...the designers commentary track ADMITS ADMITS ADMITS that this was a ****ed up rotten choice, an immensely shitty thing to do to players...their excuse? "The girl is more athletic". HOW HOW HOW can you tell if your guy is fat and dumpy????? YOU CANNOT SEE YOUR GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, so, medal of honor you start out with a (crappy) movie that looks about fifty times better than the actual game and raises hopes (only to be dashed later on)which has jack shit to do with you or the game's progress, in which you have no control over anything whatsoever, except to be able TO SKIP IT. Meaning that it has absolutely no affect over the gameplay later on, thus the designers ADMIT ADMIT ADMIT that they stuck in an absolutely USELESS bunch of CRAP INTO THEIR GAME.

If you had any kind of interest in games at all besides "cheap" or "highest rated" you would have first- played some of the other half-life games (like, say, the one that the one you were playing is a part of) and by doing that, you would have known that the main character is a scientist who has had his muscles atrophied by being in stasis for ten years, and wearing fifty pounds of armor. You, most likely being a skinny nerd, could go into your brother's room and steal one of his dumbbells, and walk around with that to see what it's like.

You're supposed to conclude that there is something to be shot away in order to escape.....except the game designers fixed it so that 99.999999999% of the time, the gun does ****ING NOTHING...it makes a sound, and does not fire.
Again, you would know how to use the gun if A) you had played the other part of the game and B) you weren't a dumbass.

A LOGICAL AND SMART PERSON is going to think...okay, the gun is NOT the solution to getting out!
Tbh, a logical and smart person would have beaten the game by now.

Yet.....it IS IS IS IS IS the way out!!!!! YOU could spend ****ing YEARS IN THAT HOLE as a smart person, but if you are a monkey who shoots randomly like a 12 year old....hey! the game rewards you and lets you out!
If a randomly-shooting twelve year old can beat the game without a tutorial, why the hell do YOU need one?


You turn on the commentary and you reach a new place where the girl is harassing you to go and get her a mine.
She says this over and over and over and over and over and over and over.....

Right after the commentary track has told you, smugly, that they fixed the game so that she WOULD NOT NAG!!!!

well... why didn't you go and get her a mine?

Then the commentary track says, "We wanted to create a puzzle with lots of small intermediary steps" and the guy goes on to describe the sequence of things to be solved to bring the girl the mine. The FIRST THING IN THE LIST is "open the door".

Well that is NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT the first thing! It is not even a thing you need to do. You go downstairs, retrieve a mine, bring it to the girl, she arms it, and the door ends up opening after she blows up the guards!!!!!!
Maybe that was the problem that needed to be solved by getting a mine?

Wait, no, I'm sure it was the problem that needed to be solved by getting a mine.

Are you quite done? Good. Go die in a hole.
beatcat, I get the impression that the first few minutes of the game were agonizingly hard for you. Have you played other FPSs? If it only took a second or two to figure out how to get out of the initial hole (as I think is typically the case), the questions/responses are not ones of WTF!! or anger/despair. A lot of the Half Life games are physical puzzles like that and if these are a bit over the top, you may actually consider not playing the rest of the series. At the very least, I'd recommend starting with the original Half Life. (It's cheaper and won several GOTY awards, similar to the reason you apparently bought Episode I.) At the beginning of this game is an actual tutorial that walks you through jumping, shooting, ducking, etc. (which you'll actually find useful in other FPSs). You'll also be able to experience the entire storyline from start to, well, where it's at now, which is one of this game's strongest points. How far are you into Episode I now? We can give you pointers for the upcoming challenges (they don't get easier). If you're not interested in playing anymore, you came to the wrong place to voice these opinions, as I don't suspect you'll find much sympathy at a fan site for the game.

Quote: "Half Life 2 not required: No other software needed to play"

No shit, moron.
You still need to play the main game to understand it. :rolleyes:
Sounds to me like you just cant play games for shit...for a start you're using a Joystick, which is utterly retarded. For another you want a TP view in a first person shooter game :rolleyes:

Quote: "Half Life 2 not required: No other software needed to play"

Don't feed the troll, guys.

I thought he had genuine complaints, but now he's just trooolling.
Definition of "idiot" and "eight years old"--- someone who cannot spell "you're" (or is too immature to care).

Grow a brain, then maybe you will have the right to criticize others.
Until then, shut up Buckwheat

Oh now this is rich...


I bow to your grammar skills.
I laughed.

And then I closed the thread.
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