where the hell can i get a x800 xt pe?


Jul 1, 2004
Reaction score
so, where the hell can i get a x800 xt pe?
should i order from ati.com, or what?
thank you all.
that site linked by blahblahah has a bios guide, what will i want to do in bios once i make my new computer?(within a month)
i do not know any thing about bios.
how do i even get into it?
barnacle said:
thank you all.
that site linked by blahblahah has a bios guide, what will i want to do in bios once i make my new computer?(within a month)
i do not know any thing about bios.
how do i even get into it?

Your motherboard manual should have all you need to know about your bios. Most bios's are fairly automatic, you almost never have to change any settings in them.

The best way to learn about your bios like I said above is to read your motherboard manual and take a look in the bios yourself. There a bunch of options you can change, but 99.99999% of the time you never have to mess with them. No need to create additional confusion about stuff you will never have to mess with.
i read the one customer review(on newegg) about the mother board i am buying from newegg.
He said something about the mobo manual not specifying how to work it with only on SATA drive, he said you gotta go in to the BIOS and change it.Look for yourself.


in that bios manual on the site you linked they said stuff about fast booting onto your computer, is that controlled in the mobo bios, or what. how do i open the bios for all that different stuff?