Where the...?

Dec 12, 2005
Reaction score
Look at this map that I've circled some locations on.


1. What is that? Possible resistance movement? Or maybe they are planning to move Lighthouse point?

2. Is this possibly the bridge you jump by the shipyards with the huge magnet (which is a shitload of fun :D)

3. What is this? Possible easter egg? I think so... Seems likely. If the black lines are roads (I'm sure they are) then on your way from the shore base you are presented with a fork in the road... Left, easter egg. Right, Odessa and you go on with the game.

Any thoughts?
1. It's the base where you get the bugbait and taught how to use it, before you attack Nova Prospekt
2. That's the train bridge I think.
3. I think that respresents a confirmed break in the road? i'm not sure.
I just noticed something, there is a thread about the stylic lambda logo and a blocky one, look at the lighthouse point lambda and the others, they're different...
Sam-2k said:
1. It's the base where you get the bugbait and taught how to use it, before you attack Nova Prospekt
2. Possibly, I'm not sure
3. I think that respresents a confirmed break in the road? i'm not sure.
2. Seeing as it's the biggest bridge (or indeed the only one marked on the map) this would indicated it is the absolutely humongous bridge you cross with the trains going across on top?
3. I think that's the point where there are indeed two ways in the road and one just leads to nowhere. The X possibly marks "This road out" so as to avoid rebels trying to use it as an escape route only to be trapped.
And about the lambda logos, they've been handwritten on the map, okay? It means nothing that they're different.
Compare it to this map, originally posted in the "map of where GF travelled" thread.
AJ Rimmer said:
2. Seeing as it's the biggest bridge (or indeed the only one marked on the map) this would indicated it is the absolutely humongous bridge you cross with the trains going across on top?
3. I think that's the point where there are indeed two ways in the road and one just leads to nowhere. The X possibly marks "This road out" so as to avoid rebels trying to use it as an escape route only to be trapped.
And about the lambda logos, they've been handwritten on the map, okay? It means nothing that they're different.

Yeah I realised shortly after I posted so edited it lol.
I'm going to play through it now in Gmod and see if i can at least figure out the red X on the road
Maybe there's a hidden room down there... containing a Vortiguant and an antlion playing Cluedo.

"It was... the Freeman, in the... Citadel, with the gravity gun. Am I right?"

I'm tired, sorry.
I think the X on (3) indicates that the road is now inaccessable. It is after all impossible to get at.

edit: Oooh... interesting question: If we take Valve's words literally, and assume it hasn't since been edited to a vastly different shape, does Lost Coast fit on the Highway 17 / Sandtraps map?
kupoartist said:
I think the X on (3) indicates that the road is now inaccessable. It is after all impossible to get at.

edit: Oooh... interesting question: If we take Valve's words literally, and assume it hasn't since been edited to a vastly different shape, does Lost Coast fit on the Highway 17 / Sandtraps map?

That's a very good point. It would certainly make sense... interesting...
I think whatever map it would've been was redesigned for the HDR demo.
kupoartist said:
I think the X on (3) indicates that the road is now inaccessable. It is after all impossible to get at.

edit: Oooh... interesting question: If we take Valve's words literally, and assume it hasn't since been edited to a vastly different shape, does Lost Coast fit on the Highway 17 / Sandtraps map?
I wondered that myself but there's no room for it.
No, i think that the Lost Coast town would have fit perfectly in the little cove by the huge bridge by 2... In the demo, it's a town set on a cliffy shore with a combine base in a monastary with lots of islands around.. That cove is the right shape, size, number of islands, and has an island the right shape for the base...

Also I think if there is a huge structure like a bridge nearby with such a strong Combine presense, noone from the rebellion would have wanted to go near to look for survivors.
Doesn't seem to fit to me(from putting screenshots over the map, at the correct scale)
Got it.


That's a no-clip screenshot i took in LC of a bird eye view, I had to (poorley) photoshop the water but the coast and roads perfectly match.
losermeetsworld said:
Got it.


That's a no-clip screenshot i took in LC of a bird eye view, I had to (poorley) photoshop the water but the coast and roads perfectly match.
If that's the case, it's more "remade coast" than "lost coast", because there is already an area at that point of the map. However, i'm willing to believe that they had the headcrab cannon encounter perched upon that cliff in that area. Raising the Bar:
The headcrab canisters are an element that originally had a larger part in the story of Half-Life 2. The plan was that you would eventually arrive at the large artillery piece that the Combine used to launch the canisters.
If the monastary and accompanying launching system was originally in an area like that suggested, it would be necessary to delete and rework the area away from the monastry when they took it out of context (and transported the area to wherever St Olga is).
losermeetsworld said:
Got it.


That's a no-clip screenshot i took in LC of a bird eye view, I had to (poorley) photoshop the water but the coast and roads perfectly match.
Well done, I was strying to put it in the completely wrong place.
If I remember correctly... In that area, where Lost Coast is... That's the tunnel with all the zombies? So maybe Valve outsmarted us and we went UNDER Lost Coast.
losermeetsworld said:
If I remember correctly... In that area, where Lost Coast is... That's the tunnel with all the zombies? So maybe Valve outsmarted us and we went UNDER Lost Coast.

Nah, the tunnel with zombies is the start of Sandtraps which is after the big train bridge IIRC.
If that map is correct then Lost Coast is in actual fact the area after the dock with the crane and before the long bridge. Which means it is on top of an area we were already on.
Ah... Nevermind.... Well, I dunno, I don't think Valve really intended anyone to actually try and find it, or else they definitly would have given it it's own area.. I'm going to play through the levels again, keeping an eye on the distant coastlines. Who know? Might see something new.
The approach to the presumed Lost Coast area is where you first encounter the Rollermines. You then drive into an area where there is an explosion and you fight combine soldiers (there was a E32004 video in this area. You go into the house and more combine magically spawn and start closing in on your position). After this, you move on till you come to a roadblock. On a small mound you find your first crossbow. There is a small bridge with a forcefield and a petrol station.

Hope that helps people pinpoint where Lost Coast may have been. TBH though, I don't think we can say for certain that this is where LC would have been. The geography of LC is too simple for that.
But in LC, isn't it Ravenholm that you're supposed to see getting shelled? Wouldn't that mean LC was omitted from the very beginning of the coast section?
Well it does seem to fit mapwise, but maybe they're trying to shell Ravenholm more?
okidoki said:
But in LC, isn't it Ravenholm that you're supposed to see getting shelled? Wouldn't that mean LC was omitted from the very beginning of the coast section?
The town is called Saint Olga.
when you spawn in lost coast, look behind you and you see the big busted-up boat? That's how you were supposed to get out there. The commentary mentions that that ship was going to be used in a puzzle involing Gordon and the fisherman... a puzzle so we'd be occupied while the ship left the docks to reach the St. Olga?