Where were you and what were you doing on 9-11

I came back from school, was talking on msn for a while untill a friend told me to switch the tv to cnn. I stood there with my mom and dad watching it, with our mouth's open.. so unreal..
I was sleeping when i woke up to go to school and i turned on the news and was like wow is this a joke
Well i was coming back from the dentist, and we heard something on the radio, then our radio stopped working (?), so we forgot since we only heard liek 2 or 3 seconds of it. Anyway so at school we were having "recess" and then they told u to come inside and they told us. Well honestly i didn't really give a crap since i was only 9 and i didn't care much about things. But i was obviously wrong not to care. So i went back home and my dad who works for th IMF (which is now in code orange), wow it was really bad. Hmm and do u guys know the trick with the 20 dollar bill that if u fold it one way you see WTC in flames and if u fold it another way it shows the pentagon in flames? Now that is scary. just search it in google or something.
I'm a computer engineer, I was doing some work for a large accounting company where I work here in the UK.

The MD of the company runs into the server room where I'm working and says "John, you gotta see this - someone just crashed a plane into the WTC in NY". So he takes me into the conference room where everyones just sitting watching the large telly, gob smacked, crying and screaming!

The rest is history!

I can remember watching it at the time and it was almost 'TOO' real to believe...like, "yeah this is a clip from Die hard 4 and someones having a laugh with me"

Bloody awful day which I will never forget - god rest the souls of those who lost their lives!
I woke up and heard about it on the radio.

It took me a few minutes to completely fathom it.
I was in school. I showed up early for my science class and my teacher and one of my classmates were wondering whether of not the rumor of the Trade Center being attacked was true or not. There was no TV channels, so all we had was some Internet sites.

I didn't think much of it at the time. I had no idea that history was happening.

I got scared when I got home because it hit me that my parents were on a trip in NY city.

It turns out that my mom was asleep in the hotel during the attacks and my dad was downtown at a conference meeting with one of his clients.

They were both fine, but it took them a while to get back into Canada.